
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

ch 6

   Ahsoka ignored carls protest about leaving and ran up to Rex with Carl trailing behind her trying to figure out what to do, seeing and feeling all the clones shift in emotion. " Rex, it's anakin. I feel like something terrible  has happened." Ahsoka states to commander Rex. Carl can see the internal struggle Rex is having over the control chip in his brain as Rex drops his helmet onto the ground. "Rex?" Ahsoka asked in worry. 

  All the clones then raise their blaster rifles and pointed them at Ahsoka and Carl. Carls internally cursing at the predicament he's in right now. "NO" Rex called out before the other clones could make a move. "I'll do it" he said as he turns to look at Ahsoka and put his hand on his blaster. 

"Rex? What's happening?" Ahsoka asked taking a step forward. 

 Rex quickly drew his side arms and pointed them at Ahsoka and Carl. ' Damn I guess cause they found the holocron I'm assumed Jedi' Carl thought to himself as he slowly move closer to Ahsoka and got ready to use the force. 

 "Stay back" Rex said as he was visibly struggling against the control chip. Ahsoka raised her hand in a calming down motion. "..find him.. fives…. FIND HIM FIVES." He then starts shooting at both Carl and Ahsoka. 

Carl ducked the shots while Ahsoka ducked foreword tackling Rex to the console table putting him in a daze. The other clones started to fire on the both of them. Carl ducked and weaved through the shots thanks to the force. Ahsoka deflecting the shots back onto them. When all the clones were down Carl used the force to grab a blaster rifle from a fallen trooper setting it to stun, 'I don't think Ahsoka would appreciate killing clones right now.' 

   Ahsoka takes a defensive stance on the table. "Rex?" She tries to get an explanation but then a blast door opens up revealing more clones coming in and firing on both Carl and Ahsoka. Carl uses the force to grab Rex and toss him towed the clones coming in knocking some down  and letting Carl take cover behind the table. Ahsoka continues to deflect the shots but this time in the ceiling and in a matter of time it's causes an opening big enough for both Carl and Ahsoka to jump through. Carl noticed and when it was time Carl caused a huge force wave knocking all the clones to there backs. After that was done Ahsoka grabbed the back of Carls tactical vest and forced jumped through the whole taking him with her. The clones all stood up quickly pointing their blasters at the whole but carl and Ahsoka were already gone. 

   Carl and Ahsoka made their way through the vents with carl following Ahsoka. 'I wonder what HK is doing right now?'

  (Meanwhile somewhere els on the ship) 

We see a lone clone trooper walking around till he comes across a room. {hmmm records room? Perhaps in here I can find my objective} hearing a robotic voice coming from him. Thats right it's HK-47 dressed in clone trooper armor. He found it fairly easy to aquier  the items his master  wanted with the devices his master lent him. None of the clones even notice two of there gunships missing with crates of supplies, they were all to busy preparing for the arrival of maule. Now HK was trying to find the hyperspace coordinates his master wanted. He found some unused clone armor and put it on and none the clones were the wiser. When the order for the hunt for the Jedi and his master came out it made it even easier to move about the ship. 

   HK entered the record room and it was empty. HK couldn't help but shake his head at the place being unguarded. HK looked around the room went to a terminal and took off one gloved hand revealing his robotic hand. The hand then split revealing a cylindrical device that he plugged into the port to gain access to the systems. He downloaded all the data he could including Star maps, Star fighter schematics, and hyperspace routes including the ones his master wanted. 

  Once done HK disconnected and re equipped the glove and promptly left heading back to the ebon hawk to await his master. 

 (Back with Ahsoka and Carl) 

  Carl re focused, he'll touch base with HK when he has the time. Right now they were both above the holding cell used to hold maule. The two clones guarding the cell received a communication the both simultaneously said "yes sir." Then they moved to go into the cell to execute maule. Right before the clone we're about to pull there triggers Ahsoka rushed in, force pushing one clone against the wall knocking him out and before the other clone could turn around Carl came in with the blaster he stole and stunned him.

Ahsoka then walked up to the bound form of maule while Carl kept a lookout through the door making sure more clones don't come. She places her lightsaber by his face, " don't make me regret this." She then presses a button on the side witch releases maule. 

  Maule falls to the ground on one knee. "Ahhh" he coughs, "you survived." 

  Ahsoka didn't look pleased, "is this your doing?" She then places the ignited part of her lightsaber by his neck, "Choose your words carefully." 

   Maule looked unbothered, "no no it was not my doing, I do not know what has occurred, but surely  you have felt it. The voices crying out. The death!" 

  Ahsoka then backs off him, "the clones started attacking us" gesturing to Carl. "Even Rex. I don't know why they just suddenly…weren't themselves." Carl felt reluctant cause he knew it was cause of the control chips in there brain he just doesn't know how he can justify him knowing.

   Ahsoka could feel carls reluctance but before she could comment on it maule chuckled lightly, " brilliant…. Brilliant." He chuckles some more. Ahsoka turned back to maule. " I was not preview to my masters plan…but now. Now I see it." He look up to Ashoka. "He turned the Jedi's own army against them." 


  Maule then stood up brushing himself off, "well…you both did the right thing coming to me. Only together can we survive this. Now if you will follow me.." 

   Before maule could finish his sentence Ahsoka brought up her lightsaber to maule again. "You don't seem to understand. We're not here to team up with you. We need a diversion." The points her lightsaber closer to maule. "And your it. Now go cause some chaos, it's what your good at." She motions for maule to start walking. 

   Maule walks out of the cell looking at both Ahsoka and Carl then asked,  "eh.. can't you give me a fighting chance?"

  Ahsoka glares at maule, "I'm not rooting for you. Now get going." 

   Maule glares back at Ahsoka then looks to Carl seeing if he will help. Carl just shrugs and replies to maules unasked question, "you can find a blaster somewhere I'm sure."  Maule sends a glare at Carl as well then turns and walks away. 

   After maule was gone Ahsoka then turns to Carl, "and now you." She looks at him questioningly, "you knew this was going to happen didn't you?" 

  Carl was taken aback by her question, "what makes you say I would know this would happen?" 

  Ahsoka fully faced Carl, " before on the bridge. You were saying we had to leave." 

  Carl tries to play it off, "you felt that disturbance in the force right of corse I would feel we had to get out of there." 

  Ahsoka places her hands on her hips and looked at Carl challengingly. "No, you started saying something even before that." 

  Carls, sweating bullets now not knowing what to do, Eventually he makes a decision. He raised his hands in mock surrender, "ok ok, yes I did know this was going to happen." 

  Ahsoka glares at Carl and gets right in his face causing him to take a step back, "why didn't you say anything? All of this could have been avoided." 

  Carl then sent a glare right back, "if I said anything you all would of thought I was crazy or worse." 

  Ahsoka raised an eyebrow, " what could be worse?" 

 Carl said quickly, "the person behind this whole mess finding out my existence. Look I'll explain this whole thing including what your friend Rex meant by finding fives but we need to get somewhere safe and out of site and I don't think the cells is a good place for that." 

  Ahsokas glare intensified for an instant before she eventually nodded. "You will explain what you know but for now follow me." She then walked past Carl going down the corridor. 

Carl could only sigh. 'Hopefully she can cool down I really don't want to deal with an angry Ahsoka.' He thought to himself as he followed her and as if sensing his thoughts she sent another look at him causing him to startle for a moment. After a moment She continued and Carl decided to keep his thoughts from straying to not push his luck, which seems to be horrible right now.