
Marvel Fanfic: Daemon’s story

Overpowered MC, Daemon. And a leveling up MC, Ray. There are two MCs, both transmigrate into the marvel universe. Daemons personality is all over the place, playful yet intense, short tempered yet in control. He has not a strand of conscience nor kindness in his bones. Ray, in comparison to Daemon is a Ray of sunshine. However that warmth could be a mask at times. He’s usually stoic and cool headed. He’s not indiscriminately cruel like Daemon, but if he needs to, then yes he can kill.

Ema232001 · ภาพยนตร์
17 Chs

Chapter 11

Alissa sighed for the umpteenth time in less than 10 minutes.

It took her a solid 30 minutes to clean up his wounds and care for them. Once she finished, she packed up the things she had used. Also remembering to put his old and bloody clothes into a plastic bag.

" I'm gonna head home now." Alissa softly spoke, still worried but holding it in.

" I'll walk you home." Ray shrugged on a t-shirt as he followed her out the garage.

" You should be resting right now." Alissa glanced at him, taking up a slow pace in consideration of Ray.

" It's fine, this is more important than sleep." Rays eyes bent, twinkling in gratitude.

As usual, Ray spoke words that caused Alissa's heart to misunderstand. She brushed aside her beat skipping heart and picked up her pace.

" Lets go, it's getting cold." She patted her goosebump riddled arms.

Though that didn't matter, since Ray's casual strides were more than enough to keep up with her short tread.

Ray stayed silent as they walked, throwing a glance at Alissa every other second.

" Stop staring a hole through my head. What do you want?" Alissa rolled her eyes and grumbled at him.

" ... Just wondering why you're keeping quiet?"

Alissa was the type to talk a lot when she was excited or nervous. This worked well with Ray's personality, that preferred to listen than talk. It became awkward when both of them settled in a heavily weighing silence.

" I'm keeping my mouth shut so that I don't bombard you with questions I know you won't answer."

Having no refute, Ray cleared his throat uncomfortably.

" See. I know you'll stay silent or come up with a white lie if I continue to pester you."

" That's not..." Ray hesitated as they stopped in front of her house.

Alissa spun around to face him. " That's how it's always been. When something's bothering you, you never let anyone, including me, help you."

Ray was extremely torn right now. Adding all the years he lived, in both of his lives, he's well past the stage in his life of confiding in others. Not to mention, he had no family to rely on in his first life.

He's an adult. He would feel ashamed to ask a child for help.

" You've always helped me with my problems, but sometimes I want to be there for you too, Ray jay." Alissa's lips pouted as her eyes teared up.

" Ally, I'm sorry. Though I may not confide in you, your mere presence has helped me so much in the past and even now." Ray reached out to pat her head, to comfort her, as she started to sniffle. " And thank you, for today."

Alissa stepped forward to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him in gently for a hug.

" What are you talking about? I'm the one who would've went crazy without your help." She mumbled into his shoulder.

" Ally, you would have been fine with or without me."

" Maybe, maybe not. But I'm glad to have you in my life."

" ...Me too, Ally, me too."

Ray whispered, brushing Alissa's long dark red hair to the side, as leaned he into her neck. His eye lids fluttered down as Alissa's warmth comforted his heart and healed the darkness in his heart that had built up from all the fighting and killing.

The already dark and chilly night became darker, eerily serene.

Ray felt something in the air shift, change. He felt... caged all the sudden.

A dark and charmingly youthful deep voice echoed out near them.

" Cute and all but mind finishing up now, love birds? I have some business with you Ray." Daemon clapped his hands, trying to rush them.

Ray snapped open his eyes, his body tense and alert, ready for a possible threat.

Ray pushed Alissa even further into his embrace, when she curiously wanted to turn around, hurting his ribs.

" You-! What do you want?" Ray recognized Daemon after a moment. He instantly became weary, thinking the mutant would black mail him with what happened that night months ago.

" Well, if you're asking what I want~ then I'd have to say some cold beer and chicken legs would do perfectly right now~" Daemon licked his lips, reminiscent of the last world he was in, their alcohol ranked number one in Daemon's heart. Especially that jar of Dwarvin Fire Iced alcohol, that one of his disciplines gifted him.

' Better take care of this fucker quickly, then I can laze around.' Daemon tsked, thinking inwardly, ready for a full dive of a NEET shut in life. A dream so close yet so far.

" Huh?" Ray's face scrunched up in confusion. Whenever this mutant spoke, Ray was left bewildered.

" Hm. Anyway, send this kitten along so we can talk." Daemon sighed before pointing at Alissa and making a shooing gesture.

" Hold up, what's going on?" Alissa spoke up as she felt the heavy pressure in the air lessen a bit with Daemons careless laziness.

Alissa was finally was able to push herself out of Rays smothering hug.

" Who's-" Alissa turned toward Damon, wanting to see who made Ray tense and hostile.

Damon was in casual business wear, as usual. Nicely fitting beige dress pants and a red and beige striped suit jacket. His white v-neck shirt showed his packed slim muscles underneath.

Deep, shrewdly shining dark eyes and luscious dirty blonde locks that danced in the wind. And an ever represent, devilish smirk constantly resting on his thin lips. A beautifully tempting creature.

But Alissa didn't see any of that. Nor did she react as a typical teenage young lady would.

Instead, she screamed.

She screamed in pain, as her knees buckled underneath her. Her hands instinctively wrapped around her head, desperately wishing to create a protective barrier around her mind.

Ray instantly caught, pulling her close.

" Al?! Ally??? Ally!!! Alissa!" Rays calls for her were drowned in her anguished screams.

She couldn't stop.

She sobbed and sobbed as she clutched and tore Rays shirt in effort of not losing her sanity. She started hyperventilating as she tried to breathe. Her body couldn't focus on its supposedly automatic physical functions. It was too busy shielding her mind.

When it became too much, her body started started convulsing, shaking violently; forcing Ray to tightly wrap his arms around her.

" What did you do?!" Ray growled at Daemon.

" Uh... Well?... You know, for the first time I actually didn't do anything."

Daemon blinked innocently. He shrugged, leisurely, staring down at them. He looked at her in curiosity as he pondered on what just happened.

[ Alert! Hosts mental barrier has been breached! Foreign energy found-...tracking- one meter away!]

Agonist, Daemon's system, alerted him mentally.

" Hmm? Oh, how interesting. She actually breached my mental barrier. Huh, first time for everything, I guess."

" What are yo- she used her powers on you? But she's never had this type of reaction!" Ray mumbled to himself.

" What the fuck did you do?! Fix it!" Ray grunted as he held Alissa, who now had her eyes rolling back, even tighter.

" Hmm~ Sure."

Daemon snapped his fingers.

The shadows underneath Daemon sprung up and lunged towards Ray and Alissa.

Before Ray even had a moment to flinch, Alissa's body had disappeared from his arms.

'It seems she saw my past or something... Then, I have to kill her.'

Too much drama?

Ema232001creators' thoughts