
∞From One Time To The Next∞

In a Harry Potter-verse where Voldemort's rise and battle lasted far longer. A gender-bent war-torn Harry (Calla) comes from an alternate realities future back to the past hoping to right her wrongs. (Read More)

Silentium_ · Movies
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I Love You

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Dumbledore handed Sirius his pipe lit letting the man sit back taking a puff. Sirius had become rather dazed but he tried to reground himself with Dumbledore's help. Good thing Dumbledore sent Calla off Sirius didn't know how to respond to the information released upon him. James and Lily's daughter from another future? Shivers crawled up his spine James and Lily's little girl spoke to him covered in her lover's blood. Merlin, Sirius needed firewhiskey!

"Sirius i know its going to be hard to adjust but she is technically James and Lily's daughter. Shes weathered what no person ever should i was thinking of getting back in contact with Andromeda Tonks regarding some mind healing. Calla will be taking on a new identity as Lily's youngest sister to protect her knowledge. Only people I've permitted are allowed this knowledge. Which reminds me Harry will be coming to stay here during the summer. The boy needs family now more than ever."

Almost startled Sirius jumped he felt like he could dance in excitement! "Excuse me did you just say Harry will be coming?!" Sirius whooped. Dumbledore sipped his tea a happy gleam returning to his eyes.

"But of course i can't leave him there Calla has shown me it isn't safe. Continuing on i know you aren't familiar with Calla but she needs to form some bonds with the people here. It will be very traumatic for her seeing living people who were dead in her time. Especially, Miss Granger, they were very close... I think you may very well understand more of what she's going through than any of us."

Sirius's grin dropped"She said all of us were dead..." He could sympathize Sirius at some point lost everyone the dementors of Azkaban played a lot on how badly he failed James Lily Harry. He still woke up from nightmares where Harry died or Remus. It soothed him to know Harry had another set of eyes watching out for him but Calla needed someone to watch out for her to. "Tell me about this new identity?"

Calla peeled off her clothes the dry blood cracking Calla tossed the clothes over her head. Dropping the clothing onto the black and white checkered floor. Hermione's blood remained on her skin...if she got rid of it nothing would be left. It was a morbid thought Calla had no clue how she would function without Hermione. Standing in her black Bra and Jeans Calla turned the faucet filling the tub.

How the fuck did she survive? Her being survive felt surreal floaty. Must be that shitty Potter luck Calla loses her girlfriend tries to die by her own means blowing herself up. Then comes crashing into another dimension.

Hot water filled the porcelain tub causing the bathroom to begin to fog. Calla stood in front of the mirror unsure how she was going to keep living. Everyone she ever loved ended up dying what if she cares for them only to have them all die again. Dark circles lined the bags underneath her eyes. Calla didn't want Harry to go through what she did.

This chosen one bullshit isn't his responsibility he's a fucking kid. She despised the very thought of a groveling wizarding community crawling at Harry's feet when Voldemort decides to say hello. Its disgusting after everything they've put him through.

Waving her wand slowly across her hair a quick dazzling sheen appeared before her hair turned Auburn. Reaching out Calla touched the mirror eerily before her stood Lily Evans, she did look like her mother. Where ever her parents were in the afterlife they were probably pissed at her. Turning away Calla removed the remainder of her clothes settling down in the Tub. The tension left her body Calla settled for draping her arms over the edge. Fishing out her small worn gold heart-shaped locket cracking the blood crusted item open.

There lay an image of her Hermione trying to withhold a smile appearing serious while Calla hugged her smiling goofily. This was her Hermione, not the Hermione here she could never be her Hermione. Her Hermione, who was gone forever quietly Calla grieved not wanting anyone to hear her cry she cast a silencing charm. Dropping the wand and locket Calla spread her body out the length of the tub facing.

Anguished tears were spilled but Calla didn't know how to grieve properly anymore. Any sobs or screaming remained silent a burning iron ball sat in her throat.

To many lives were lost making her repress her emotions half the time she did understand them. When she was with Hermione though Calla knew she was in love with Hermione when even though love frightened her. Everything looked so much, brighter, and Calla dared to have hope. So she cried her heart out because Hermione was dead and never coming back.

Calla Evan's grieved for the loss of herself and her lover.