
I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

As a young Peter Quill slowly starves to death in a prison cell on Yondu’s Ravager ship, another soul appears and merges with his body, causing the two souls to mix and become one. A child who lost his mother to cancer and was abducted by space pirates in the very same night… A middle-aged man from another universe with all sorts of future knowledge packed into his head… Both trapped in a much darker version of the MCU. Oh! And it’s Star Wars as well! Male Lead/Main Character: Peter Quill or Star-Lord Female Lead/Love Interest(s): ????? (A/N: I was thinking of having two partners for Peter since Star-Lord is known to be promiscuous, but we’ll see. IDK yet.) If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · ภาพยนตร์
203 Chs

C112 Mystique

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



🚨Insert Waifu GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

Mystique, a striking figure with vibrant blue skin and fiery red hair, waited impatiently as the phone rang. Her piercing yellow eyes scanned the horizon outside her penthouse apartment, enjoying the view. She wore absolutely nothing, her blue, toned body on full display.

[Insert picture of Mystique here]

When someone finally answered her call, the voice on the other end was not the familiar tone she expected but a stranger.

"Pete's Porno Palace, we've got the pics to please your pecker. This is Pete speaking…"

Mystique paused, stunned by the unexpected response. 'Who the hell is this?' Realizing it was some sort of joke, she snapped, "Who is this? Are you one of Xavier's followers?"

The voice replied cheerfully, "It's Pete, from Pete's Porno Palace. Didn't I just introduce myself? And I don't know any Xavier's. Now, what do you need? POV? Hardcore? Futa? I got it all."

Mystique's patience wore thin. "Enough with the games. Who are you and why do you have this phone?"

"Oh, I'm the new owner of this phone. I won it off this huge guy in an arm wrestling match," Peter said, his tone light and playful. "Boy, was he surprised when I beat him…"

Mystique gritted her teeth. "This isn't a joke. Where is Juggernaut?"

Peter feigned surprise. "Juggernaut? Oh, you mean the big guy with the helmet? Yeah, he's taking a nap right now. Heavy sleeper, that one."

"Put him on the phone. Now," Mystique demanded.

Peter chuckled. "Oh, I'd love to, but he's kind of… tied up at the moment. Literally."

Mystique's anger flared. "Who are you? What have you done to them?"

"Oh, let's see… what have I done?" Peter mused, pretending to think. "I gave them a nice little bed to sleep on, a cozy blanket, and some warm milk. They're all tucked in for the night."

Mystique's patience snapped. "Stop messing with me and tell me who you are…"

Peter's tone turned serious. "Alright, alright. I've had my fun. So, who are you? Are you their boss or something?"

Mystique hesitated but decided to give some information. "Yes, now can you tell me what's happened please?"

As she spoke, a groggy voice interrupted. "Huh? Where am I?"

Mystique's ears perked up. "Toad?"

Peter cut her off. "Hold on a sec."

She heard motion over the phone, followed by the sound of footsteps. "Wait, hold on!" Toad's voice pleaded before it was abruptly silenced by a loud thud and a metallic clang.

Mystique's eyes widened, and she called out, "Toad? Toad, are you okay?"

Peter returned to the phone, his tone casual. "Sorry about that. He's sleeping again."

Mystique's fury was palpable even through the phone. "What have you done to him?"

Peter remained calm. "He's fine. Just needed a bit more rest. Doctor's orders. Now, back to you." He paused for a moment, "Wait, who are you again?"

Mystique struggled to maintain her composure. "..." She took a deep breath before replying, "You're going to regret this…"

Peter's tone remained steady. "Meh, I think I'll be fine. Can't say the same for your goons, though. Especially the froggy-looking one. I've bashed him in the head twice already, and he's not looking too good..."

Mystique seethed silently, realizing this conversation was going nowhere. "Fine, what do you want? Let's get this over with. You want money? How much to return them to me?"

Peter smirked, "Hmm, tempting, but nah. I'm not really interested in money. But I do have something in mind…"

Mystique's frustration turned to curiosity. "What do you want then?"

Peter chuckled. "How about we make a deal? You tell me what they were up to, and I'll think about not bashing Froggy's head in… again."

Mystique hesitated, unable to answer that. "..." She knew all of Magneto's plans, but if she were to reveal even one of them, he would not be happy, to say the absolute least.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Peter's tone turned cold in an instant. "Maybe I should just stomp on his head again?"

"Don't you dare!" She exclaimed.

Sighing, Peter changed his mind, "Tell you what, I'll call you back later. Give you some time to think about it. Until then, I'll take good care of your lackeys. Don't worry."

"Wait—" Mystique began, but Peter had already hung up, ending the call.

Mystique stared at the phone in her hand, seething with frustration. 'Whoever this guy is, he's going to pay…'


Back in the hangar, Peter hung up the phone and looked up to see the crowd—Peggy, Xavier, and Logan—watching him with a mix of exasperation and amusement.

Xavier was the first to speak. "Why did you say you didn't know me?"

Peter shrugged. "If they don't know that you're involved, they're less likely to bust down the gates of your school and cause trouble for you and the students."

Realizing this, Xavier couldn't help but feel thankful for Peter's consideration. "I appreciate that," he said sincerely.

Logan crossed his arms, skeptical. "But won't they find out anyway? I mean, we weren't exactly subtle when we apprehended them."

Peggy stepped in, her tone authoritative. "I've already dealt with that. On top of keeping the cops away, I've buried the story. As long as the Brotherhood of Mutants doesn't go door-to-door asking questions, no one will know."

Peter raised a brow, asking, "When did you figure it out?" He never said they were from the Brotherhood.

Peggy scoffed, "The second you told me where you were." She replied, "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"No, certainly not." Peter shook his head, a smirk slowly forming. "Senile, maybe. But definitely not an idiot."

Swiftly swinging her cane at his head, Peter dipped under it, "You're lucky you're an old granny, or else I'd retaliate…"

Xavier seemed much more relieved now, smiling at their interaction. He turned to Peggy, extending his hand. "Thank you, for your help. I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Charles Xavier."

Peggy shook his hand firmly. "Peggy Carter, Director of Shield."

As they started talking, Xavier realized that this was the person Peter had mentioned in their meeting earlier, the friend he was helping root out Hydra.

Meanwhile, seeing them talking amongst themselves, Peter excused himself. "I'll lock up our prisoners and catch up with you in a moment." Seeing that Logan was about to follow him, Peter stopped him. "Just stay here. I'm only going to put them in their cells. You can talk with Sabertooth when he wakes up, you have my word…"

"Fine…" Logan reluctantly agreed.

Levitating the unconscious Toad, Juggernaut, and Sabertooth again, Peter walked off, heading towards the other hangar, where his ship was parked.

Peter walked into the closed-off hangar, the one only his crew could access. Inside, his spaceship loomed, a large, sleek, and formidable craft.

As he approached the ship, he saw Rocket hunched over a table, poring over various schematics and blueprints. From the glimpse Peter got, it seemed Rocket was planning to turn the Red Room into a fortress.

"Hey, Rocket," Peter called out, levitating the three unconscious prisoners beside him.

Rocket looked up, his furry eyebrows raising in curiosity. "Who are these clowns?" he asked, setting down the blueprints.

"They're our prisoners for the time being," Peter explained. "Caused a bit of trouble for an ally I'm trying to make, so I figured we'd keep them here for now. I'm gonna keep them on the ship for now."

Rocket eyed the prisoners critically. "They don't look like much, especially that green one. The big one ain't too shabby though. What's the plan for them? Are we just gonna keep them on the ship until they die?"

"I was hoping, since you're already upgrading the Red Room, maybe you could add upgrading the prison to your plans?" Peter asked nicely, glancing at the blueprints. "I don't want these three on the ship forever."

Rocket smirked. "Oh, so you noticed the blueprints, huh? Got some big plans, but I want it to be a surprise. As for the prison, I'll make sure it's top-notch. Can't have these guys leeching off us forever..."

Peter nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Rocket. I'll leave you to it then." As Peter went to walk off, he suddenly paused in his step, turning back as he remembered something. "Oh, yeah, and can you figure out a way to make the ship, the red room, and all of our gear immune to magnetic manipulation?"

"Why?" Rocket asked, confused.

"Well…" Taking a minute, Peter explained what he knew about Magneto, hoping that Rocket could find a way around his ability.

Thinking for a moment, Rocket nodded, "I'll see what I can do…" he said and went right back to his work.

Thanking him again, Peter proceeded to the ship's holding cells, which were designed for all sorts of aliens and Jedi, making them highly secure. He entered the area and first began by collecting all of the prisoner's personal items before attaching specially made cuffs to each of their wrists and ankles.

These durasteel cuffs were equipped with multiple failsafes: they could administer an electric shock to incapacitate the prisoner, and if needed, they could even sedate them. The cuffs also had a tracking system and pressure sensors to alert the crew and immediately sedate the prisoner if tampered with.

Peter then tossed each prisoner into a separate cell. The cells themselves were reinforced with energy barriers and durasteel walls, designed to contain even the strongest of alien captives.

Inside, the cells had motion detectors and automated turrets that could deploy non-lethal or lethal force if the prisoners attempted to escape.

Before leaving, Peter paused, casting a critical eye over the security measures. "?"

While the cells were designed to hold powerful beings, he couldn't shake the nagging doubt about Juggernaut's immense strength. 'Will all this be enough to hold them? Especially Juggernaut?'

Unsure, he decided to add one more failsafe. He walked off to his room on the ship, where he rummaged through a secure storage unit. Inside, he found an injector and several slave chips—leftover from when he had freed all of the Hutt's slaves. These chips allowed him to track individuals and even detonate them remotely if necessary.

Returning to the holding area, Peter approached Juggernaut's cell first. He loaded a chip into the injector and stepped inside. Carefully, he implanted the chip into Juggernaut's neck, ensuring it was positioned where it would be most effective. To be extra cautious, he added multiple chips, not entirely sure if one would suffice given Juggernaut's incredible resilience.

Moving to Sabertooth's cell, Peter repeated the process, swiftly injecting the chip into his neck. Sabertooth's body twitched slightly but remained unconscious. Finally, he stepped into Toad's cell and implanted the last chip, ensuring it was securely in place.

With the additional failsafe measures in place, Peter felt a sense of reassurance. The slave chips would allow him to track the prisoners even if they managed to rid themselves of the cuffs, and he could detonate the chips if they posed a significant threat.

Satisfied that he had done everything possible to secure the three mutants, Peter locked the cells up tight and left the holding area, confident that his captives would be unable to escape. 'At least, I hope so…'

Peter returned from securing the prisoners, entering the room just in time to overhear the tail end of a conversation between Peggy and Xavier. Logan stood silently beside them as they discussed Hydra and its infiltration into Shield, a topic that seemed to weigh heavily on both of their minds.

"With your telepathic abilities, Professor," Peggy was saying, "we could root out Hydra agents with ease. I'm guessing that's why Peter visited you in the first place?"

Xavier nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, and I may be willing to assist in this endeavor, but I have conditions. In return for my help, I want Shield's support for my school—not just monetarily, but politically and behind the scenes as well. The mutant community needs strong allies, and Shield's backing would be a significant step forward, once Hydra is removed of course."

Peggy's eyes narrowed slightly as she considered the proposal. "You're asking a lot, Professor. Shield will no doubt have its hands full after this mess is sorted, but I do see the value in a strong alliance with your school…" She paused, taking a moment before agreeing. "Very well, we can provide the support you're asking for."

Xavier extended his hand, sealing the agreement. "Then we have a deal."

Peggy shook his hand firmly. "Agreed."

At that moment, Peter walked in, a satisfied look on his face. "Sounds like you two have come to an understanding," he remarked, joining them.

Xavier nodded, his expression serious but hopeful. "Yes, we have. I'll be assisting Shield in identifying Hydra agents, and in return, Shield will support the school and the mutant community."

Peter's smile faded slightly, replaced by a hint of annoyance. "Funny how you can come to a deal so easily with Peggy, but when I offered the same thing, you said you needed to think it over and talk to your staff."

Xavier chuckled, seeing the humor in the situation. "Would you believe the words of a child you never met? But now, after seeing your Flying Fortress and meeting Director Carter, how could I still doubt you?"

Peter's annoyance melted into a rueful smile. "Alright, fair enough. I guess I can't blame you for being cautious."

Just as Xavier was about to reply, suddenly, the phone Peter took off Juggernaut rang again. He glanced at it, slightly annoyed but mostly curious. "Didn't I say that I'd call you? Did you perhaps miss me already?" Peter answered, his tone light and mocking.

To his surprise, a deep, authoritative voice responded, "You have some nerve. Kidnapping my people. Tell me, do you even know whose attention you've caught with this little stunt of yours?"

The voice's intensity and unfamiliarity surprised Peter. He had expected the female voice from before. "And who might you be?" Peter asked, his tone still casual but now tinged with genuine curiosity. 'Is it who I think it is?'

The voice on the other end chuckled darkly. "Let's just say I'm someone who doesn't take kindly to others meddling in my affairs. You've captured my followers, and I intend to get them back."

Peter began to realize who it was. "Is that so? Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr...?" He asked, simply to clarify his guess.

The voice's reply was cold and threatening. "You may call me Magneto..."

A/N: 2474 words :)




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