
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · แฟนตาซี
88 Chs

My first quest

After a fierce fight, Christopher was sitting on the ground with his sword thrust into the ground, blade covered with black blood.

"They were pretty tough," he said after looking at his right hand covered in bruises that were slowly healing.

["No, you're just too weak..."] commented Ardelean.

Christopher rolled his eyes as suddenly, the bodies of the orcs started dissolving into ash and thousands of small golden stars flew towards Christopher.

When the stars touched him, three times-

⋘+100 XP points⋙

-sign appeared in the right corner of Christopher's field of view.

"What now?" he asked and got up from the ground, pretty tired.

["I know about something"] Ardelean responded, while a green flask appeared in Christopher's hand with a sign.

"Stamina huh? Well, I am pretty tired. What is that something you know about?" Christopher opened the bottle and drank it as a green light surrounded him and in the next second, he felt the tiredness leaving his body.

["Your first quest!"] said Ardelean and showed Christopher the quest's menu.

Then, he continued, ["This is your main mission now, the rewards are pretty tasty."]

Christopher pointed at the quest and a description immediately appeared.

⋘ First quest: Free people of nearby towns from the Village of Orcs and gain their respect. ⋙

⋘ Rewards: This town will become your base and you will be always welcomed there, house in the town, 1000 XP points for destroying the Village + each opponent in the Village will give you 300 XP points. ⋙

⋘ WARNING: BOSS in the Village: ! Ogre, The Neck Breaker ! ⋙

⋘ Kill the Ogre to complete this quest. If the main boss of the Village is not killed, the enemies are going to respawn after you leave and will become 2x stronger. The Village would be bigger, containing more enemies, and would be fully repaired. ⋙

⋘ If you decline this quest, you will lose a key ally. ⋙

⋘ Accept / Decline ⋙ buttons automatically appeared after Christopher read the description.

"A key ally?" spoke Christopher and accepted the first quest.

Suddenly, a ⋘ ! TIME QUEST ! ⋙ red glowing sign appeared in the middle of Christopher's view and when he opened it, a small description appeared.

⋘ ! Save the daughter of a merchant from near town! ⋙

⋘ Time limit: 10 minutes! ⋙

⋘ Rewards: 2000XP! ⋙

⋘ Destination: Orc's Village. ⋙

⋘ PS: Time quests are after receiving automatically accepted. ⋙

["Looks like Orcs are troublesome here."] Ardelean spoke as a red potion appeared in Christopher's hand.

["Only one blood potion remains. You should look after some blood later."]

Christopher drank it, "Yeah but now, I need to save the merchant's daughter. System, show me the way."

⋘ Navigation: Active! ⋙

⋘ Following Time Quest! ⋙

A yellow arrow appeared in front of Christopher and quickly started flying towards the nearby forest.

Without wasting more time, Christopher pulled his greatsword out from the ground and showed it into the sheet, while following the arrow with a bloodthirsty smile deeper into the forest.


[... Meanwhile in the Orc's Village, eight minutes later ...]

Five orcs were walking through a big wooden gate into their Village with a young, blonde-haired girl, tied up with ropes.

"Give your filthy hands away from me and let me go you ugly green monsters!" shouted the blondie while struggling on the shoulder of one of the orcs.

The orcs just laughed and the one who held her, licked her cheek with his big, and long nasty tongue, trying to stick it up into her mouth.

"Mmm hehe, Papa Ogre is going to like you! Papa Ogre will fuck you and eat you! Then Papa Ogre will be happy and give me a woman to fuck with boys!"

The blondie's eyes widened while the orc's gross saliva was dripping from her cheek, and chin, and when her brain finally started working again, the blondie started struggling more.

Suddenly, she saw a chance when the orc scratched his sweaty forehead, so she kicked the orc into the face with her right leg and the orc dropped her.

The other orcs roared at her and the closest one slapped her face, sending her to the realm of unconsciousness.

Then, he lifted her and placed her on his shoulder again, carrying her to a big fireplace and tying her up to the thick and little burned piece of wood that stood in the middle of the fireplace.

"Hehehe, Papa Ogre would praise me hehe! He would give me a human woman for a night Hehehe!" the orc mumbled with a big smile plastered on his stupidly looking face while the remaining four just stared at him with the same smiles, plastered on their primitive faces.

["The Orcs are pretty stupid, I wonder if their Boss is more intelligent or is he the same mental as them."] Ardelean said in an amused tone while Christopher was sitting on a branch of the nearby tree with a facepalmed expression.

They really are pretty dumb, he thought.

Looking at the Village, he saw a high wooden fence made from large pieces of wood with sharp edges, pointing towards the sky.

At least twenty orcs were armored with clubs but few of them had basic double-bladed axes.

Eight small and two big houses, all made of wood were scattered throughout the territory.

And the last thing, a big fireplace with thick wood in the middle aiming to the sky and around it was tied up by the merchant's daughter.

"They are going to burn her alive?!" Christopher's eyes widened when he saw the orcs littering up a few torches.

["You need to go, and fast!"] said Ardelean as Christopher got up and jumped towards the next branch, successfully avoiding the main gate.

Then he jumped down and landed in the Village.

"Well, this was easy, now the harder part. Ardelean, prepare healing potions."

["Roger that,"] replayed Ardelean full of determination, ["Kick their butts, Christopher!"]

"Let's see" smiled Christopher and rolled himself behind the wall of the nearby house like an experienced Souls gamer.


"Hehehe" smiled stupidly one of the orcs sitting near the fireplace, while eating a weird green substance from a metal bucket like a wild animal.



-a sword pierced through his head and he fell to the ground, while the green substance from the bucket that fell from the orc's hands on the ground too, started mixing with his black blood.

"Huh, what was that?" the orcs looked at their dead friend and immediately grabbed their primitive weapons.

The tied-up blondie started screaming and struggling which piqued the orcs' attention and Christopher used this chance.

He ran on the other side across the entire Village, hiding behind another house.

"Stop screaming woman! You are going to wake up our Papa!" mumbled one of them and started walking towards her, while scratching his ass as the other two walked to their dead friend.

Christopher sneaked behind another one and backstabbed him, then cut off his head, but this time, he was noticed by two orcs through a window of the nearby house.

"INTRUDER!!!" they shouted and another started immediately ringing on a big rusty bell.

"Well, my stealth went to shit!" noted Christopher and slowly walked to the middle of the big 'square', facing the fireplace and eighteen orcs.

He tightened his grip on the sword and aimed the blade toward the orcs.

"Free the girl and other prisoners, and I kill you fast."

The orcs started laughing like monkeys, making primitive gestures and sounds at each other while four of them launched themselves towards him.

"Well, I think that this means NO?" he added as a bloodthirsty grin formed on his face.

The first approaching Orc jumped towards him, wanting to vertically slam his club against Christopher's head, but Christopher rolled to the side and cut off the orc's arm.

The Orc roared but a second later, his head fell on the ground.

"One down," Christopher said and licked the blood from the blade of his greatsword, immediately spitting it on the ground.

"Bleah, why does it taste like shit!" Christopher shuddered and blocked the incoming attack of the second Orc, horizontally holding his sword.

Ardelean grinned and started explaining.

["It works like Vegetables Christopher!"] he spoke in an excited tone.

["Some are gross but very healthy. The Orc's blood is good for your muscles and strength you know."]

"Well, that's interesting," Christopher rolled to the side and decapitated the second Orc.

"How do you know this info?"

["This information was locked until you tasted their blood for the first time on the field. You need to experiment if you want more info about your enemies,"] Ardelean responded in a professional tone.

All this time, Christopher was using techniques he remembered from games and movies. Seeing that, you would think he is pretty clumsy but he is doing his best to survive.

Plus, against Orcs who are dumb as a brick, you don't need any special training.

"Fine, I'll try," Christopher spun in the air and clashed with the last two orcs, cutting their throats.

Then, he landed and slashed the air in front of him, forming a half circle of black blood on the ground on his right side.

"So, whose next?" he asked and the remaining fourteen orcs ran after him.

One after another, they all fell under Christopher's blade their heads and limbs flying around the 'square'.

The blondie was just staring at him with wide opened eyes, while he was slowly walking towards her.

"Are you the merchant's daughter?" Christopher asked and stopped next to one of the houses where he cleaned the blade of his sword with a hanging piece of cloth from the window.

"Yes, please untie me," she said with her trembling voice as a slight breeze played with her blonde hair.

Christopher came to her, cut the rope and the girl hugged him.

"Oh thank you, my savior..."

She wanted to say more but suddenly, one of the doors in the big house that was behind her opened wide and a five meters tall Ogre came out.

"What is this chaos?" he roared.

He was grey, bald, and was wearing primitive clothes made from leather, most of the time human.

Around his neck was a hanging necklace made from human fingers with a rotting human eye in the middle as a pendant and on his head was a crown from human bones with a skull at the front.

Looking around, he saw Christopher with the girl and a bunch of decapitated orcs.

His eyes started filling with rage as he turned and walked back to his house.

"Girl, what's your name?" asked Christopher constantly looking at the door, while pulling out a bunch of keys and handing them to her.

"Melina, why?" she asked and took the keys while drowning in his blood-red eyes.

"Go and free the prisoners of your town from that house," he said and pointed to the other big house that was on another side of the Village.

"Then, leave this place! Go!"

The girl looked at him with worry in her eyes, "And you?"

"I'm going to be fine, I just need to end what I started."

Christopher answered and placed his hand on her cheek, "I will see you soon, now go!"

The girl smiled a little, feeling a rush of warm feeling in her heart, and ran towards the prison.

Suddenly, a big, fully golden, double-bladed axe flew horizontally out from the opened door towards Christopher and thrust itself into his chest.

Burst of blood exploded from his chest as the axe sent him flying to the house behind him.

Melina quickly turned back as a tear fell from her cheek but immediately started running towards the prison again when she heard disgusting laughter.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you thought that you just came here to my Village and killed all my men without punishment from Papa Ogre?!"

"Foolish Adventurer!'' was heard from the house and in the next second, the big grey Ogre came out, while holding another similar axe in his left hand.

He pointed his right palm toward the previous one and it automatically flew back, pulling Christopher out from the house back to the 'square'.

Christopher, covered in blood, took his last blood potion and drank it.

["That was your last"] noted Ardelean and Christopher replayed, "It would be enough for this fucker."

Then, he took his sword from the same spot he lost him when he flew to the house and aimed the blade at the Ogre while his wounds began to regenerate.

"Let's dance, Neck Breaker~" he spoke.


... ... ... ... ...

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