
A Werewolf Demise

Five years ago Micael Davidson was banished from the Shadow Mystic Pack. A pack that he held dearest to his heart, he was falsely accused, stripped, and humiliated by all of them, all the while being mocked and taunted by the same people he called family. He swore by the Moon goddess that he would make sure to get his lick of revenge by any means necessary. Five years later a woman by the name of Maria Santos lost her fiancee to an animal attack, while he went hiking in the woods. However she felt that deep within her that his death was more than just an animal attack, and looks investigate further. A chance meeting brought both her and Micael together, who reluctantly agreed to team up with her. The both of them having different, yet similar reasons for their quest, one was for revenge the other was for justice. Which of them would prevail over the other?

SusanPeterson21 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 8

Once again, Maria was in this strangers house. Now that she thinks about it she doesn't even know his name.

"Hey, what is your name by the way?" She asked him as they walked towards the kitchen.

"Micael. Micael Davidson." He walked around the counter. And put a cup in the coffee maker, Maria cringed a little as he drank out of it.

"What about you? What's your name?" He took another sip out the coffee.

"My name is Maria."

"Nice to meet you Maria, if you want to sleep, I can show you the bedroom..."

"I didn't come here for a sleepover." She interjected. "I came here to ask you once again if you can help me?"

He had a confused expression on his face. "Help you what?"

"Finding out the person, or rather wolf, that killed my fiancee."

He let out another groan, rubbing his face his hand, he didn't want this type of conversation. He was getting tired of it.

"Look, I am not going to help you find the killer of your boyfriend. I have things I need to do, I am a very busy person nowadays."

"I am begging you, please help me." She had a look of plea on her face.

Micael really wish he could help her, but he just didn't want to help her.

"If I help you, there would be a huge target on your back, and I don't want that to happen to you."

"Target on my back." She scoffed. "I have been a cop for five years, battling against the toughest and the most hardest cases ever known to man and you think that I would care about some target on my back." She was offended by this words he was using on, first he said that she was a distraction now he was saying that she would have a target on her back.

"Whether you have been a cop for all your life, still can't help you. You are literally going to be battling against beings that are strong enough to kill you, just one swap of your paw and you are dead."

"And I don't care, I just want to know who killed my fiancee. Please Micheal..."

"It's Micael, not Micheal, there is no H in the spelling." He corrected her.

"Please Micael just help me."

"First you show up to the house of a man–who you know nothing about by the way. And now you are begging that same man to help you find the person that killed your fiancee. What if I am a bad person? What if my true intentions are to kill or maim you?"

"My gut would have told me already that you are a bad person."

Micael let out a chuckle and then shook his head. "That's a very silly thing now isn't it. Trusting your gut, what are you 12?"

She ignored his taunts, cause she clearly do not care about them she just needed his help.

"Are you going to help me or not?" She was getting tired of the back and forth.

Micael didn't answer for a long time, it looked like he was thinking deeply about it. After a while he gave her the answer.

"Fine, you win. But if you die, don't say I didn't warn you." He pointed his finger at her while saying this.

"Thank you very much," Maria said letting out a sigh of relief.

And so an unlikely partnership was formed, between the both of them. One that would either make her find who killed her fiancee and make her seek justice for him, or probably kill her in the process.

And right now she don't even care.


Meanwhile, Ansel was in the town, he was seated in a cafe that opens late into the night, patiently waiting for someone.

The care didn't have much people in it, so it was easy for him to place an order while waiting.

The door to cafe opened and in came the person that he waiting for, he stood up and hugged the person as a form of greeting.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, you look pretty in real life." He complimented, which caused the girl to blush.

She sat down adjacent to him.

"Have you made any order yet?" She asked and Ansel nodded his head.

He motioned for the waiter to come, and the waiter came and took the lady's order and then left to go get it.

"So tell me about yourself Anna." He stirred the cup of coffee with the spoon given to him.

"Oh, there is nothing of importance that you should know about me. Like at all."

"Nonsense, there is always something important to know about everybody in this life." Ansel said.

"Well if you insists. I grew in Washington DC, in which I attended a police academy and worked in the police department there till I was moved to this parts."

"Ah so you are a police officer. See that is interesting."

Another blush creeped to Anna's cheeks, he really do know how to make a girl feel better about herself.

The waiter came and drop her order on her table, she took the spoon and scoop the cream and place it in her mouth, savoring the taste from it.

"This is so nice, here have a taste." She offered to him, which he turned down.

"Sorry, no can do. I am watching my sugar level, wouldn't want to get higher than it already is."

A look of concern appeared on her face when she heard him say that. "I am so sorry."

"Why are you apologizing to me for, it's not like it's your fault or something."

"I mean I know it's not my fault, I just feel bad cause my dad also has the same problem too. He can't take a certain amount of sugar also, and what's even sadder is that he has a sweet tooth. So the doctor told my mom to make sure to watch over him all the time so that he doesn't end up in the hospital."

"Your mom is a very strong person, and I am sure that you are just like her."

Yet again another blush creeped up to her face.

Maybe this one was the right person for her, she has been searching for a partner for a very long time. However she just couldn't find one, maybe he was the universe heard her cries and decided to bring this man to her.

And she hopes that they would be together for a long time.