
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

ch 7

   Ahsoka and Carl made there way threw the corridors avoiding the clone patrols till they finally came to a room that Ahsoka opened and gestured for Carl to get in. Carl went in and it appeared to be a storage area for the astromech droids which contained three droids. 

   Before Carl could think more on the room he heard the door shut and Ahsoka addressing him. "Ok this should be safe enough, now get talking." She crosses her arms over her chess waiting for his explanation. 

   Carl sighs in exasperation. "Ok ok, yes I did know all this would happen. I didn't know exactly when but I knew it was soon. I didn't  say anything before cause it sounds crazy and I didn't really know how to proceed with the information I have." 

   Ahsoka raised an eyebrow at him, "and that information?" 

   Carl then starts to pace in the room, "oh well, one all the clone troopers have control chips in there heads with a set of orders on it, im not sure what all the orders are the only one that really matters to us right now is the one that has been issued order 66 witch basically has all the clones kill all the Jedi, but I think they count any force user as Jedi.  And two, all that's happening right now is cause of a dark lord thats in control of both the republic and the CIS." 

  Ahsoka takes a step back, "that's impossible" 

   Carl sends a apologetic smile, "I swear it's the truth." 

  Ahsoka regains her composer, "and who is this so called dark lord?" She questioned. 

   Without hesitation Carl answered, "chancellor palpatine." 

   Ahsoka couldn't keep the shock off her face. "N-no that can't be" she said in disbelief. 

   Carl continued, "He is the reason for the entire war. He was a major factor in the creation of the clone army, He put order 66 hidden under other orders in the control chips, he was even responsible for the invasion of Naboo all those years ago that saw him getting elected chancellor.  His plans go so far back that not even I'm sure." 

   Ahsoka with a horrified expression, "how do you know all this? How can I believe you?" Even tho she can feel he isn't lying but all this is just to unbelievable. 

   Carl furrowed his brows thinking, "well I don't have any proof about the chancellor but I do think there's something that will give credit to what I said about the control chips…. You know besides all the clones trying to shoot us." Carl tried to lighten the mood a bit but fails as Ahsoka just gave him a dry look. Carl coughed to try and dispel the awkwardness, "remember Rex saying something about finding fives."

  Ahsoka nodded, "ya he was a clone trooper that served with the 501st" 

   Carl then began to explain, " yes well before fives death while he was on kamino he happened to find out about the control chips and order 66. Sadly he thought it was a separatist plot so he went to the highest level he could to report his finding witch happened to be the chancellor." Ahsoka could already tell what happens next isn't good. "The chancellor couldn't just get rid of fives so he did something to him witch made him go crazy, not being able to clearly tell what he knew. But he was able to give some clues to commander Rex and general Skywalker before being gunned down on corscaunt. Rex left a report on the incident and his concerns witch no doubt was marked as classified and buried, and I think he wants you to find that." 

"You still didn't say how you know all this." Ahsoka pointed out.

Carl sends another apologetic smile, "I can't really say how I know right now cause that's even more unbelievable than what I have already told you. Let's find a way out of this first then we can talk more on it." Carl tries to reason with her.

Ahsoka thought on it and eventually agreed. "I guess I'll first try to find that report that Rex left on fives then, just to verify." Ahsoka says to Carl as she walks past him over to a R2 unit that's stored in the room with them. She presses a button on the side and the R2 unit powers on and starts beeping at Ahsoka, "shhhh" she says trying to keep it quiet. "R7 I need your help." It continues beeping in concern. "I know, I know. Shhh quiet." She says as the other droid turn on and line up in front of Ahsoka beeping as communicating with her. "The reason all this is happening is complicated." She tells the droids while glancing at Carl. "But we may be able to do something about it." The droid all beep in willingness to help. "Are you sure? It's going to be dangerous." The droid beep again in confirmation making Ahsoka smile. "Then R7 I need you to patch into the central computer pull up every secure file you can on clone trooper CT-5555 and if you can filter out key words with control chips." the little atromech droid went and plugged into a port and turned its head bringing up all the files on a hologram. As she skims the files she says, "ok Rex, let's see what you left."

A hologram of a kaminoian appeared giving a report. "An independent investigation has confirmed the the clone trooper CT-5555 experienced a Malfunction with his inhibitor chip but the senate committee, and the Jedi council have accepted these findings. However a grievance report has been submitted by CT-7567."

"R7 bring up that report." Ahsoka asked but The droid beeps in the negative. "It's sealed? Try aniline passcode 8108." The droid tries again and this time it brings up a hologram of Rex.

" I already know this report's gonna fall on deaf ears. But I owe it to fives to record what I saw. I'm not sure I believe it myself but, there's a possibility that the inhibitor chips that the kaminoians put inside us, have a purpose that we don't fully understand." The hologram of Rex states, then shuts off.

Ahsoka stayed quiet for a bit mulling over everything. She turned to Carl then says, "we should try and capture Rex alone and try and get the control chip out."

Carl is a little flabbergasted on how she came to that conclusion. He knows that's what she did in the show but still kinda unbelievable she thinks of that in this situation. "I'm not trying to be a downer or anything but how do we do that with all the clones trying to kill us?"

Ahsoka thinks on that then she brightens up and looks at the droids. "I have an idea."

(Some time later on another part of the ship)

Rex and some clone troopers were running down the hall when R7 rolled right in front of Rex separating him from the rest of the clones. "Hey out of the way." Rex says as the droid goes up to a port and connects to it, shutting the blast doors around Rex trapping him. "Are you cross wired." Rex asked the droid.

The droid beeps and moves to the side to project a hologram of Ahsoka, "Rex I think I know what's happening. I saw your report on fives. It isn't your fault, you were programmed. Your mind was altered to do this, when you were very young. I can help you."

The transmission shuts off and Rex grabs his pistols and points them at the droid, " where is she?"

Ahsoka appears right behind Rex, "I'm right here."

Before Rex can turn around and shoot Carl pops out and stuns him with his blaster rifle and Rex falls to the ground. "Well that worked." Carl said moving over to help move Rex to the medical bay to remove the control chip. As they were moving him to the med bay they could see the clones trying to get threw the door. " we need to hurry" Carl states and they double there pace right in time to close another set of blast doors.

They maneuvered Rex into the med table and Ahsoka got right to work "R7 run a scan see if you can find that control chip Carl and the report talked about."

As R7 moved to do as it was requested Carl pipes in to save some time. "You may want to use the force or something to help find it. It probably won't show up on a regular scan cause they're not meant to be found."

Ahsoka thought on it and after the first scan was done, just like Carl said it didn't find anything. So she ordered another scan but this time she placed her hands on the sides of rexs head and started chanting "I'm one with the force and the force is with me." Over and over till the scan finally poped up the control chip. "You found it?" After she said the one of the droids started beeping. "How close are they?" It beeps again, "GG if they override the door controls, you have to reseal it fast." Then she turned to R7 "and R7 get him under and remove that thing." R7 beeps a question. " I don't know if it'll work, but if it doesn't, we're dead anyway."

As Rex in being sedated and having the chip removed the door to the med bay starts sparking, " get ready on the door" she says to the one droid GG as it moved over to a port and Ahsoka brought out her lightsabers and ignited them while Carl raised his blaster among at the door.

The door start to lift up allowing the clones to lift it up all the way and start entering the room. Ahsoka starts to deflect the shots and Carl stuns as many as he can. Periodically they would use the force to push the clones out the room but the just keep coming. Ahsoka gets a lightsaber shot out of her hand and she continues to deflect with the one. Carl is grazed by some blaster shots but avoids any critical damage so far. Before things look worse Rex pulls out his pistols and shoots the remaining clones holding the door up and it promptly shuts closed.

Ahsoka is stunned and looked back at Rex as he's holding his smoking pistols, "Rex? Are you ok?"

Rex starts to lower his pistols, "ya. Ya kid. I'm ok. Sorry for what happened earlier, I almost killed you both." He says as he looked at both Ahsoka and Carl.

Ahsoka then remarks, " I already have a general understanding but I want to hear it from you. How widespread is this."

Rex is a little confused on what she means by hearing it from him but he answered nonetheless. "Ahsoka. It's all of us. The entire grand army of the republic has been ordered to hunt down and destroyed the Jedi knights." After saying that the clones trying to open the door start citing threw it to get in.