
A Werewolf Demise

Five years ago Micael Davidson was banished from the Shadow Mystic Pack. A pack that he held dearest to his heart, he was falsely accused, stripped, and humiliated by all of them, all the while being mocked and taunted by the same people he called family. He swore by the Moon goddess that he would make sure to get his lick of revenge by any means necessary. Five years later a woman by the name of Maria Santos lost her fiancee to an animal attack, while he went hiking in the woods. However she felt that deep within her that his death was more than just an animal attack, and looks investigate further. A chance meeting brought both her and Micael together, who reluctantly agreed to team up with her. The both of them having different, yet similar reasons for their quest, one was for revenge the other was for justice. Which of them would prevail over the other?

SusanPeterson21 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

chapter 9

Chapter 9

For the past few days Maria has always made sure to go to Micael's house all the time, not because she enjoys his company or anything, at least that's what she always tells herself to say the least.

Micael was one drop dead gorgeous man that should be on the front page of a magazine, but if he manages to get the attention of anybody there's a slight chance that his whole werewolf cover might be blown.

Sometimes she even sees herself staring at him for too long and she always catch herself before he catches her.

She needed to focus, she has to focus on finding who killed Jeffery. Of lately she catches herself thinking about Jeffery a bit too much, despite Anna's advice to let go, she still has gotten rid of the engagement ring on her finger.

The thought of letting go of something important weighed down on her like an anvil. So she kept it there instead, sometimes she usually catch Micael staring at it, but never uttering a word to her about it.

Due to this whole werewolf thing she did more deep research about them, completely fascinated by how beings could turn into wolves under the moonlight.

She thinks it's absolutely pretty, now that she thinks about it, she doesn't really remember Michael's werewolf form, all she remembers a pair of blue eyes staring at her before she passed out that day.

But with the thought and possiblity of werewolves existing there is a slight chance that other mythical creatures exist. For some reason the thought of fantasy like creatures existing in this real world made her spine tingle. In a good way.

Suddenly she was in middle school searching the internet about things like this, she always discussed it with her parents and listened like they were interested in what she was saying.

"Maria. Hello, Earth to Maria," Maria broke out of her reverie to look at Anna in front of her.

"What's the problem?" Maria asked looking confused a bit.

"In case you don't know we are like in the middle of solving a case," she pointed out to her.

Maria looked around her surroundings and realized that she was right, they are in the middle of solving a case.

This town, despite it being a peaceful place that many people from different states move in to relax or retire, has it's dark side, like the amount of killings that happen all the time, due to the amount of drugs being pedaled on the street.

Maria let out a sigh, she used her fingers to clean out the tiredness of her eyes.

"I'm sorry Anna. It's just that of lately..." She stopped herself from speaking, there was no telling her that she has been busy with things that she don't know about or understand.

"Of lately what?" Anna asked with a concern expression on her face.

"Nothing nevermind, let's get back to what we were doing shall we." Maria swerved the topic to the killing right in front of them.

Anna looked, she realized that Maria has been losing wait and having more dark circles underneath her eyes. But whenever she was ready to tell her she would tell her.


They are people of this world that know things that many other ordinary people shouldn't know. Things that if ever gotten out to the public, the outrage would be devastating.

Human beings don't know how to handle things they are not familiar with so their intention would be to riot against it and probably kill it in the process.

The selected few people that know about the existence of the creatures of the night, know very well how that those things aren't to be messed with.

So they don't tell a single soul, not even their families.

However they all came together to talk about a looming threat that was in front of them. In the form of one Micael Davidson.

"It seems that he has started to make a move." Man 1 said, lighting up a cigarette in his hand and blowing it out, he watched it disappear into the air.

"What should we do about the situation?" Man 2 asked, worry in the tone of his voice.

"What should we do about the situation?" Man 1 repeated the question Man 2 asked. For a second it looks like he was thinking deeply about the question, then he let out a laugh.

"What the fuck do you think humans like us can do about beast like them. With us knowing that things like this exist we literally at the bottom of the food chain."

"But sir..." Man 1 interjected before he could talk.

"But nothing. There is nothing we can do, but just watch everything unfolds. After all they have a leader that watches over them. So it's none of my business what those damn dogs do."

And he was right, it really was none of their business anyways, if given the opportunity he would love to wipe out his memory of ever knowing about those beings existence.

Heck even him finding out about their existence was a complete mistake that he wish he never made.

He was just so stupid. He smoke his remaining cigarette and once again watch the smoke disappear into the air.

"How is your wife doing?" He asked man 2.

"She is doing fine sir, at least she is responding to treatment.

"Good, that's good. Anyways you can leave, greet your child for me would ya." Man 2 nodded his head and left the office, while Man 1 say himself in a deep state melancholy.

He let out a sigh, there are sometimes he wishes that human beings were just alone in this world... But if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.


Anna looked at the text message that was sent to her, her eyes trying to make out what was written there.

Maybe she was just dreaming, but she just couldn't believe what was written there.

'Would you be my girlfriend.'