
∞From One Time To The Next∞

In a Harry Potter-verse where Voldemort's rise and battle lasted far longer. A gender-bent war-torn Harry (Calla) comes from an alternate realities future back to the past hoping to right her wrongs. (Read More)

Silentium_ · ภาพยนตร์
3 Chs


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Albus Dumbledore didn't need to see anymore the power of Calla's loss weighted his heart down for poor Harry. Pointing his knobbed wand Dumbledore unbound her he forced himself to work up the nerve to tell Calla the truth. "Oh, dear I'm so sorry." Calla looked up at him with eyes that reflected Lily Evans. An afterimage reminiscent of her lingered in bone structure. Unruly blood matted black mane reminding him of how much he failed everyone.

Her pain intensity was similar to his overwhelming guilt involving Ariana. Dumbledore rubbed his forehead feeling a headache come on. He couldn't lose focus Calla could help him put an end to Voldemort" Miss Potter I'm afraid i have some bad news. There is no Potter alive by the name Calla the last Potter in this dimension is named Harry Potter. Its the end of his fourth year where he participated in the Triwizard tournament."

Calla stared at Dumbledore in silence for what felt like hours. I traveled dimensions, huh Calla digested numbly letting her head fall into her hands

"Bloody hell! What in the name of Merlin am i going to do!!?" Calla felt exhaustion in her bones dejectedly Calla sighed. She had hoped this was her past so that she could save everybody but she didn't even belong here figures. "Dimension travel has never been delved into. There no returning from when you were from Calla I am sorry."

"Its fine everything that mattered is gone... I figured i could help you out with Voldemort but what are we going to do about my Identity?"

"Well need to establish a name with the Goblins creating a new identity for yourself. Voldemort and his followers might catch wind of you if suddenly a new Potter shows up. It would be best if you went by your mother's Maiden name. Then permanently transfigure your hair red to fit the Guise of Lily Evan's youngest sister Calla Evans. Thereafter we alter Petunias memory to fit your existence"

Called looked up startled at Dumbledore "I get to stay? Won't Harry be upset that his aunt abandoned him?" Chewing her lip suddenly she had a responsibility to a kid Dumbledores eyes glittered with excitement.

"No, you've been gone several years monitoring the movements of Death Eaters. As an order member though very few will know the true nature of your presence here. Youll also be going to see a mind healer." Raising her brow Calla ran a hand through her hair sighing "Has anyone ever told you how intellectually frightening you are?"

"No, but i can tell I can also tell you aren't mentally suited to be on the field right now." Nodding Calla looked away she couldn't argue shed tried to kill herself. Suddenly the stone floor became more interesting than her old headmasters face.

She wanted to kill herself but now she had responsibility Dumbledore always sets people up the old codger! Wringing her hands Calla rubbed her knuckles. "If you send Harry to the Dursleys could you send him with non-expirable food? It would drive me crazy knowing he's starving."

"There won't be a need they've shown themselves incapable of caring for him. He has a lot on his plate you'll meet him at Grimmauld place. Right now i think you should get cleaned up then get some rest." Growling to herself Calla crossed her arms unimpressed now Dumbledore started helping Harry. She couldn't help feeling angry Calla went through the same thing. Conjuring a dark gray wool blanket Dumbledore draped it over Calla in case anyone saw them this is going to be one awkward floo call.

A Shaggy Sirius Black didn't know what to think when Albus Dumbledore floo'd him. When he nibbled on toast that afternoon. Asking permission for something it felt surreal. Diligently he obliged curious what the old hoot wanted. With a frown, Sirius felt rather cranky as of late knowing he wouldn't be able to spend time with his Godson.

The fire flared alerting him to Dumbleley Doors' presence. "I'm flooing HQ with a new order member shes in rather bad shape. When you meet her try not to freak out." Scrunching up his nose Sirius felt quite rankled It was very Dumbledore to be cryptic. "Alright, Kreacher put on the tea" Sitting at the long dinner table rolling his shoulder; Sirius mentally prepared himself.

Smoothing his suit out Sirius stood beside the fireplace ready intercept Dumbledore.

In front of the double couches, Green flames licked out the fireplace into the dingy darkened room. Two figures appeared Dumbledore wrapped immaculately in his silver robes. But the second figure caught his attention almond-shaped green eyes stared into gray.

A young woman with bloodstained alabaster skin; coal-black hair peeked from under the blanket she concealed herself in. Sirius throat swole swallowing harshly "L-lily?" Calla closed her eyes shaking her head fury puddled underneath Sirius's tense feet. "Albus! you better get talking before i choke you out goat fucker!"

Calla and Dumbledore stared at each other in silent conversation. "We need you to calm down Sirius this is a long story i myself have confirmed." Dumbledore drawled Sirius plopped on the couch.

"Kreacher the tea and my pipe!" the doggish man growled ready to sit all day just to find out why a Lily Evans look-alike existed. Waving them over to the ancestral couch the Duo sat down tiredly."This is Calla Potter there is no easy way to explain this Sirius."

Sirius looked seriously pissed at the implication of James having an affair. In an attempt to calm himself he bit his cheek. Breathing Calla threw up her occlumency shields. Calla removed the blanket revealing her bloodied clothes.

"My name is Calla Potter my parents were, James, and Lily Potter whom i lost October 31st, 1981 via the Betrayal of Peter Pettigrew. By the hands of Lord Voldemort who shortly after attempted to dispose of me making me the first and only survivor of the Killing Curse. In my lifetime, the Ministry fell Hogwarts lay in waste you Remus everyone i ever have known or loved died."

Calla could not meet Sirius's grey eyes painfully ashamed. "I lost it when my girlfriend died in my arms. Throwing myself at Voldemort using the Suicide curse to kill both of us. And I am still covered in her blood..." Calla gained a frozen one hundred yard stare Hermione's loss weighed down her soul.

Trepidation wormed into Sirius's brain tension filled the room. Sirius tried to speak but the horror painted on Calla's face. Familiarity coursed through him you can't fake that... The pain the devastation of a lost soul wandering through constant pits of hellfire. Hope and Joy transformed into tools of torture forever in a state of limbo

Phasing out of reality he didn't notice Dumbledore grabbing Callas's wrist ushering her off to bathe. All Sirius saw were dead bodies of his friend's anger. Hunched over overtaxed Sirius ran his hand roughly through pulling at his curly black hair. Lily... James...-

Lily dead next to Harry Homes faith warmth hot cholate happy smiles fluffy dog babbling baby-

James hugs cheer smiles pranks brotherhood-

James holding Harry in the air his greatest achievement-

Messy jet black hair mad scientist worthy"He'll be just like me Padfoot! well, teach him about pranks getting, girls, and quidditch! Lily walking in with a newspaper rolled up smacking James repeatedly. Sirius took Harry chortling James ran away from Lily-