
A mad universe (DC/MARVEL)

I'm not great at writing summaries, so I'll skip that part and focus on highlighting the key themes instead: The world I've created combines elements from both DC and Marvel, with significant changes to ensure a balanced scale of power. I'm still researching both universes to ensure I do justice to their original concepts. Romance will play a role in the story, but I don't plan on introducing a large cast of female characters. For now, the main relationships are with Kara and possibly Rogue, due to how the draft has unfolded. My primary goal with this story is to attract readers and experiment with different writing styles that I can apply to my main story. This project isn't my top priority, so I won't be publishing daily updates. I'll aim for every other day, but if necessary, I'll adjust to at least two chapters per week. I promise to see the story through to completion, even if I encounter any obstacles.

Christian_210 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

A ridiculous city. - Part2.

Several minutes passed with him father just trying to keep the snipers at bay until the vehicles finally arrived and resolved the situation, it was sadly obvious that someone had delayed the arrival of reinforcements as long as possible, but both my father and I just ignored it and answered a few questions before heading to the hospital; all the way Barbara didn't want to leave my side even when our father tried to pick her up, which is understandable, even at the hospital I had to stay in the same room as her and even ignored our father going into despair in the next room when he received a phone call informing him that our older brother had disappeared.



'Do you know where our brother is?' Eduard asked while holding his sister's hand and reading a book on genetics.

['Yes, I found him before we got to the hospitals, but you don't have to worry about saving your not-so-loved brother, apparently today was the premiere of Batman.]

'I see... I hope the offer to work with my father isn't made today, or I'll have to convince him to send me away with Barbara, this town simply isn't a good place to grow up; even as an ex-policeman I can't stand the atmosphere here, I can't imagine what it will do to my sister, especially now that she's grown up spoiled thanks to me...' Eduard thought as he looked away from the book and focused on his sister. 'Let me know when he brings my brother and meets my father, I'd like to hear their conversation before deciding how to approach the subject of leaving this cursed hole.'

[Leave it to me! (^o^) /]

Eduard smiled as he watched Cortana respond, over time she has become more and more human, although he noticed that she tries to deny that side most of the time. After that, he just ignored his father's calls, since he doesn't really care much about his crazy brother who tortures animals in secret, and just continued reading various books while holding the hand of his sister, who was sleeping next to him.


- Ed, where's Dad? - Eduard, who was studying energy distribution, generation and transmission, dropped the book on his leg and, without anyone noticing, exchanged it for an advanced physics textbook, which was what he was supposed to be reading; it was a good trick that he had managed to invent even without a teacher, using the sensation of when he said a word backwards; after putting the book aside, he looked at his magnet, who was staring at him with her eyes ajar, showing that she had just woken up.

-He had to go out for a while and should be back soon... - Eduard picked up the phone and sent a message to his father without his sister noticing.

- Mn... - Barbara just nodded and waited in silence as she stared at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought.

- What are you thinking? - Eduard just leaned on the bed and looked at his sister, hoping to convey some sense of comfort or security to her.

- Nothing. - Barbara answered without looking at Eduard, but he noticed that she relaxed a little with her voice.

- Really?

- Uh...

- Sigh... - Eduard sighed when he saw her expression, but as he was never very good at comforting anyone, he just stayed with her while holding her hand.

- Ed, is everything going to be all, right?" Barbara asked after a few minutes.

- Of course it will! I'll take care of everything! - I replied and lightly squeezed her cheeks, watching a small smile form on her face. 'I find it hard to imagine that she should be Batgirl in the future... I think it's for the best, I wouldn't want to imagine my little sister taking risks on a daily basis'. Comforting himself, Eduard ignored any possible problems his attitude might cause and just continued to comfort his sister until Cortana's voice sounded in his mind.

[Batman has summoned James Gordon to the roof of the hospital and has just handed his brother over to him.]

- I need to go to the bathroom, little princess. - Eduard squeezed his sister's cheek and went into the bathroom before she could say anything.

- Right, let's see what they're talking about. - Leaning against the door, he let his senses wander until he found his father's voice shouting "JJ" before hugging his older brother.


James Gordon POV:


- JJ! Are you all, right?" Looking at his first-born and only biological son in a panic as he lay on the floor.

- He's just unconscious.

- Who are you? - I took out my gun and pointed it at the man in the strange, intimidating costume.

- James Gordon, one of the few honest police officers left in Gotham still trying to do something for this city.

Looking a little stunned at the man, he loosened his grip on his gun a little, he couldn't explain why, but he could feel that this man in front of him was trustworthy. - Thanks for the recognition, but that still doesn't answer that you should be, does it?

- ... - I watched the man stare at me without changing his expression for several seconds until he answered me in a more serious tone than before. - You can call me Batman... - After that, he seemed to be judging me for a few seconds and only stopped when I questioned him.

- Right, Batman... - I took a deep breath and then looked at my son who had been rescued by the man in front of me. - Thank you for bringing my son, but... What do you want?

- Your help, to change this city.

- ... - I stared at the masked man for a while before replying with a sarcastic smile. - You want my help, and you won't even show me your face?


Eduard POV:


- Sigh... - I looked up and my vision crossed the entire distance to continue observing their conversation for a few more moments before I simply accepted what was going to happen and gave up on getting my father out of the city; I knew him well enough to know that even if the conversation didn't seem to be going in the worst direction, he had already accepted this "hope" of saving Gotham and wouldn't give up, and even if I doubted that he would accept it in this first conversation, I was still certain that he wouldn't agree to leave Gotham.

- Well... I can look after myself and my sister if she wants to come with me. - I shrugged and went back to my sister's room.

- What do you see? - I asked when I realized that she was staring at the hospital television.

- A report on the attack.

Looking at her I could see how scared she was and I didn't say anything for a few moments, I just sat down next to her and held her hand while we watched the news.

- Do you like living in Gotham Barbara? - I was going to ask later, but I took advantage of the fact that my father was at the door to let him hear my opinion and Barbar's opinion, which I hoped would be the same as mine at this point.

Barbara looked at the report for several seconds and I realized that our father had been waiting at the door the whole time while listening, I even realized that Batman had left something on our father like a bug and was listening to us now.

- No... - After several seconds, she answered with tear-filled eyes. - I don't like this place!

Looking at her reaction I felt a little bad, I knew that the answer might have been different if I'd asked this question before today or a few months later, but in order to get out of this place until I have a little more control over myself and for my sister to grow up in an environment that doesn't make her want to put on a costume before and find a way to give her powers I'd rather do it.

- It's okay... - I hugged her and waited for her to stop crying before I finished. - I don't like living in Gotham either... What do you think about moving?

Barbara continued to cry for a few more moments before sniffling and nodding, she didn't want to say anything and for me that would have been enough, but as I knew my father was expecting a verbal response, I had to force it a little now. - So, you have to leave too, right?

- Uh Hu...

Watching her nod and looking at my father's slight reaction to hearing her, I decided that just that answer was enough and started to comfort her while I watched my father listening to us for a while longer before walking to a nearby room where my "dear" brother was resting; I stayed with Barbara for several minutes before she fell asleep, taking advantage of this moment I wrote a note saying that I was going to talk to our father and left the room to go to where my father was talking to JJ.

- Dad? - I knocked on the door and called out before the door opened in the next instant.

- ... - Gordon watched me for a few seconds before smiling and ruffling my hair. - I was looking after JJ, they rescued him a little while ago... - He said before looking back with some relief and then turned his gaze back to me. - Do you need anything, son?

- Yes... - Looking at my father I hesitated to tell him that I wanted to move, but I really wanted to stay away from a place like Gotham, and now that I was pretty sure my father couldn't go it would be even better in a way, since I would have more space to train without worries, after all, the only person he could ask to look after us was his "cop" friend who worked in Gotham and keeps in touch by collecting information from him from time to time, his "friend" should agree to look after us to maintain his cover, especially with Batman showing up and Bruce Wayne returning to the city.

Coming out of my thoughts after only a fraction of a second, I gathered courage and looking into his eyes I said. - Dad... Can we leave Gotham?

- ... - I watched my father's expression change dozens of times in a minute, and this only confirmed that he wasn't going to leave the city, so I needed to seize this moment and preferably convince him now.

- Son, I-

- Dad, Barbara almost died today... - I may not have any teachers and I only have a little knowledge of magic, but I can slightly influence someone's mood just as I can use telekinesis and inverted words like Zatanna; I don't know if this is possible naturally or if it has something to do with my ability to use cosmic energy to replace air mana or just mix them together to use magic more easily, but it doesn't matter, what matters is that I made my father feel slightly guilty and worried with my words. - Dad, I know you don't want to leave town or run away, and I don't want to force you to... - I paused for a moment and, continuing to slightly increase the feelings he was feeling, I continued. - But I don't want you to force me to stay here either... If you have to stay, can't you ask someone to look after me and my sister? We don't want to go through this again... - Now being completely shameless, I not only increased the feeling of guilt and compassion with magic, I also took advantage of my adorable appearance and made the famous puppy-dog face, dignity like an adult? Fuck that! No one would ever know that anyway. - Dad, can you ask Aunt Maria to look after us?

- ... - Seeing his hesitation I just mentally apologized and promised not to do it again to someone who didn't deserve it and pushed him as hard as I could until he agreed.

- Sigh... It's okay Ed... I'll talk to Maria tomorrow, okay?

- Okay. - With a big smile on my face, I left and prepared to live on as a possible absent guardian of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In my other story I had a problem with the final paragraphs so as a precaution I will post this at the end of all the chapters.

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