
As Luffy in One Piece

A man was transmigrated into One Piece as the main proganist of the series.. Monkey. D. Luffy... "Well.. That was unexpected but Luffy won't be stupid anymore..." The fan-fiction goes on with the plot.. except the changes in the character of Luffy and have a harem of course. Update schedule: Random number of chapter but it will be updated everyday..

AFKing_000 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chapter 4: Syrup Village!(part 1)

Few days later, Luffy's group saw an island in front of them.

"Yosh! Finally an island! Now I could eat some good food." Luffy said with a bright teeth.

Seeing him, Zoro and Nami greeted their teeth,

Nami: "Idiot! Who was the one who eat most of the food on the boat?"

Luffy: "Hehe.. don't be angry, it doesn't suit on your cute face, Nami.."

"Your mouth is still sweet.. humph! I will forgive you this time.. only this time understand!" Nami said with a happy face. She liked being praised by Luffy.

Zoro: "Oy.. Nami! Don't get easily tamed by him.."

Nami: "Shut up! You don't understand.. Zoro!"

Luffy: "Sigh! Poor Zoro.."

"Shut up!"

Nami: "Well guys, there is a small village here. We will fill our supplies there.."

Soon they reached the coast and landed on the island.

"Ah.. it feels refreshing walking on land after sailing in the sea for so long.." Nami said stretching her hand showing her growing chest.

Suddenly, Zoro got serious and started checking the surrounding.

Zoro: "Guys.. we're being watch!"

"Don't worry! Its just a bunch of kids.. hehe, here they come.." As Luffy said, several marbles were shot towards their group, many pirate flags were lifted from the bushes and a boy with long nose came out on top of the cliff. He shouted towards them with a proud tone,

"Haha! I'm the great Captain Usopp.. leader of the invincible nation of pirates who reign over this island. You stand before the living legend. The most revered pirate ever lived.

Surely, you know that plotting an attack on this island would be a certain death. My army of eighty million super being pirates will finish you all.."

Hearing the words, Luffy gave a sneer, "Sure enough, he is a bad liar.. seems like he only know this same words.."

Nami: "You expect us to believe that?"

"Ah! she knows!"

"Yup! Well now I know. And besides, I now know that there are pirates who still used a slingshot.."

Luffy's group mocked on Usopp which he finally realised his mistake and shouted in despair,

"Ah! How could I be so foolish! I dumbly told her that I was lying! I'm stupid!" But Usopp suddenly got serious and aimed his slingshot towards Luffy and continued, "But, although I'm stupid don't underestimate me. Even though eighty million is a bit exaggerated but I have many men under my control. Also you know my shooting skills, I could rival anyone carrying a pistol.."

'Of course you could in the future but not right now..' Luffy thought in his mind and asked in a mocking tone,

"Oh! By men you mean the three kids? And, now that you've drawn your weapon, are you willing to use it? You know guns aren't for threats, they are for actions. Are you willing to risk your life?"

Zoro: "Hehe.. you know the ones standing here all real pirates not jokes.."

Zoro slowly unsheathed his sword and Luffy also released a small pressure on Usopp. Feeling the pressure, Usopp and the three kids couldn't defend and lost consciousness.

"Eh! Fainted! So weak?" Luffy was shocked with the weakness of Usopp. He can't even hold a little pressure and lost consciousness?

'Haha.. I was trying to act a little cold using Shanks work and wanted to test his strength but I guess he is still this weak..'

Zoro: "Hey.. they are so weak that couldn't even stand a little pressure."

"Leave them.. lets go to the village first, they will wake up after some time."

Luffy's group soon entered the village. While walking Luffy saw a huge mansion above the hill.

Seeing it, Luffy had a sneer on his face..

"Well guys you stroll around, I will check something.. *swish!" After telling the other, Luffy's body immediately disappeared from the spot using 'Shave'.

"Where is he going?"

"Don't worry, he will be fine.."

On the side of the mansion, a slim girl with blonde hair was leaning on the window watching the vast sea.

Suddenly a shadow flashed and a boy wearing a straw hat appeared in front of her. Their eyes met and looked at each other very closely that they could feel their breadth. Both of them silently stared for a while and Luffy finally broke the silence. "Hii!"

"Hii?"Kaya was a little confused at first and finally came back. She screamed suddenly in shock which was covered by Luffy's hand.

"Shh! Calm down! I won't hurt you.. chuckle!"

Kaya nodded slowly but suddenly the door of her room opened and a butler with a round spectacle entered.

"Miss, are you okay? I heard a sudden scream."

Kaya turned to the door and the boy had already disappeared. She then sighed in relief and replied calmly: "Its nothing! I just saw a bug, thats why.. thanks for asking, Klahadore."

"No its my duty. Anyway its good that Miss is okay. If there is anything, just call me.. then I'm leaving to buy some groceries." *door closed..

"Sigh!" Kaya and Luffy sighed in relief.

"Eh! When did you appear here again?" Kaya asked at Luffy in a shocking tone. The boy was very strange, suddenly disappeared and appeared inside her room instantly.

"Well just as you sigh in relief after being worried about me.. hehe!" Luffy said teasingly and shamelessly sat on her bed comfortably.

"Hey mister! I wasn't worried about you and you're sitting on my bed! " Kaya said angrily putting her hand on her waist but a slight blush appeared on her pale face. It was her first time meeting another strange boy except Usopp and the first who entered inside her room and sat on her bed casually. It was also her first time seeing a boy with a good facial and quite a muscular body so close that she even breathed his air. Thinking of all these strange thoughts, her face became even redder.

Luffy understood what she was thinking afterall she was just an innocent teenage girl who hasn't even talked with any boys her age except that liar Usopp. So he decided to tease her.

He acted dumb, touched her forehead and asked innocently: "What happened? Your face is so red. Are you! Is it that thing?"

"Wh-what thing? It's not what you think! It's just that it is hot here. Yes.. thats it! And, don't touch me so casually, I don't even know you.."

Kaya suddenly panicked hearing Luffy's word and replied hastily.

"Ah sorry, sorry.. I'm Monkey. D. Luffy, a pirate.. just call me Luffy. And before, I just thought you had a fever.. thats all!" Luffy said and looked at Kaya with a teasing expression,

"Hey! Is it that you were thinking dirty thoughts? hehe.."

"O-of course I'm not thinking anything d-dirty.. y-you are the one who's thinking dirty.." Kaya nervously said at Luffy who had seen through her.

"Chuckle! Pervert!"

"I'm not! By the way, are you even a real pirate and what are you doing here?" Kaya's face was already red like tomato and immediately tried to change the subject. She had completely forgotten that Luffy was an unknown stranger.

Luffy also knew and didn't go far but replied casually: "Well I'm a real pirate and our group just came here to fill our supplies. I heard that there was a pretty girl at the mansion so decided to come here and finally saw you pretty girl."

Kaya who was recovering from before immediately became red again hearing Luffy's words,

"I'm Kaya, not a pretty girl understand! Are all the pirates bastards like you? Its quite different from the ones that Usopp told." Kaya thought Luffy wasn't a bad guy so she started talking freely.

Luffy: "But you are still pretty. And don't worry, not all the pirates are as good as me. Usopp! You mean that liar before."

"Who told you are a good guy? Yeah.. it must be him that you met before. I know that he is a liar but I still enjoy his story. It help me forget the sad memories. So, I am still grateful to him." Kaya said as she walked near the window and looked at the village.

"Well if telling stories can help you cure your sad memories, then allow me to tell you a story of a famous pirate in the history."

Kaya turned around and looked at Luffy with sweet eyes and thanked Luffy: "Thank you, Luffy! Ok now tell me the story." Kaya immediately became cheerful and sat beside Luffy on the bed and started hearing the story with bright eyes..

"Ahm! Ok, my story is about a pirate called Jack Sparrow...."

Luffy stayed with Kaya for about an hour or two telling stories about 'Pirates of the Carribean' that he saw in his previous life. Luffy's acting changing various facial expressions and voices made Kaya laughed happily, sometimes scared, sorrow...

Soon, they could hear the butler Kuro returning back so Luffy decided to leave the mansion.

"A-are you going back? Will w-we see again besides you haven't finish your story also.." Kaya asked Luffy with a rosy face with little hope.

"Chuckle! Don't worry my little princess.. I will be staying here for few day and will come to see you."

Luffy replied with a teasing smile.

"Y-you.. who's your little princess! But don't forget, you have to come here to finish your story or I will never forgive you.." Kaya said with a pouting red face..'Damn this bastard.. I don't know why I always lose my calmness while talking with him. He's really a bad guy..'

"Ok.. ok.. then see you tomorrow.." After saying, Luffy jumped out of the window and disappeared.

"What a strange guy.." muttered Kaya looking at the sea feeling the cool breeze on her rosy face.

Today, she didn't think about Usopp who fell asleep while being unconscious on the cliff.

After returning back, Luffy soon found Zoro and Nami in a small restaurant and joined them.

Nami: "By the way, Luffy.. What were you doing out there?"

"Nothing! just having some good time I guess.. Oh! after this, lets go check those guys.."

Luffy remembered them who might still be near the coast. Soon they finished their meal and headed towards the coast..

Looking at the sleeping faces of Usopp and the three kids, they felt like beating them again.

Zoro: "What a bunch of idiots! "

Nami brought some sea water and directly splashed on the sleeping four.

Suddenly cold water poured on them, making them instantly woke up and shouted together..

"Ahh! Pirates! "

They looked around with a puzzled expression and finally saw the three scary peoples which they prayed never to see again. Seeing them, they backed away and started trembling.

"Ahh! its them.. run!" Immediately the three kids ran away from the place leaving only Usopp who can't even move trembling.

Usopp: "Hey! Where are you guys going! Come back!" Now only he was left alone with the three devils.

"D-don't come over! O-or I will shout!" Usopp tried to threaten them but it was no use. Luffy came forward and sat in front of him.

"Hey you! Is your dad called Yasopp?" Luffy asked Usopp which made him shock.

"Eh! You know my father?"

Luffy: "Of course! I met them with Shanks when I was a kid"

Usopp: "What! You know the pirate Red-Haired Shanks? So.. you guys are really a pirate. Sure enough real pirates are scarier than my fake lies.."

Then they collected some dry branches, bought some meats and started a bonfire on the coast..

Luffy also told them the story of meeting Usopp's father at his hometown.

Luffy: "Well thats how I met him. He was already in Shanks crew and they seemed to be good friends."

Usopp: "Great! So my father was sailing in the great sea with a famous pirate." He was very happy hearing about his dad being with a famous pirate. He himself was a great fan of pirates and even shouted that pirates had come thinking that someday his father would return.

Nami: "Well Usopp.. Do you any place where we can get a decent ship? Or anyone who can build one?"

Hearing Nami's words, Usopp remembered something..

"Ahh! No! I forgot to visit her! Now its already late.."

Nami: "Oy.. did you hear what I said?"

Usopp: "Ah! Well, you see this is a small village.. so sorry, I can't help you.." He said with a sly face but Nami easily noticed him.

"Hey! Is it? Then, what about the mansion on the hilltop?" Nami asked with a smirk making Usopp had a cold sweat on his forehead..

"That mansion is haunted.. s-so you can't go there understand!"

Nami: "Hihi.. now I even want to go there.."

"No you guys stay away from it.. Oh! by the way, let me tell you an interesting story.."

Zoro: "Don't try to change the subject.."


On the mansion, a little girl couldn't sleep rolling around on the bed holding a pillow.. she keep on thinking about the previous event and Luffy's unfinished story..

"That bastard! It's all his fault.."


Chapter End.. Enjoy it..

Remind me if there's any mistake!