
Blue Ocean Sea

Avery Roger’s was left in a place, where parents who can’t take care of their kids or who just don’t want them, leave them. The place he was left was a church, the place was shabby, yet still felt like home to the young boy. Even if it cost him everything, he would protect it, he would protect the lives of others, just like him.

Though_that_then · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Chapter 2: New Recruit

[January 3]

"Avery! Why are you still here? Go mop the deck before the others wake up!" A older looking man yelled out. He was called Edward, he was the ship duty leader, he along with others took care of the ship.

"Yes sir" Avery said with a smile before grabbing a mop and running off.

"…Edward, why are you so hard on him? He's just a kid." Another ship deck leader said while leaning over the bar table.

Edward sighed

"Its because he is a kid…the boy is no older than sixteen Rick. He should be trying to survive with his people, not fighting life or death battles were people don't care if you are young or old. Maybe, just maybe…he will end up hating me enough to go somewhere else. Far away from this life."

"Wow! Edward…I didn't know you had such words in ya. Hahaha!"

"Are you done"

"Nope, hahahahaha! I just started!…and look did you even see his face? There wasn't even a trace of hatred in his eyes. If that's you goal…you may need to try harder, best of luck to ya, Rick. Hahahahaha!"


"I will take over from here David" Avery said while walking behind the only person on the ship deck.

David turned his body towards the voice

"Ah, it's…I'm sorry I fogot your name again." David scratched his head as if he was trying to make himself remember.

"Avery Rogers."

"Avery Rogers…" David said in a extremely low voice before switching back to normal

"Alrighty, Avery Rogers, I will leave it to you" David picked up his cleaning supplies, he left the water container for Avery…it was clear he forgot it.

"Thank you…for the the container"

"No problem kid, just don't be in such a rush to clean. It's not going anywhere else, but under someone's feet. Hahaha! See you later kid" David walked off while waving the back of his palm.

Avery began cleaning, he looked at the nice ocean sea that he saw no ends to.

The water was clear and seemed bottomless. Fish and other water dwellers could be seen from time to time. He was slightly curious, as to how the sea water tastes, but he knew better to do something like that. He would probably only taste hot, bloody, and salt filled sea water.

His eyes looked towards the sky.

The sky was clear if you excluding the groups of birds that passed through ever so often. The sky showed no signs of raining, but you could never be to sure. The sky matched his eyes. The clouds formed shapes in the sky, Avery could see a group of people facing another group of people, the people who seemed to be losing looked familar to Avery.

Avery's eyes moved slightly on the ship he was currently on. The ship was more vertical and had more length than a above average building. He could see more that twenty cannons on each side, the ship had motors and gun racks on the front and ends of the large ship. Atop the ship, there hand a flag that stood high and fluttered in the wind, it had the symbol of a skull with a gun pointing at it from the front. It was the symbol trademark of the Blue Sea Pirates.

Avery smiled, he wondered what the life with the Blue Sea Pirates would turn out to be.