
As Luffy in One Piece

A man was transmigrated into One Piece as the main proganist of the series.. Monkey. D. Luffy... "Well.. That was unexpected but Luffy won't be stupid anymore..." The fan-fiction goes on with the plot.. except the changes in the character of Luffy and have a harem of course. Update schedule: Random number of chapter but it will be updated everyday..

AFKing_000 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Syrup Village!(part 2)

The next morning, Luffy's group had their breakfast at the village cafe. At that time..

"Sound the alarm! They are here! They're gonna kill us all! Who knows.. Pirates! Pirates! Pirates are attacking! Run for your lives! Pirates! Pirates!"

Usopp's loud shouts could be heard faraway..

Nami: "What is that idiot doing?"

"Don't mind him.. He's shouting nonsense. Its a normal thing. This happens everyday.."

The old owner answered Nami's question normally as if it was a normal thing.

Zoro: "What a strange person.. he's really a bad liar.."

"Thanks for the food! Its tasty.. Well then guys I will go and check if we can get a new ship around. You guys look for the supplies.." After finishing their meal, Luffy informed his crew and finally left the place.

Nami: "Well he sure is reliable."

Zoro: "Well.. I'm not sure about that!"

"Ahh! Pirates! Pirates! Run for your.."

"Shut up! You liar kid! We can't sleep! Don't shout.."


The other side, Kaya got up tiredly with dark eyes. She had slept only for few hours. She cleaned herself and slowly opened the window getting the fresh air. She then looked around and muttered:

"Sigh! He hasn't come here yet.. well its still early.."

"Well! Yo really missed him, don't you? Miss Kaya.."

"W-who would m-miss that bastard! I just want to hear his story.. yes! thats all!" Kaya replied hurriedly but she soon realised something wrong with the voice. She immediately looked back to see Luffy sitting on a chair, supporting his jaw with his hand on a table and looking at Kaya with a teasing smile.

"Y-you! How did you come inside?" Kaya asked with a red face. She couldn't calm herself when faced with Luffy's teasing.

"You don't know? I was always inside this room since yesterday hiding in the corner.." Luffy said with a straight face. Hearing Luffy's word, Kaya started panicking..

"Wh-what! T-that means y-you saw everything! No way! This can't happen.." She was so nervous that she could faint anytime.

"Chuckle! Hey.. calm down! I was just joking alright! How could you become so dumb and did you do something bad last night.. hehe." Seeing her steaming face, Luffy decided to calm her down.

"What! You were lying? Y-you bully me too much! I won't talk to you anymore.." Knowing that Luffy fooled her again, she was so shy and angry that she was about to start crying..

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry.. I went too far. I won't tease you anymore.. As an apology, I will compensate you with another story. Happy now?"

Luffy immediately comforted her and started taming her.

"Ok! I forgive you just this one time.. now continue the previous story. Klahadore won't be coming here for now." Kaya got cheerful again. She liked Luffy's story very much.

Luffy suddenly walked towards her, took her to the bedside and let her sit on the floor in a cushion. Luffy then sat behind her and started massaging her head..

"L-Luffy? What are you doing.. mhm!" Kaya was confused at Luffy's action but suddenly muttered feeling good when he started massaging her head.

"Shut stay still! I can see that you are bedridden.. so let me massage your head to relieve some stress.." Luffy said as he continued to massage her head softly. He always did this to Makino and sometimes Ace which made them feel relaxed.

Kaya wanted to refused him but stopped as it started feeling good and relax.

"Mhm! It really feels relaxing.."

Luffy: "Chuckle! Of course, I'm really good at this. Now, when did we reach the story last time?"

Kaya: "Hmm! That skeleton soldiers part.."

"Ok! After the skeletons came, Jack Sparrow started rushing...."

Luffy started narrating the story performing various expressions making Kaya giggled happily. After a while, Kaya fell asleep leaning on Luffy.

Seeing her sleeping with a smile, Luffy shook his head and sighed: "Sigh! What a poor girl.. It seems she had gone through hard times. She even trusted me immediately after making her a little relieve from her sadness."

Luffy then put her on the bed and slowly covered her with a quilt. He softly pinched on her rosy cheek and silently walked out of the window. Just as he closed the window, a sudden voice sounded:

"I-its you! What are you doing here? Why did you come out from Kaya's room?What did you do to her?" Usopp panicked seeing Luffy and asked several questions.

"Shh! Shut up your mouth! She's sleeping.. So, don't shout or I will stitch your noisy mouth up!"

Luffy threatened Usopp making him hurriedly closed his mouth in fear and nodded.

"Very good, now lets go out.." Luffy and Usopp were about to leave but the butler Klahadore showed up in front of them.

"What are you two doing in this place?" Klahadore looked fiercely at them and finally stared at Usopp.

"Usopp, was it? I have heard many news about you from the village."

Usopp got shy rubbing his head and said happily,

"Hihi.. Well I'm very happy that you know about me. My admires call me the great Captain Usopp."

Klahadore: "Also, I have heard several rumors about your father too.. and you are just like your father who was a filthy pirate. You peoples should leave our respectable Miss Kaya and get out of the village. Now you are bringing another filthy pirate with you.." He mocked Usopp and also included Luffy. He knew about the arrival of Luffy's group but didn't think that they would also trouble their Miss.

"Hey.. hey! Your mouth is surely filthy.. Do I need to close that stinky mouth of yours?" Luffy slowly released his pressure which made Klahadore frown. Luffy instantly appeared in front of him at looked at his face very closely. 'Eh! This kid is so fast! I didn't even see his shadow!'

"Wait a minute! It seems like I have seen you somewhere.. where was it? Oh! Is it him? But he should be dead or is he still alive?" Luffy showed a curious look and muttered which made Klahandore's heartbeat accelerated. 'Did this kid know my identity? No, I can't let my plan destroy now after I reached this far..' He thought in his heart but acted normal and said to Luffy casually,

"Well I don't know what you're saying.. I'm Klahadore and has been a butler of this mansion for many years."

"Hey! So it was like this! I thought you were the Captain Kuro of the Black Cat pirates. Seems like I was wrong.."

Klahandore sighed in his heart feeling relieved hearing Luffy's answer. For a moment, he thought his long worked plan was about to collapse instantly because of a kid. Luffy further continued:

"I will forgive you today since you are a butler of Kaya but don't think about next time.. Usopp! Lets go.."

"Ahh! I'm coming.. you are lucky bastard!"

Luffy and Usopp finally left the mansion. Klahadore didn't dare to stop them as he didn't want to cause trouble with Luffy. His plan was about to reach the last step, so he couldn't act recklessly.

On the way, Usopp finally started talking to Luffy.

"Luffy, how did you know Kaya?"

"Oh! I didn't tell you? We are childhood sweethearts hehe, I just want to see her.." Luffy lied to Usopp, smiling lightly.

"Oh! Is that so.." Hearing Luffy's word, Usopp immediately believed and became depressed.

"Hehe.. I heard a lot about you from her. She told me that you are her only friend here. She is also a fan of yours." Luffy comforted him but thought in his heart..

'Sorry partner.. I've always wanted Kaya in my harem since past life.. in return, I will help you find' another one'

"Hihi! Of course I'm very popular in the village.. afterall I'm the great Captain Usopp!" Usopp instantly became flattered hearing it.

They met the others on their way, Usopp left alone saying he had to do something, the three kids also followed. Zoro came beside Luffy and walked together..

"So?" Zoro asked Luffy..

"Hehe.. something interesting will soon happen."

Luffy answered knowing what Zoro was asking with a smirk.

Hearing it, Zoro also showed an evil smile..

"Heh! Looking forward to it.."

Nami: "What are you guys talking? How about the ship?"

"Don't worry.. we will have a new ship."

"Well thats fine.."

While walking around in the village, they met a strange man walking backward 'moonwalking' approaching them. It was Jango of the Black Cats pirates. Seeing him, Luffy had a smile on his face..

"Hum! It seems like its finally starting.."

Zoro: "Ok! So is he part of the plan?" Zoro asked Luffy which he nodded.

In fact, Zoro had already understood the character of Luffy while sailing along with him for a while. Luffy had great strength and liked planning for various events to occur. He knew it when they headed to the Orange town. Luffy was very similar like him who liked trouble. And Zoro didn't care as long as he could enjoy his journey and become the strongest swordsman. So, he would always follow wherever Luffy would go.

While passing each other, Jango could see the evil smiles of Luffy and Zoro which made him shuddered. He looked at the back of the leaving two and muttered with cold sweat, "Phew! What terrible smiles.. Its terrible." and slowly moon- walked away.

On the other side, Usopp was feeling down by Klahadore's words and was sitting on the cliff remembering his father and dead mother. The three kids were comforting him.

Tamanegi: "Captain! don't feel down just for that!"

Ninjin: "Yeah! Aren't you the Great Captain Usoop.."

Piiman: "Thats right! Cheer up Captain!"

"Thank you guys.. I am fine now.. but.."

Suddenly they could see two figures coming on the coast. Usopp's group soon recognised one of the figure.

"Eh! Isn't that Kaya's butler Klahadore? Whats he doing here?" They hid on the bushes and quietly listened to their conversation.

"Captain Kuro! What's the order?"

Hearing the words, Usopp was shocked. 'Eh! Isn't he called Klahadore? Wait, Captain Kuro? That's the one that Luffy mentioned before! So its really him. Then the one executed three years ago was a fake one?'

Kuro: "Well Jango, send the signals.. we are performing our plan at noon."

Jango: "Its okay man! But Captain, Isn't it a little early? Aren't we going to do it tomorrow.."

Kuro: "It doesn't matter, my plan will succeed no matter what. I have a bad feeling that something will destroy my plan, so I want to complete it before anything happens.."

Jango: "Ok man! We will attack the village at noon."

Kuro: "Yes.. then I will save the village and you will hypnotize to make her transfer all the properties in my hands and then she accidentally got killed in the attack.."

Jango: "This is why you have been a butler for three years, planning all this.. hehe, well done Captain Kuro!"

Usopp clearly heard a big plan. He and the kids silently went away and rushed to the village and shouting around the village..

"Pirates! Pirates! The pirates are gonna attack the village! Run for your lives! It's the pirates!"

Usopp's group ran around shouting about the attack which was going to happen at noon. But no one believed them as they always shouted the same thing all the time. The villagers started chasing and scolding them.

"Get lost you bastards! Don't go shouting lies.."

"We've had enough of all your lies.."

"B-but this time, its the truth! The pirates are really coming!"

The villagers still didn't believe him so he had to give up and ran up towards the mansion.

Inside the cafe, Luffy's group were sitting leisurely listening to the voices outside.

Luffy: "Well, lets go and check it out.."

Zoro: "Ok! Captain.. hehe, finally its starting.."

They soon left the cafe.

Usopp also didn't succeed in taking Kaya as she believed Klahadore more than Usopp who always told lies. He tried to forcely take her but Kaya immediately got angry and directly slapped him. Usopp also got shot by the butler Merry on his arm, finally he had no choice but to defend the pirates by himself.

It was already noon and the Black Cats pirates had already landed on the island about to launce the attack.

Usopp reached the coast and was shocked seeing the numbers of pirates. He started trembling in fear. But he put up his courage and stood in the middle of the road and shouted,

"Haha! You guys are unlucky to think that you could attack the village when I, the great Captain Usopp is here.."

Sham: "Eh! Who's that?"

Jango: "Uhyahyahya.. Don't worry, he's just a big liar. Guys! finish him off! We can't let Captain Kuro wait for long.."

"Lets' go!!" Several pirates shouted and started rushing towards Usopp.

Usopp was already at the verge of fainting with fear seeing the bad pirates rushing towards him.

But suddenly, two big trees fell down and blocked the road, even crushing some of the pirates.

"Well, its really a mess here.. Usopp! I didn't know you could also act brave.. its a little foolish though."

A mocking voice sounded, Zoro and Nami came out from the forest and stood beside him. Zoro was getting excited while Nami was also very scared but she didn't have any choice but to follow him.

Usopp: "You guys! Are you here to help me? And where's Luffy?"

Zoro: "He went to deal with Captain Kuro and we have to deal with these guys.. its getting excited!"

Zoro took out his swords and showed an evil smile.

Nami: "Um.. Zoro. Are you sure you want to fight these many? Lets wait for Luffy to come back.."

"Hehe.. to deal with these scums, I am more than enough... 'Three-Swords Styles'.."

Usopp: "Yosh! Go Zoro! I will support you from behind.."

Jango: "You guys! Don't waste time.. Crush them all!"

Sham & Buchi: "Lets go guys!"

Soon the battle of the coast between the Black Cat pirates and Usopp's group began....


Chapter End...

Enjoy it and remind if there's mistakes...