
Marvel Fanfic: Daemon’s story

Overpowered MC, Daemon. And a leveling up MC, Ray. There are two MCs, both transmigrate into the marvel universe. Daemons personality is all over the place, playful yet intense, short tempered yet in control. He has not a strand of conscience nor kindness in his bones. Ray, in comparison to Daemon is a Ray of sunshine. However that warmth could be a mask at times. He’s usually stoic and cool headed. He’s not indiscriminately cruel like Daemon, but if he needs to, then yes he can kill.

Ema232001 · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

Ray tightened the choke hold he had on the thugs neck.

" Guhk!"

The thug continued to frantically ram his elbow into the right side of Ray's ribs, desperately needing air to fill his lungs.

Ray grunted in slight pain as he decided to put more strength in his arms, making the mid ranked gangster pass out.

Ray let the unconscious man tumble down on the gravel as he caught his breath. Ray wiped the sweat off his brow and lowered his mask a bit below his nose.

His system took the momentary calm as a chance to speak up. Its robotic voice rung within Rays mind as a small blue screen, visible to only Ray, appeared in front of him.

[ Cobalt Vipers Gang defeated.

115 gang members defeated, 5 killed.

Total experience points earned: 225

Bonus! Stat +1 ]

It reported the results and rewards in the dullest unisex voice Ray ever heard. It remained completely stoic and negligent whenever Ray showed the slightest hint of communication. It was technologically advanced, highly so, yet lacked a personality.

Ray crossed his arms for a moment to think about his earnings. The weakest of the gang gave him 1-3 points, his reward points increased as the rank of the thugs rose. The boss gave Ray a whole whopping 15 points on his own. That was more than what the gang boss of the town over gave Ray.

Over the past couple months, Ray had taken up vigilante activities as a hobby. It was a month or so after he killed for the first time, and so many at in the same night. Ray wanted to get stronger. He wanted to protect his family, so that they were to be never threatened again. He felt rushed to gain more points, quickly.

There were only two ways that he knew of, to get experience points; winning in a bet and defeating ( not necessarily killing) others.

Training at the police academy did earn him experience points. Taking first place in written and physical assessments, as well as playful bets with classmates, earns him about a 100 experience points a month. But it wasn't enough.

Rays appetite matched his ambition for power. He was thirsty for more.

Months ago, he had wandered the night city lost in his thoughts before getting jumped by a couple thugs. Once he dealt with them, and his system awarded him for defeating them, Ray realized he had found a solution.

Since that day, he would roam the streets of the night life in L.A.

Usually it was only street thugs and low ranked gangsters. It was only recently that he ventured out to take on the core members and bosses of said gangs.

Ray felt like he made the right choice, going after the top dogs. It finally allowed his stagnant level to move. He was currently at level 19, and hungry for more. But not tonight. Or the next couple days, as a matter of fact.

His body was injured and fatigued from overworking its self. Even his useful high stamina couldn't help at the moment.

Police academy from early morning until the afternoon, followed by his own physical training; then occupied with experimenting, future planning and dabbling in stocks. Then hours spent patrolling into the night. He barely slept two to three hours every other day.

Ray tiredly shuffled towards the exit of the warehouse he was in. This large warehouse had housed the Cobalt Vipers gang, including their boss. Those thugs were currently sprawled across the ground, unconscious. The direct subordinates of the boss and their leader were dead.

The rest of the gang would soon become disorganized. They would scatter like headless chickens to avoid being targeted by neighboring hostile Gangs.

Ray going around saving citizens and defeating thugs painted him in a heroic light, but he never thought of himself as a hero. Ray was a murderer, he knew this fact fully well and he didn't think he had the right to use the label 'hero'.

His system was neither for justice nor against it. Ray could have became a villain, to gather points even quicker by defeating current or potential heroes along with thugs. However, neither he did wish to identify as a villain.

Simply because of one notion. The heroes always won, while the villains are defeated. This was especially true for this marvel universe and the future he knew would come.

So why would he put himself in such a dark path?

He simply followed a code.

He wouldn't indiscriminately kill.

A killer when necessary, but sill desires to be a 'decent' human.

Ray looked over his shoulder as he was leaving at the hundred or so thugs alive. All of them bruised black and blue, broken bones, perhaps a few paralyzed; but somewhat breathing.

Did they really matter? They'll become part of another gang.

They would fight all over again tomorrow. He ticks his tongue.

" See you bastards next time." He says while kicking one of the thugs.

Ray jumped from building to building to avoid the CCTV cameras down below as he made his way home.

With his silent steps and dark clothing, the night hugged him as one of its own.

Though his sight had become enhanced from leveling up, he almost tripped a few times as his head started to pound, throbbing in pain and from lack of blood. His leg was injured by a stray bullet deeply grazing the side of his right thigh.

The moon took pity on him, shining a dim light in his path. Ray stumbled to his backyard, he couldn't enter the house bloody. From experience he now left clothing and water in the garage.

As he made his way through the back yard as quietly as he could, his phone buzzed.

Ray stopped for a second, standing still as he reached to his jackets inner pocket to grab his phone.

Alissa was calling. This late...? Could she be having a panic attack again?!

Ray hurriedly answered. " Hello?"

" Rayjay!"

Ray's nerves calmed down as he heard her soft voice.

" Yeah, what's up?" Ray muttered as walked over to the garage and opened the door.

" Stay right there!" Alissa shouted before she yelped as Ray heard a large thud.

" You okay?" Ray chuckled as her typical clumsiness.

" Just peachy." Alissa groaned in pain. " And I should be asking you, if you're okay!" She objected in disbelief.

" What?" Ray eyebrows scrunched up.

" You're frickin limping! I'm almost there, stay put!" She whisper shouted before hanging up.

"Damn..." Ray heavily sighed as his hand ran through his damp hair in frustration. She must have spotted him as he walked through the alley.

His brain quickly brewed up scenarios and plausible excuses to use, his brain coming up blank more than once. He didn't want to lie to her, especially to his Ally.

" System! Any invisibility or healing spells? System~?" Ray groaned as he was ignored by his stoic system.

Less than five minutes later, Alissa jogged towards him. She huffed for air before stopping right in front of Ray.

" Ally..." Ray hesitantly started nervously.

Alissa rolled her eyes at him and grabbed his hand. She pulled him into the garage, closing the door after them.

She tugged Ray to a couch and pushed him to sit.

" Wait-" Ray held her hand that was pushing down on his shoulder.

" Sit. We'll talk later." She frowned, and stated with a stern voice.

By the time Ray reluctantly sat, Alissa had found the clothing and first aid kit he placed in the corner earlier today.

Alissa brought them over, placing them on the couch.

" Strip." Alissa nonchalantly commanded as she took out bandages and other supplies out of the white box.

" At least take me out to dinner." Ray raised an eyebrow as he tried to easy the mood.

" Already did, plenty of times." Alissa rolled her eyes. " Now, change into these." She shoved a pair of shorts in his face before turning her back to him. She crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently.

" No shirt?" Ray mumbled as he changed, while minding his injuries.

" No. Done yet?" She curtly answered, worry underlined her rude tone as she heard him hiss in pain when taking his shirt off.

" Yeah." He exhaled through his nose.

Alissa spun around and started to physically fuss over his injuries. Other than constant sighs and ineligible grumbling escaping her lips, she didn't interrogate him nor say anything else, easing Ray's nerves.

She cleaned the random cuts and put bandaids over them.

Though these small cuts and bruises would be healed naturally by his enhanced immune system in a couple hours, Ray stayed silent; enjoying the warmth of having someone care and worry for him. Something he didn't have much of in his first life.

Ray let out a pained hiss as Alissa touched his swollen rib cage.

" It's fractured, I think." Alissa scrunched her eyebrows in worry. " Let's go to the hospital. You need an x-Ray." She looked up at Ray with pleading eyes.

" No." Ray stated adamantly, shaking his. " You're enough."

Alissa didn't know weather to be touched or angry at him. She was in the nursing program, but not a doctor, god damn it.

The corner of her lips twitched as she applied an ointment on the now turning dark purple bruise, and then carefully wrapped a white bandage around Rays waist.

Ray looked down at her softly, with adoration as she remained focused on her task. He felt luck he could have so many dear ones in his second life.

Alissa stepped back, clearing her throat. " Now let's see why were you limping?" She then muttered to herself as she inspected his legs.

Once spotting the small pool of blood seeping through his dark shorts on his thigh, she gasped.

" You should of told me about this cut first!"

" Forgot, sorry." Ray blinked, surprised as well that he, himself, forgot about the stinging pain in his leg.

She rolled up the shorts and shouted, " ...Bullet graze?!" Her eyes shot to Rays, anxiety and apprehension swirling in her large hazel green eyes.

Ray simply averted his gaze from her inquisitive eyes.

She exhaled, giving up for now, knowing how hard it would be to drag an answer out of her silently stubborn childhood friend. He was the type to suffer in silence without ever asking nor even accepting help from anyone