
∞From One Time To The Next∞

In a Harry Potter-verse where Voldemort's rise and battle lasted far longer. A gender-bent war-torn Harry (Calla) comes from an alternate realities future back to the past hoping to right her wrongs. (Read More)

Silentium_ · Movies
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I Think i Found Hell

Tik tik tik tik

Searing white

Calla came down screeching landing in the middle of a table. Papers books an assortment of nick-nacks were scattered off the maple desk. Startled Dumbledore jumped out of his large throne seat brandishing his wand. Aiming it at the young woman who had just appeared out of thin air. The air left Calla's body leaving the room spinning nausea bubbled up her throat. Gasping for air she tried to make the spinning stop mistakenly rolling onto the floor pain. "Urk"

Dumbledore stared down at the young woman. Glaring ascertaining his situation young woman falling from the ceiling did he have to many lemon drops? Despairingly glancing at the spilled dish he abandoned his position gliding over silver robes swishing

He noted the woman's clothes were soaked in blood rips lined the blue jeans leather jacket pulled over a gray blood-soaked hood. Seeing someone so thrashed put Dumbledore rather off. Old war instincts itched underneath his skin clasping his wand he conjured a chair. Levitating Calla into it "Incarcerous" once bound Dumbledore patted her down pulling away her wand.

Calla's head hung low Dumbledore stroked his beard in wonder he couldn't identify her from anywhere. How she apparated in even with the Anti-Disapparition wards would need to be investigated. Coming to her senses black hair caged Calla's shadowed face wearily she blinked. I'm alive... Why am i alive? she thought dazed. Battered worn she felt dead inside her heart cried for Hermione.

Lurching forward Calla noticed she had been bound to a chair. The ropes tightly bound her in place uncomfortably she shuffled.

Grief thrummed through her tears leaked down surrounding her were circular walls of bookshelves. Oh, so familiar Brick walls of the Headmasters office the chirping of a curious Phoenix. In front of Calla stood professor Dumbledore "Am i in hell?" Tears cascaded down her face burning knives stabbed Calla on the inside. "How am i alive and Hogwarts is okay?" Calla muttered.

"I would certainly like to know why you think Hogwarts should not be okay. Before i call the ministry for trespassing on school grounds."

"Professor Dumbledore, you don't recognize me?! Its me Calla Potter sir use legilimency you won't believe me otherwise i think i might have time-traveled." Dumbledore eyes narrowed in almost hostility Potter he thought there is no Calla Potter? Calla admitted to herself it had been a long time since she was this frightened.

Dumbledore even in his old age magically was a powerhouse that towered over her exhausted pale dirty frame. He bound her to a chair she wasn't complaining Dumbledore had every right to be worried this Calla radiated magic like a muggle generator generated electricity. Nodding to himself he accepted her terms


A young girl trapped in a dimly lit cramped cupboard filled with brooms and mops that ordinarily would be hidden out of sight as they were an unaesthetic burden. Smiled brightly holding a Hogwarts letter addressed to her. They wanted her so badly the house got pelted by a torrent of letters. Maybe she'd be welcomed somewhere. Somewhere she could make friends and wasn't a freak. A real home-

Calla got sorted into Gryffindor she wasn't happy everyone around stared. She was wrong Calla was a freak still. The castle sat in the middle of a grand lake Calla thought it was breathtaking. Sitting surrounded by people she stared at the mass amount of food drooling. Calla never had so much food to eat usually cold soup and stale bread-

Speaking to snakes is a bad thing she told a snake not to hurt Justin Finch Fletchley. Now the looks people give her are different. They stare with hatred and contempt why are they so mean? Sometimes when she wasn't looking people would send stinging hexes at her. Calla wasn't evil she never did anything to them she didn't even hurt Filches cat!-

Sirius Black was on the loose everyone gave her pitying glances like they knew something she didn't. Why couldn't bad stuff stop happening for once?-

Ron and Hermione wouldn't speak to her everyone hated her again. Nobody believed that she didn't put her name in the goblet of fire. Calla was tired of Hogwarts she wished she could just run away. Her dorm mates even the bloody arseholes have been calling her a glory hound-

Cedric lay dead in the arms of his father Amos. Voldemort had been resurrected nobody believed Calla Fudge painted her out as a lunatic. Calla started hating the ministry-

Fast forward

Calla Burrowed herself further into Hermione letting out a pleased sigh. This was their only time together lately! Calla worried more and more for Hermione she never knew what day could be the last time she saw her.

Her once home Hogwarts now looked like a demolition site raised to the ground. The ancient stone castle laid in ruin. British students now attended other wizarding schools outside the United Kingdom to escape the war. After the battle of Hogwarts Tom had been greatly weakened fleeing to fight behind the lines. Calla traced Hermione's face in adoration. Her finger gliding across soft features straight nose dark lashes soft bow-shaped lips.

Diagon Alley had been destroyed stores nothing but hollow shells chunks of streets blown away scorch marks marred walls. The ministry was in shambles barely hanging on by a string. The wizarding world a ticking time bomb.

It made Calla weary just thinking about her heartsick. The war took from their friend's families lovers. First Sirius then Dumbledore, Remus, Tonks, Ron breathing deeply Calla closed her eyes tightly. Reaching out she grasped Hermione's hand, terror, and dread filled her. Merlin, Calla didn't know what she'd do if she lost Hermione. Calla walked on a tight rope mentally Hermione her Balancing pole if-

Rolling over Hermione wrapped her arms around her irate girlfriend pulling her into her chest. Before incoherently mumbling something like "bakto...~ sleep" Calla pushed back the laugh in her chest that wanted to erupt. Hermione was the light at the end of the tunnel; neither could survive without the other lest the delicate stack of cards come crumbling down. Burying her face into Hermione's chest Calla tried to breathe in as much of Hermione as possible.

Calla prayed to keep this little piece of happiness-

Finally! The order had cornered Voldemort in a raid it would be over soon! The battlefield bloody Death eaters and order members alike dropped like flies. Ginny didn't make it...Blasting Hexes rained destroying organs mounds of flesh littered the battlefield with upturned dirt. Calla shot curse after curse butchering the opposition.

They were getting tired the death eaters even more so. The order remained determined pushed harder defeating their foes. You could see it though they'd been battling for hours. The Order managed to corner Voldemort and his followers but they weren't going down easy.

Hermione guarded Callas back wilding battling death eaters away. Out of the corner of Calla's vision, a flash of brunette is blasted. Swiveling Calla blasts the death eater with a Cutting Curse green eyes widened in worry. Ebony locks of hair were swept back at a breakneck speed. "Hermione? Hermione come on get up baby? BABY!!!" Running towards Hermione Calla slid to her knees grasping Hermione's tan trench coat rolling her over blood poured out of a gaping hole in her chest.

Hermione laid unmoving her doe brown eyes open... glassy... lifeless. The spark of life gone Calla's stomach clenched painfully disbelief surged through her right then Calla Potters world ended... Her face froze haunted in denial they had fought so hard! Dirty bruised pale hands shook violently covered in crimson liquid- blood!!!

so much coated her hand gently she cradled Hermione to her chest sobbing trying to make her wake up Calla frantically tried to make Hermione lift her head. Her neck lulled to the side each time skin pale as a ghost Calla rocked Hermione. Calla couldn't survive this but Hermione wouldn't respond and continued to bleed out on her. Hermione Jean Granger ceased to be. The love of her life her best friend of eleven years- dead. Calla was insensed she lived her entirely bloody life miserable for what! For this fucking moment! NO! NO! No!

They tried so hard-working themselves to the bone taking down the death eater fighting for such a long time. If one of them were to die she preferred it to have been herself! Bleary-eyed Calla pushed Hermione's hair out of her face. Once pinkish pale skin turned a faded washed out pale smearing blood across Hermione's cheek "Fucking god dammit take me! don't take her away! Please please, not my baby..." Bending over Calla gently kissed Hermione. This fucking war the Death eater Voldemort, took, and took until she didn't have anything left. Nothing mattered anymore all she had was the lifeless bundle in her arms.

Calla wasn't some god a mighty warrior or chosen one with beyond inhuman capabilities. Calla had been stretched and stretched beyond her breaking point. She walked infernal regions to take down Voldemort what better way than to end it with a bang.

Voldemort cackled in the distance dispatching people in green light sneering stealing other people's homes futures happiness. Inside Calla felt numb a dead woman walking on her feet as she watched herself from the outside. Calla Clasped her wand until her knuckles turned white.

Images flashed through Calla's mind jade eyes slit with rage singing together kissing being silly fighting over stupid shit; the Order members bantering making fun of there mush. Laughing when Hermione got embarrassed Calla got mad for them messing with her shy girlfriend. Stolen happiness all but a distant memory dumped in battery acid fading.

Callas's mind filled with static her vision red her magic swirled crackling. There is no happiness no sadness no hope no love... Calla could feel the void swirling inside her chest It was time to end this. Levitating a death eaters corpse Calla cast a featherweight charm on them canceling the levitation. Calla held the body like a shield pointing her wand at herself she cast Mortem reinjiciuntur silently before running at Voldemort.

An old suicide curse that causes a wizard's magical core to self destruct. Gaining Proximity on Voldemort he flailed his wand sending a Sectumsempra then bone-breaking curse smashing into the death eater organs spilled out. Menacing steel plasma glowed around Calla's Avada Kedavra green eyes.

Twisting Calla justed her wand launching the corpse at Voldemort with an Oppugno Jinx distracted Voldemort flicked the body away giving Calla enough time Slashing him with a Relashio Voldemort dropped his wand sneering Calla tossed herself before-

A blinding white flash lit up the area tossing corpses and dirt. A large shock wave sent everyone nearby to the ground incapacitated-

Rather than leave this story to fester somewhere i was like hey might as well post it? Not sure if i want to continue writing it though.

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