
As Luffy in One Piece

A man was transmigrated into One Piece as the main proganist of the series.. Monkey. D. Luffy... "Well.. That was unexpected but Luffy won't be stupid anymore..." The fan-fiction goes on with the plot.. except the changes in the character of Luffy and have a harem of course. Update schedule: Random number of chapter but it will be updated everyday..

AFKing_000 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Buggy the Clown!

After sailing for days, Luffy and Zoro finally saw a town faraway.

Luffy: "Ahh.. finally reach it. I thought I was going to die of boredom.."

Zoro: "First we have to eat some food, I'm dying of hunger as you ate it all.. how could you do this to your crew!"

"Ahaha! Sorry.. sorry.."

They reached the port, docked their boat and entered the town. While walking around, they found that all the houses were empty and there was no one in the whole town.

Zoro: "Strange! Where did all the townspeople go? I haven't met a single soul here.."

Luffy: "Yeah.. its really empty.."

Both of them strolled for some time until they finally heard some voices.

"Stop her!! She stole the map.. Captain Buggy will kill us!"

"Hurry!! Catch her!!"

Luffy: "Well looks like some peoples are chasing a little thief.."

In the front street Luffy saw a girl with short orange hair running towards them and behind her were three pirates holding sabres. The girl saw Luffy and had a wicked thought, she rushed towards Luffy and held his hand tightly,

"Boss!! So you have finally come to save me.. These bastards have been chasing me, teach them a lesson.."

"Eh! Do I know you?" Luffy asked in a confused tone. He knew the girl but didn't expect to call him as boss.

"What are you saying, Boss! I'm your subordinate.. Ok, bye..help me deal with them.." Nami acted cunningly and finally ran away leaving the three pirates with Luffy.

"Ah! That woman tricked us! " Luffy and Zoro soon realised what was going on. Luffy smiled bitterly, he knew that Nami was very cunning but didn't expect he would also get tricked.

"Heh.. So you two are her subordinates, call her back before we kill you.." The three pirates turned to the duo and threatened them. They were also tricked with Nami's words.

"Hm.. Zoro, deal with this scums."

"Ok captain.. my hands have become dumb this past days, I will train on them.."

Luffy asked Zoro as he didn't want to deal with the weak ones and it will also improve Zoro's skill.

Zoro took out his three swords and started attacking..

"What! Its Roronoa Zoro! Help.. ahh!!"

The three pirates were easily defeated by Zoro. Nami, who was watching from the roof was also shocked with their strengths.

"Eh! You defeated them easily! Hey.. I am Nami, I'm a thief that robs pirates, why don't you join me?"

Nami came down and asked the two. They immediately refused the invitation. After Zoro's stomach started complaining, Nami took both of them to treat them food.

"Gulp.. ahh! That was good. So, Nami since you are a Navigator, why don't you join me on my pirate crew?"

"What! So you are a pirate.. And, no thanks. I don't want to become a pirate."

"Well thats a loss.."

After Nami knew that the two were pirates, she left them after having the meal. What she hated the most were the pirates, even though Luffy and Zoro were good, she still hated the pirates.

Later, Luffy and Zoro also headed towards where the Buggy pirates to have some fun. They finally show a huge circus like ship. Many pirates with circus costumes were also near the ship. Luffy and Zoro were soon spotted by the pirates..

"Hey.. its them! Roronoa Zoro and Straw Hat that I said before.."

"They dare to come here.. haha! They are seeking death!! Catch them!!"

Several pirates rushed towards the two who still walked forward. Zoro took out his swords and started attacking defeating the pirates one by one.

Zoro: "Hmph.. a bunch of weak guys.."

"Hehe.. So you two have come here. We were about to go find you, who would have thought that you will come to hell yourselves.."

A teasing voice sounded and two figure came out of a big tent..

One was the acrobat swordsman, Cabaji and the other was Mohji the Beast Tamer riding on his pet lion Richie. Both were the main staffs of the Buggy pirates.

Luffy: "Hey.. a funny swordsman and a cosplayer idiot.. Hehe, that Buggy really have funny crewmates.."

Mohji: "W-who is funny? Bastards.. I will teach you what happens if you mock me.."

Zoro: "Captain.. I will take that swordsman."

Zoro immediately attacked Cabaji and started fighting each other on the side. Mohji also wanted to attack Luffy but Richie started acting strange..

Mohji: "What happened Richie? Why are you not moving? Attack you bastard.."

Mohji scolded Richie but he didn't even listen. What he feared was the cold eyes of Luffy staring at him. His beast instinct told him not to mess up with the man in front.

Luffy slowly released his aura making the air dense and stared at Richie who was already trembling with fear. He slightly smiled and ordered Richie..

"Little lion, stand up.."

Richie immediately stood up making Mohji fell down locking shocked.

"Richie! What are you doing? Why are you listening to him?" Mohji angrily shouted but Richie still didn't care. He was currently very obedient towards Luffy acting like a pet dog.

Luffy: "Kick him away and go run around the town for 10 times.." Richie didn't even hesitate, directly kicked Mohji away and ran towards the town immediately.

Mohji: "Damn.. you unreliable pet!!" Mohji lay on the ground and roared at Richie. He was very angry, even his pet betrayed him.

Luffy slowly walked forward and shouted loudly which made everyone present shocked.

"You Red-nose loser!! Get your ass out here!!"

"W-what! He called Captain Buggy, Red Nose! He's finished now.."

Suddenly an angry roar came from inside and 'Buggy the Clown' with a big red nose rushed out immediately..

"W-who called me Red-nose!!? Who dares to call me a Red-nose loser!!?"

Luffy: "Hehe.. I called you, Buggy the Red-nose loser.."

Buggy: "Damn you Straw Hat kid!! I'm going to tear your face right now!!"

Hearing the mocking words of Luffy, Buggy got very mad. Then he suddenly saw the straw hat worn by Luffy.

Buggy: "T-that.. thats' the bastard's hat.. where did you get it from, kid?"

Luffy: "Oh! You know Shanks! Hehe.. so you are the stupid and funny red-nose clown crewmate that Shanks told about.." Luffy decided to tease him a bit. Sure enough, after hearing the words, Buggy's face immediately turned red with anger.

Buggy: "Damn that bastard!! He was making fun of me in my back!! I will get you back Shanks!! huff.. huff.. very good kid, you have angered me.. I will beat you up now."

Luffy: "Hehe.. stop jocking around, what can a loser do? Let me teach you some lesson.."

Luffy walked towards Buggy cracking his fists but he saw a familiar figure beside Buggy.

"Eh! What happened to you? Nami.."

It was Nami. She was captured inside a cage. After she left, she intruded inside Buggy's ship to steal the treasures when she got caught and put inside the cage.

"You can clearly see what happened to me.. Now, help me.." Nami pleaded Luffy with a pity face but it didn't work on Luffy.

"You know I can't do that to a stranger but its another matter if you were my crew.." Luffy said with a very innocent face. Nami greeted her teeth, Luffy turned out to be cunning like her. She had no choice but to agree with Luffy as it was her only chance to escape.. 'Whatever I will join them until I reach my goal and finally leave silently.. hehe'

Nami thought in her mind and made her decision..

"Fine.. fine.. I will join your stinky pirates. Now, help me get out of here.."

Luffy: "Well.. wait a moment.. 'Storm Leg' "

Luffy waved his leg and a wind blade shot forward and immediately cut the cage's top.

"What! How dare you? Bastard!!" Buggy was a little shocked and soon rushed forward. Luffy tried to hit hit but Buggy immediately splitted and avoided the attack.

Buggy: "Haha.. I'm a split-split person, you can't hit me.." Buggy laughed proudly showing his skill.

"Hehh.. Is it? Then how about this?" Luffy showed a sneering smile and hardly stepped on Buggy's feet with his right foot covered with armed color.


"Ahhh! My feet.. my feet.. its broken!!" Buggy cried in pain and returned back to normal rolling on the floor holding his feet. Luffy came beside him and looked down at Buggy. Buggy trembled seeing the sinister smile on Luffy's face. He understood that it was not a good day. Luffy covered his fists with armed color and punched on Buggy's face into a pulp.

"P-please.. I-i beg you.. M-my face can't hold anymore.. ahh!" Soon Buggy lost consciousness with a disfigured face.

Luffy and Nami came out and saw Zoro resting on the side with several cuts on his body. He had also completely cleaned the other pirates. Luffy came forward and carried him on his back and walked towards the town along with Nami.

Luffy: "Hehe.. looks like you really got hit hard, moss head Zoro.."

Zoro: "Cough.. just shut up and carry me quietly, you bastard captain.."


Nami: "You guys.. its not funny. He need to be treated immediately. Lets go find some medicine in the town.."

The three people walked towards the town and a lion was running around the town.

Soon, they met an old man and after knowing that Buggy was defeated, he immediately rejoiced and treated Zoro.

After resting for a day in the town, Luffy, Zoro and Nami decided to leave the town next morning. They bade farewell to the old man and finally sailed away towards the next destination.

Nami: "Ok guys.. we are heading to the nearest island.. sail off!"

"Lets go!!"

Luffy along with his two crew sailed forward continuing his journey..

On the other side.. inside Buggy's pirate ship..

"Ahhh!! It hurts!! My face.. huff.. huff.. Damn Straw Hat!! I will get you back!! ...Ahhhhhh"

Thus, the painful journey of Buggy also continued..


Chapter End..

Enjoy it...//////