
Marvel: From the Start, I Am Immortal

Fourteen-year-old Su Chen yearns for an ordinary life, but his extraordinary nature makes it impossible. Born with an immortal body and genes that constantly mutate and evolve in response to any external stimuli, Su Chen is a being of immense potential. His cells are so active that even if reduced to a single cell, he can rapidly regenerate, making him virtually indestructible. Moreover, his genes develop countermeasures against any form of attack, ensuring he cannot be harmed the same way twice. To manage and understand his ever-expanding array of abilities, Su Chen devises a system to summarize his capabilities. He comes to realize that over time, he will become omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, an existence in this world referred to as 'OAA' ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was merely translating this. Note: This book is translation of Chinese novel and with minor change so novel can be readable and interesting. Check out my ko-fi for more advanced chapters at ko-fi.com/anime_kingdom

Anime_Kingdom_2672 · ภาพยนตร์
106 Chs

Chapter 78

With those words, David's innocent expression twisted into something sinister, signaling a shift in his personality. His darker alter ego, Gorr, took over.

As Gorr inhaled, the souls and consciousnesses of the dead around him transformed into wisps of smoke, absorbed into his body. This was one of David Charles Haller's abilities: the power to assimilate other people's consciousness and abilities, creating new abilities within him. Even without this assimilation, David's mind would naturally spawn new personalities, each with its own unique power.

This meant that David continuously gained new superpowers, without any limit.

Facing him was Su Chen, a being of infinite evolution, constantly transforming and adapting. It was a clash of limitless evolution against infinite abilities.

"Die!" David snarled, launching the first attack.

The ground cracked open, transforming into a mass of mud. The nearby river surged, sending streams of water hurtling towards Su Chen. The natural elements became weapons in David's hands.

Amidst the chaos, Su Chen remained calm, his cold eyes locked onto David. He could sense the elemental disturbances in the atmosphere. Instantly, he absorbed and converted the elemental energy into pure power, collapsing the water and mud back into their inert states.

With a flick of his finger, Su Chen released the accumulated energy as a concentrated beam, piercing through a blurred afterimage.

David reappeared beside Su Chen, smirking, his hand poised to strike. "Too slow," Su Chen said, effortlessly catching David's wrist. With a sickening crunch, he crushed David's wrist like it was made of clay, then flung him away.

David's body skidded across the asphalt, smashing through several buildings. He laughed maniacally, emerging from the rubble as a twisted, monstrous figure. His broken limbs and dislocated head realigned with a series of cracks, healing rapidly.

"Well done. No wonder you could challenge the old man," David remarked, satisfied.

He whispered to himself, "Wake up, everyone. Meet our new family member." His aura intensified, surrounded by demonic souls, their twisted faces sneering at Su Chen. David intended to kill Su Chen and absorb his soul and consciousness.

"Die!" David launched a barrage of attacks. An enormous flaming meteor appeared in the sky, the ground trembled, windstorms transformed into deadly blades, and a torrent of ultrasonic waves and psychic assaults followed.

David's onslaught was relentless. His myriad abilities, all at once, created a maelstrom of destruction. He was a one-man army, the embodiment of Legion.

Su Chen, engulfed by the barrage, remained composed. He absorbed the elemental energy, converting it into strength. His body continually adapted to the onslaught, generating new resistances and defenses.

With a mighty mental blast, Su Chen shattered the incoming meteor, the debris raining down like fireworks. He navigated through the chaos, his genes evolving to counter the attacks.

As David used his Omega-level reality-warping abilities, attempting to alter the odds of hitting Su Chen, it became clear he had underestimated Su Chen's capabilities. Su Chen's fist connected with David's face, shattering it like a melon.

David, laughing darkly, used another Omega-level ability, "Damage Transfer," shifting the fatal injury to a nearby stray dog, which exploded instantly.

"Let's see who's stronger. Obey me, and join our legion," David taunted.

The battle between the infinite evolution of Su Chen and the limitless abilities of David raged on, each combatant pushing the other to their ultimate limits.

Check out my ko-fi for more advanced chapters at ko-fi.com/anime_kingdom