
The World Classic Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • The World Online

    Earth Online – a virtual MMORPG that takes place in the future year of 2190 – a game that everyone will bet their futures on. Set in a map that is ten times the size of real-world Earth, players battle for supremacy in the first game to feature personal adventure, territory construction, and grand warfare. For every death you experience in the game, your level would drop back to zero. Ouyang Shuo, an above average player, suffered the ultimate betrayal. For merely a piece of equipment, his sworn brother betrayed and backstabbed him. This time, after he reincarnated in the game, Ouyang Shuo swore to exact vengeance. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Ouyang Shuo found himself back five years before the betrayal – right before the launch of Earth Online. This time, armed with the knowledge from his past life, Ouyang Shuo would venture upon a new path. How to perfectly complete quests? What historical battle maps would appear? How should one build up their territory? Utilizing the experience from the predecessors of his last life, Ouyang Shuo makes his bid for the top against all odds. Follow his journey as he seeks to lord over the world! A different kind of tale that blends historical characters and virtual reality gaming, with heavy emphasis on kingdom building and warfare.

    Sheng Xiao Jian Ke · Games
  • Conquering The Game's World

    Ethan died of terminal illness and woke up in the body of a teenager named Luis Suarez, who was assassinated. To his surprise, he was in a parallel world and moreover in the world of a game that he used to play. Now he is stuck in a dangerous game like world. As a character who died, even before the start of the game story. Now follow Luis on his journey to find out whether his involvement will change the fate of this game like world whose ending was doomed. ___________________ Hey guys author here. This is my new story. Well, I'll suggest reading a few more chapters before deciding on anything. The story has a slow start, but its characters are compelling. As for other things, you have to read on your own and figure out in this journey. I'm not gonna spoil. Anyway, Happy Reading.

    Dakshay · Fantasy
  • The Wizard World

    Ye Song, who once lived in a technologically-advanced world, died and reincarnated into a noble teenager’s body in another world. A fantasy world filled with magic! A series of events filled with tragedy, action, etc. began to unfold one after the other when he fatefully encountered one of the most guarded secrets of this world, obtaining the legendary power of Wizards. Watch how he reaches unreachable heights as a powerful Wizard in this new world. ------ Release Rate: 7 Chapters/Week; One each day. P.S. This has become a serious problem so I have to put it in the synopsis: First, I would like to thank everyone who spends their time reading this book. Second, I just want to say that this is not a WMW (Warlock of the Magus World) copy. TWW finished two years before WMW started.

    Get Lost · Fantasy
  • The Ancients World

    The year is 2236 and the Deep Dive Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game Ancients World is the most advanced game of its type ever created. Now that DDVR technology has reached the stage of commercial consumers everyone is addicted to the games available. A person who spent 5 years in the game has been reincarnated in his younger self as a request from a world item the game provided. Not everything is known about Ancients World since he only spent 5 years playing, so things will change this time around. Many people don't really know what the game really provides till everyone with an internet connection is playing. It is the only way to survive in the coming years because of how special the world is. Cera Adamo is a young man who is almost 20 and he is the one that found the world item that granted him one wish, something that saved his life in a last chance effort. He chose to go back into the past so he can get everything he needs for his family, he doesn't want them to be dirt poor like they once were and this is his way to secure that it never happens again. (If image owner wants me to remove image than just ask.)

    easyread · Games
  • Not a Classic Wedding

    Adult Romance (21+) _____________________ Series Wedding #1 [Not a Classic Wedding] Kalvian dan Kalebriena melakukan perjodohan tanpa drama, kontrak, atau syarat apapun. Menurut mereka, menolak perjodohan hanya akan membuang waktu mereka. Pernikahan tetap terjadi, mereka tinggal menjalaninya. Namun, siapa yang menyangka bahwa mereka telah mengenal jauh sebelum perjodohan ini berlangsung. Bukan hanya mereka berdua, tapi juga melibatkan sepasang hati yang lain. Tapi hal itu hanya masalalu mereka, individualis seperti briena dan vian tidak akan pernah membiarkan masa lalu merusak masa depan mereka. Sekalipun harus menyakiti hati oranglain, bahkan juga hati mereka sendiri. Tidak perlu ada drama yang memuakkan. This is not a classic wedding _________________________________________ Series Wedding #2 [CEO Scandal's : Married with Benefit] "Menikahlah denganku," ujar pria itu masih dengan nada dinginnya. "Apa?" Lona begitu terkejut dengan ucapan pria itu. Perempuan itu berusaha menormalkan degub jantungnya yang tiba tiba menggila. "Oke, tenang, Lona. Mungkin saat ini kau masih terjebak ke dalam skenario yang kau ciptakan sendiri," ujarnya dalam hati. "Sadarlah!" "Menikahlah denganku, Nona Hilona Anpuanra." Pria itu samakin menajamkan pandangannya dan Hilona nyaris tenggelam karenanya. "Kenapa? Kenapa aku harus menikah denganmu?" tanya Hilona setelah tersadar jika lamaran yang di utarakan pria itu bukan dialog dalam skripsi imajinasinya. "Karena saat ini, kau sudah terlibat ke dalam skenario hidupku dan mau tidak mau kau harus menerimanya." Salah satu alis tebal milik pria itu terangkat ke atas. Ada senyum yang tertarik dalam sudut bibirnya yang penuh. "Tunggu! Apa maksudmu aku harus menerimanya?" tanya Hilona masih tak mengerti dengan skenario yang tiba tiba saja terjadi. "Anggap saja, pertemuan kita kemarin malam adalah skenario Tuhan untuk mempertemukan kita. Aku akan menjelaskan lebih lanjut setelah kita resmi menikah." Setelah mengatakan hal tersebut, pria itu pergi meningalkan Lona begitu saja. Gila! Ini benar benar skenario yang gila! Bagaimana bisa tiba tiba ada seorang pria melamar Hilona? Menyatakan seolah tidak ada skenario lain selain menikah. Wait! Pria itu mengatakan tentang pertemuan kemarin malam? Pertemuan apa? Hilona berusaha untuk menggali ingatannya tentang pertemuan yang di maksud pria itu. Ia sendiri masih bingung dengan apa yang terjadi. Dia sedang menceritakan kisah kelamnya dan tiba tiba saja salah satu skenario yang ia bayangkan terjadi di hidupnya. Perempuan itu menoleh ke samping, ia baru tersadar jika saat ini tidak sedang berada di apartemen lusuhnya. Semua perabotan di ruangan ini terlihat mahal dan berkelas. Hilona menatap pantulan dirinya yang terlihat sama, ia kemudian menatap ke arah satu titik. Ke arah kalung yang saat ini ia pakai. Perempuan itu tak ingat pernah memiliki kalung ini sebelumnya. Lalu tiba tiba sekelebat ingatan muncul di ingatanya. Tentang kejadian malam itu. Kejadian yang membuatnya terjebak dengan pria yang baru saja melamarnya. Pria rupawan dengan jabatan tinggi dan sangat terpandang. "Sial! Aku benar benar harus menikah dengan Kalan Arusha Adhyasta!" Hilona mengusap rambutnya frustasi.

    seinseinaa · History
  • The New World Player

    Cale died after writing a bad review of a novel he had read and found himself in the body of an extra who had died earlier in the novel. But nothing is as he expected. As he adjusts to his new life, secrets about himself are revealed and Cale tries to find his true identity.

    shadw · Fantasy
  • Novas - The World 3023

    [SUPERPOWERS] [SYSTEM] [LEVELING] [MONSTERS] The story follows 18-year-old Aric Valen, who has long lived in the considerable shadows cast by his family's remarkable achievements: - His grandfather, Agustin, hailed as Paragon Nova is among Earth's seven mightiest individuals, endowed with extraordinary strength. His father, David, is celebrated as the planet's most brilliant mind, and his genius is further enhanced by an incredible power: Superintelligence. - His brother, Ryan, is set to continue the legacy of Paragon Nova, inheriting the same overwhelming power their grandfather, Agustin, is famous for. In a family of such exceptional figures, Aric's lack of superpower made him stand out for all the wrong reasons. Subject to ridicule and constantly overlooked, he struggled with feelings of inadequacy and invisibility until an unexpected turn of events changed his life forever. That change came in the form of C99, a mysterious being from beyond the stars, which bestowed upon Aric the Novas System. This system awakened within him the power of Mimicrion, a uniquely versatile ability. But this was just the start. The Novas System also set Aric on a path filled with missions and adventures, rapidly elevating his status among the Novas. With great power, however, came great responsibility. Aric found himself at the heart of a brewing storm that threatened to unleash devastation upon the Earth. Suddenly, the young man who longed to be acknowledged found himself carrying the weighty responsibility of world-saving.

    NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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  • The World Serpent

    An Ordinary Human with a Life full of Misfortune which grew into a Tragedy. The Tragedy that ultimately caused her death. It was supposed to be the End of her Life, The End of her Adventure. But fate executed an unexpected turn of events that caused her to be reincarnated. Reincarnated not as a Human but a Monster known as a Serpent. Reincarnated in an Unknown World with the Laws of the Jungle in full motion. Choices that would affect her life will always emerge. Will she survive to reach the top of the food chain? Or Will she die getting eaten by other creatures? Will she maintain her former mentality? Or Will she adapt to the Laws of the Jungle? It was the start of her Tale, The Tale of the World Serpent. ―――――――――――――――― Be warned that the Mc is a Monster. She will slowly change into something that would possibly challenge the Morals of Humanity. ――― Cover isn't mine. If the Artist of the Cover demands me to remove it, please message me.

    OrdinaryHuman · Fantasy
  • The World Flipped

    This is a story about Reinard, a boy who was a game freak as a result of things that had happened to him. One night the world suddenly flipped and Reinard saw this as another chance to rewrite himself. But fate takes him on a journey without his consent and Reinard slowly realizes there may be more to the flipping of his world and to everything that exist. Follow Reinard and many other characters as they impact this Abeir Toril,( a beautiful world adored by many but untouchable)in different ways MC is not perfect and overpowered from the beginning and world building takes some chapters but later focuses on MC alone.

    CephasWRITES · Fantasy

    Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, System, Over Power, Romance. Chen Lin is the best student at Huaxia University. He is famous for his cleverness in programming and his good looks. When he was 21 years old, Chen Lin founded a VRMMOPG-based game company and was included in the ranks of the world's richest people. But unfortunately, when he was on his way home from work, his deputy killed him. Unexpectedly his soul crossed over to the world of Cultivators, where the strong reigned. Chen Lin occupied the body of the Lin family's disabled Young Master. But it turns out that his artificial A. I also followed him into the world of Cultivators as a System to help him. Stages: mortal : Body Building (1-9) Core Formation (1-9) Qi Refinement (1-9) The Perfection of the Spirit (1-9) Heavenly Path (1-9) Heavenly King (1-9) Heavenly Emperor (1-9) Nirvana (1-9) Mahayana (1-9) Half Saint (Low-Medium-Peak) Immortals : Saints (1-9) Holy Saints (1-9) Dao (1-9) Holy Dao (1-9) Monarchs (1-9) Holy Monarch (1-9) Venerable (1-9) Holy Venerable (1-9) Immortal (1-9) Half God (Low-Medium-Peak) God : •Warrior of God White God (1-9) Yellow God (1-9) Purple God (1-9) Red God (1-9) Black God (1-9) General of the Gods Iron God (1-9) Bronze God (1-9) Silver God (1-9) Golden God (1-9) Jade God (1-9) •King of Gods God of Water (1-9) Earth God (1-9) God of Wind (1-9) God of Fire (1-9) God of Thunder (1-9)

    BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
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  • The System's World

    The novel's cover art is done by rei_chie! So, have you ever wondered what would happen if you died way too early? Have you ever wondered what would happen afterwards? Well let me tell you, this story has that in it. It goes from dying, to reincarnation, and to leveling like a character from a rpg game. If these are what you like to read about, then come check out The System's World! The system actually talks to the character in the story. They progress quite a bit in the story while he tries to level up! The next thing I saw was complete and utter white glow, that was so blinding that I had closed my eyes due to the pain it had caused. After a few minutes I decided to open my eyes. It had taken me a few moments to let my eyes adjust but once they did my eyes were opened very wide. I had never seen a room like this before, it was completely all white. Everything was white not just the chairs or desk. During this time someone had walked up to be right behind me and patted my shoulder. I froze the moment something touched me, it felt really cold and awkward. I decided to turn around and look at the person or thing that decided to touch my shoulder. I was quite surprised to see the very same lady that was at the comic con earlier. "You!" I said to her. "I told you I would see you again." The lady said while smiling.

    Arthrall · Fantasy
  • The World Ender

    Aaron Hayes, an Italian scientist, discovers that Earth is bound to ruin… the planet reached the limit it could take, considering what humans did to it. He predicted that the planet has less than fifty years left before a great cataclysm occurs that will wipe out all the life on the planet. At the same time, he is chosen by the aspects of the universe to buy time for Earth in exchange for his services. Aaron has a trait that makes him learn and absorb things faster than anyone else, and that was the trait that made the aspects choose him. In the end, to buy time for Earth, Aaron is entrusted with the immense responsibility of determining the fate of civilizations on the brink of annihilation. Thanks to his trait, Aaron has unparalleled potential in combat. In just a few fights, his body adapts, making him stronger and smarter, and that is what the Judger of worlds, The World Ender, needs to have… the power to stop everyone by himself and land his judgment if he has to. Soon, Aaron will become an existence feared by all the living beings in the cosmos… landing in worlds and eventually wiping their inhabitants out of existence to protect the planets themselves… soon, his legend will start… the legend of The World Ender.

    ExSoldierLv99 · Fantasy
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  • Cruel Of The World

    He is a boy, but he isn't human. Every full moon, his form will change to be Werewolf. And He was pure werewolf blood. His father was named the King Cronos Werewolf with black hair which means strength and his mother is Queen Rhea, a white-haired werewolf which means Chastity. Unfortunately, Harmes's happiness had to be taken away. He was separated from his father when he was a baby. And he also lost his mother after dying to save him from the pursuit of the vampire who caught up with him. He lives with Matheus, who saves himself from the disturbance of the Vampire and it is also on the orders of Queen Rhea to take away from the vampires who already know his whereabouts and also Hermes, his son. Then, how about with Hermes's life be like after being saved by Matheus? Will he be able to take revenge for the attack of the vampire nation that killed his parents and destroyed his kingdom?

    KSIndra · Fantasy
  • Classic Fantasy Story

    Dunia dimana sihir dan monster berada. Oh ya! Skill dan System juga ada! Felrick Algor protagonis kita hidup dalam dunia yang tidak masuk akal ini dan inilah petualangannya..! [Condition has been met.] [Beginning Synchronization...] [Completed.] *note: - karena saya buat dadak jadi ga rapih sama jadwal rilis bisa lama banget. - Dont forget to write a review, ok?

    Louinous · Fantasy
  • The Brave New World

    IMPORTANT: I WILL NOT BE CONTINUING THIS SERIAL. SYNOPSIS It is January 2nd, 2035. In New York, leaders of all the world's nations are assembling to agree on a plan to save the dying planet: Earth. Of course it's a lie, because the planet isn't about to die. People will. As it often happens when something starts with a lie, disaster strikes. A mysterious electromagnetic storm destroys the global power grid, and cuts communications. Many people die, some commiting suicide because of the inability to post on Instagram. But as soon as the storm dies down, millions of mysterious, glowing cubes appear all over the globe. The cubes contain tools that will let humans colonize a new planet: a bigger, richer version of Earth. The newly formed Colonial Council, which answers to the United Nations, has only one goal: to ease the crisis on Earth by transfers of goods and resources from the New World. Millions of new colonizers rush to the New World, united by a common purpose: to turn their dreams into reality. Some dream of getting rich by trading New World goods. Some dream of conquest, and building an empire. Some dream of peace, adoration, and love. Some will succeed, and others will fail. But fortune always favors the brave.

    Michael_Ryman · Fantasy

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