
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · คนดัง
22 Chs

Chapter 7_ Strange girl at the train station

Kim Min-Jun train arrived Shuyon train port. He came down from the train and look around behold a strange town. He exhaled slowly wandering around in disguised mentioning no one recognize him. For sure no one was going to recognize him here and beside he's just an upcoming raising star.

After Some minutes of wandering in the train station, he became exhausted and fined comfort on a chair occupied by few persons.

Few minutes later, they all left except him and a young lady whom he noticed was disturbed. He glanced at her severally but she was lost on something and seems not to notice his glances. She remains in that position for minutes without moving her body an ache or moving her gaze.

"Hey, hello, excuse me, hi." Min-Jun said trying to get her attention but she ignores him completely neither moving none blinking.

"She must be blind and deaf as well." He concluded regarding her actions and proceeded to waving his hand around her eyes and concluded she was blind when her eyes remain still but suddenly, she turn slowly like a ghost and glared at him. Her face was completely dead from smile but still her beautiful big eyes with long lashes were perceptible. He quickly withdraw his hand from her face. she's isn't blind.

"Hello, excuse me please." He said trying to get her attention again but she still remain in her state with she has returned to.

"Maybe she is deaf after all. What a pretty face for deaf lady." He murmured feeling bad for her and then she made another move again like a ghost and gave him the wry gaze. She turned her face back and continue looking at the direction

"She isn't deaf either." He stand up and started walking forward murmuring "Maybe she's mute anyways."

She heard him and immediately stand up, went to him and kick him hard in his leg from behind. Min Jun scream inaudibly as he turned back to her.

"I'm not dump either bastard rich asshole." she rudely said and walk away from him.

"Bastard rich asshole? Did she just refer that to me?" He questioned himself wondering why her manner. "No, I can't let her go away with it. Wait!" He yelled and hop on one foot to her still screaming for her to stop. She stopped and in few second, he got to her panting.

"How could you walked so fast?" He asked admits exhaled.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"How dare…." He stopped when he met her unfriendly gaze and at once, he change words. "I need your help please."

"Do I look like the good Samaritan?" She asked already getting irritated by his presence. Then a thought flashed to her mind. Maybe he can help me too. She made quick smiled on the thought then frown her face quickly before he notices. "What do you want?"

"Please, I really do need your help. Actually I'm new here. I came to met someone on a business propose but unfortunately for him, he has a very important meeting and unable to pick me up and he asked me to lodge at a hotel. Considering me new here, I don't know my way around here. So do you mind taking me to any hotel nearby?"

"7000 won" She replied wasting not a seconds.


"7000 won for my service."

"What? 7000 won, just to show me to an hotel?" He asked surprisingly shocked as well.

"Are you in or not?" she replied standing for her words.

"I'm not asking you to take a room with me."

"Get lost." She replied and walked on disappointed. He might not be rich as he look and his lied was cheap. He doesn't even look like a business man or something.

"How could she ask for 7000 won just to help me?"

"You pay 5000 won?" Her voice came up. Maybe I should just accept. I won't give her a in the least anyway.

"Sure" He said and went to her. She pulls her hand forward waiting for the payment. "You don't expect me to pay you now. Service before payment it's." She thought for a while and concord. "Follow me." She ordered like the boss.

She stopped a taxi and they both got him. "To the nearest hotel." She ordered.

"How long is the hotel from here?" Min-Jun asked after minutes of the journey. Few minutes more was her respond. After just four minutes, Min-Jun repeated his question.

"Just shut up and wait." Her tone sound like a scary boss. It seems funny to Min-Jun and he made humorous giggles and repeat her word mimicking her tone.

"What was that?"


"No, that wasn't nothing. I just heard respect what I said."

"I didn't."

"Yes you did."

"Okay admit, I did it. What wrong after all?"

"You dare ask your rescuer to shut up."

"Savior? knight in shining armor." He murmured teasingly.

"You dare mocked me? I'll teach you a lesson you won't in a hurry." She covered her fist tight and hard wanting to hit him when the taxi stopped. Her fist hang up as she stop and turned to the driver who was already pointing a gun at them and she freeze in her breath.