
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · Celebrities
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22 Chs

Chapter 6_ Fake Death

Min-Jun entered the other member's presence, Ha-ri saw him and run to hug him. She wetted his shirt with her tears in less than a minute as he hugged him tightly.

"I'll be fine Ha-ri. Si Woon will take care of you while I'm away. Don't neglect your meal so you won't lose weight. Be a good girl like I always taught you okay."

Ha-ri giggles. "You're still very bad at consoling." She whispered and put her hand into her bag, brought out an envelope which she sneak into Min-Jun backpack secretly.

Min-Jun notice but remain calm.

"Read it when you have the time and stop feeling guilty." She whispered into his ears.

"Thanks for believing me Ha-ri." He whispered back to her. He knew even if no one believed he was guiltless, his best friend in the world will do.

She disengaged from the hugged and took off her wrist watch. "Take this, engage conversation with it when you're felling down and you'll feel my company's."

He collected it from her and put it on. He forced a smile on his face. "Thanks Ha-ri."

"Min-Jun lets go." Manager Ma said and Ha-ri quickly give him one last tight comforting short hugged. Min-Jun wave at them as he left with manager Ma disguised into Manager Ma Car and they zoom off to the train station.

Few minutes later, they arrived the train station. It was only few minutes remaining for the train to depart when he arrived.

He put on a nose mark and a cap covering half his face.

"I'll sure come look for you when I found out the truth."

"So you believe I'm innocent?"

Manager ma nodded putting on a consoling smile. "The min Jun I know can't even hurt a fly."

Min-Jun was relieved a little. At least Ha-ri believed he was innocent and now Manager does too.

"Go before you miss your train."Min-Jun hugged manager Ma and left.

At dawn, an artificial face looking exactly like Min-Jun was found dead in a car at the road side by a grandma in her eighties. She contacted the cops immediately. Few minutes later, the cops where at the scene so as Detective Jun, Officer Park, journalists and individual where everywhere.

Detective Jun was surprised. He wasn't aware of Min Jun running away from the prison as it was later confirmed by Officer Park. He was suspecting something odd about the sudden accident but his head couldn't think as all his mind what on the topic 'how did it happen?' was all he could think of as it kept repeating in his head.

Later on, it came on news, magazines and social media that the leader of the Blossom group, Kim Min-Jun who was involved in the murdered of the popular star actress Park A-yeong and was arrested, absconded from prison and in the act he got into an accident with an anonymous driver and die on the process.

Few feel bad for him while many were contented with the fate that befalls him saying he deserved death as his punishment.

At the police station, Detective Jun was called to the general office.

"You called for me sir."

"Yes I did detective Jun. I heard you were looking for the CCTV footage of the location the accident occurred."

"Yes sir. I suspected something was wrong so I want to look further into this case maybe then I can find and see how it happened."

"Detective Jun, what do you then intend to do with the evidence if one is found? The victim is gone and gone for good. So stop any further investigation, there is nothing to investigate on. This case is closed."

Detective Jun wasn't expecting that from the general but still he has to accept and comply with the general.

"Yes sir, I got it sir." He replied and vacated his office.

At be company. Duri shed tears of sympathy and mourning when they heard the news. Gyeol was trying his best to console him while crying as well. Si woon sit quietly feeling a little guilty for Min-Jun death but also happy for some reasons.

Director Chow, manager Ma and secretary Young ran walked into their presence.

They all stand up immediately as they entered.

"It isn't true right?" Duri asked knowing full well what the answer he was excepting was.

"I bet you all saw the news already. He deserved what he got. All true, he was a hardworking and respectful leader but still, he cause the fate upon himself."

Duri cried even more when Director Chow finished his statement. Gyeol who was trying to console him joined him.