
Blue Ocean Sea

Avery Roger’s was left in a place, where parents who can’t take care of their kids or who just don’t want them, leave them. The place he was left was a church, the place was shabby, yet still felt like home to the young boy. Even if it cost him everything, he would protect it, he would protect the lives of others, just like him.

Though_that_then · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Avery Roger’s

[January 1st]

"Can I please join your crew!" A young man with sky blue eyes yelled out while behind a group of people in front him. He looked frail, he was average height, his eyes had small bags under them, traces of dry blood could be seen in his black hair, and his his clothing was tattered. He was slightly shaking, not out of fear, he was shaking from the cold night air.

The group ignored the young man who call out to them, they seemed to ignore him entirely.

"Can I please join your crew!!!!" He put all his remaining energy into his scream.

The group that was walking stopped, a single man walked out from the front of the group. He was tall and had a captain hat on his head. He spoke in a deep voice while looking at the stick body boy, he felt like the wind could send him tumbling over.

"Kid, go back home to your mother and father…don't ever dream about being a pirate, it's not a good life." The man said his words simply before turning back around.

"…I have no mother or father" The boy refuted while his body shivered from the chilling cold.

The captain hat stopped in his tracks. His deep voice spoke again without turning back

"…Why do you want to be a pirate? Is it wealth, fame, or sheer foolishness?"

"It's…for my family"

"…Your family? Didn't you say you had no mother or father?" The captain questioned

"You can still have family without having a mother or father. Brothers and sisters can always be family, even if you aren't related."

"That is indeed true…so why do you wish to give all that up to become a pirate? A pirate's days are numbered, your brothers and sister would be sad to lose you. For their sake just give up on this dream." The captain, despite not showing it, was worried. He had seen many die after making the same choice, the young lad behind him was making. He buried many of his friends, his wives, and family. He wouldn't wish that on the young man near him, he was to young to experience the things in this life, it would break him.

The captain's feet moved before he was stopped, by the young lad's words once more.

"It's for them…it's for them to live a better life, so please…allow me into your crew!" The young frail boy said with a clenched fist, his eyes stared at the tall man in front of him.

"…Do you really seek death? Why not just run…no one would blame you, death is a thing we all avoid. Even if we never want to admit it"

"I don't seek death"


"But, that doesn't mean I won't stop"

The captain stared the boy in front of him, directy into his sky blue eyes. He sighed, he could tell, he understood that look…the boy would never give up.

"…Just do what you want…" He didn't know the kid's name.

"Avery…Avery Roger's is the name"