
Marvel Fanfic: Daemon’s story

Overpowered MC, Daemon. And a leveling up MC, Ray. There are two MCs, both transmigrate into the marvel universe. Daemons personality is all over the place, playful yet intense, short tempered yet in control. He has not a strand of conscience nor kindness in his bones. Ray, in comparison to Daemon is a Ray of sunshine. However that warmth could be a mask at times. He’s usually stoic and cool headed. He’s not indiscriminately cruel like Daemon, but if he needs to, then yes he can kill.

Ema232001 · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 12


" What the fuck did you do?! Fix it!" Ray grunted as he held Alissa, who now had her eyes rolling back, even tighter.

" Hmm~ Sure."

Daemon snapped his fingers.

The shadows underneath Daemon sprung up and lunged towards Ray and Alissa.

Before Ray even had a moment to flinch, Alissa's body had disappeared from his arms.

'It seems she saw my mind or something... Then, I have to kill her.'


" Ally?!" Ray stared at his empty hands in shock.

His eyes snapped to the culprit.

Ray lunged at Daemon, intending to grab him by his collar.

Daemon leaned to the side, dodging Rays anger clutches.

" You fucking bastard! Bring her back!"

" If you want something you have to work for it, child~" Daemon sang as he avoided swing after swing.

" Then I'll beat it out of you!"

" What's with the overreaction? I thought you'd be more cold hearted, you know considering all the people you've killed so far." Daemon ducked down as he spoke his thoughts out loud when Rays left leg did a high kick.

Ray swirled on his feet to deliver another kick straight to Daemons face.

Daemon's arm shot up, catching Rays ankle in an iron lock.

" Is she that special to you? Why?" Daemon tilted his head, curiosity written on his face.

" Give her back to me!" Ray growled as he dropped his body, hands holding him up as his other leg swung at Daemon.

Daemon stepped back.

" That's not fair. Why do you get someone special... when I ... I lost her..." Daemon mumbled, shaking his head, his mind felt jumbled up. " Ugh-" A stinging sensation drifted through his mind for a second.

" What?... Who am I talking about?..." Daemon froze up. " Something... somethings wrong... but what?"

Ray ignored the incoherent mumbles coming out of Daemons mouth. He continued to tire himself out without ever getting a decent hit on Daemon. He couldn't give up. He needed to get her back!


Rays wrathful fist created wind as it shot directly to Daemons nose, hoping to cause damage.

" I'm busy thinking. Wait." Daemon growled as he caught Rays hand, inches away from his face.

" Where is she?!" Ray growled back in full anger.

" Resting. Now shut up." Daemon used Rays fist to pull him forward. He then turned pulling Ray along and flung him across the street.

" Crash!"

Ray rolled on the pavement, slam landing on against a tree trunk. " Agk!" His initially fractured ribs now broken.

" Agonist!" Daemon turned away from Ray and called out his system.

His system had disappeared along side Alissa. As it was still beside that girl, it mentally communicated with Daemon.

[ Yes, host?]

" Scan me."

[ You don't seem injured?]

Agonist would have instantly received a notification if Daemon was injured. It had placed many independent alarms around Daemon, as a precautionary measure just in case of something happening.

" My soul."

[ Okay, one second. Soul inspection initiated. Expect report in 5 minutes.]

" Ugh-" Ray grunted in pain as he pushed himself back up. His shoulder had dislocated as it took the brute force of the fall. His skin became all scratched up from his rolling on the pavement road.

Daemon, not even sparing Ray a glance, raised his hand to command his shadows to hold down Ray.

[ Inspection complete. No abnormalities detected.] Agonist reported.

" Agonist. You either don't have access to what my previous system partners did or you think I'm a fucking idiot."

Daemon clenched his fists. He didn't even notice that his head got messed with. These fucking systems! And they wonder why he rebels against them so much.

[ What? I don't und-]

Daemon cut off their mental connection.

Daemon walked towards the growling Ray. Ray was making his injuries worse with all his frantic struggles against the shadows tying him down.

" Hey, kid. I'll be back later after I deal with that red head of yours."

" Don't you dare lay a hand on her!"

" I'm gonna have to, kinda need to check her brain out." Daemon bent down on one knee, leaning towards Rays face on the ground. " You see, she saw something in my mind, something I forgot and can no longer access on my own. I need her right now."

" You don't have to kidnap her! Ever heard of asking for help politely!"

" I'm pretty sure no one would agree if it caused them tremendous pain."

" Of course not!" Ray snarled.

" Then it's a good thing I'm not asking. Your opinion is irrelevant."

Daemon stood back up, dusting off his knees. A small portal opened beneath his feet.

" If you want her back that much, then find me. If you do so, I'll return her without a fight. Scouts honor." Daemon smirked, as if he was ever a boy scout.

" I'll find you!"

Ray declared just before Daemon disappeared.

Hmm, not quite what I imagined but it turned out this way. Any suggestions?

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