
Palavras Com Mech Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • The Mech Touch

    After obtaining the Mech Designer System, Ves aims to create the greatest mechs in the galaxy! In the far future, the galactic human civilization has entered the Age of Mechs. The countless lesser powers of humanity have come to adopt mechs as their main weapons of war. Only a small number of humans have the right genetic aptitude to pilot these destructive war machines the size of buildings. Born to a military family in the edge of the galaxy, Ves Larkinson is one of the many people who lacks the talent to earn glory in battle. Instead, he became a mech designer. Helped by his missing father, Ves has obtained the mysterious Mech Designer System that can help him rise in the galaxy and beyond. His mechs based on the principles of life quickly allows him to rise to prominence. Powerful and highly compatible with mech pilots, his products have the potential to take the market by storm. However, success does not come easily, and countless challenges bar his ability to sell his mechs to a market eager for innovation! With the sins of the human race in the galactic arena slowly catching up, Ves must navigate the perils of the ultra-competitive mech market and maintain control over his growing organization of misfits. This is the golden age of mechs. This is the golden age of humanity. The question is, will it last? "Any challenge can be overcome as long as I design the right mech!" --Join The Mech Touch's unofficial Discord server! https://discord.gg/APB5KCU --Follow my Instagram and Twitter! https://www.instagram.com/mlduong https://twitter.com/MLDuong --Cover Art by Derek-Paul Carll (carlldpn) --The Mech Touch is an original webnovel written by ML "Exlor" Duong. The Mech Touch is mainly published on Webnovel.com and a select few platforms affiliated with the parent company of this website.

    Exlor · Sci-fi
  • Marido Com Benefícios

    ``` Nora fica devastada um mês antes de seu casamento quando descobre a traição de seu noivo. Enquanto lida com essa traição, ela descobre um profundo ardil para impedi-la de reivindicar sua legítima herança. Desolada, mas determinada, Nora dá um passo ousado para retomar o controle de sua vida. Surge Demétrio 'O Demônio', como é conhecido por aqueles que o conhecem, um homem imponente pouco conhecido por ela, que lhe oferece proteção e apoio em troca de um casamento por contrato para satisfazê-lo. Em uma reviravolta do destino, Nora se casa com Demétrio para reivindicar sua herança e lutar contra aqueles que conspiraram contra ela. Mas, enquanto ela batalha contra sua própria família e os muitos rivais de Demétrio, será que ela conseguirá evitar se apaixonar pelo homem conhecido por esmagar as pessoas sob o calcanhar de suas botas. Excerto: Ela havia esquecido que o homem era intimidador e o desafiou diretamente. Em vez de falar, Demétrio se levantou de sua cadeira e se aproximou dela deliberadamente. Embora fossem apenas alguns passos, o tempo pareceu se esticar para Nora. Quando ele estava quase ao alcance do toque, sua mão pousou gentilmente em seu joelho, deslizando-o para o lado. Seu toque se moveu com um indício de carícia, e ele se colocou entre as pernas abertas dela. Nora ficou lá em silêncio congelado, os olhos arregalados como um veado capturado pelos faróis de um carro. Segurando seu queixo entre os dedos, ele inclinou o rosto dela para cima e falou sem pressa, "Você é minha esposa." Ela acenou lentamente com a cabeça em afirmação enquanto o polegar dele lentamente percorria seu lábio. "Eu lhe dei tempo para reunir suas emoções." Mais um aceno. O nervosismo de Nora a fez lamber os lábios, extremamente consciente do olhar intenso dele fixo neles. "Sua razão para o casamento foi garantir sua herança e se libertar da influência de sua mãe." "Sim..." Nora sussurrou confusa. Sua confusão não era sobre a declaração dele, mas sobre as sensações desconcertantes que percorriam seu corpo. O que estava acontecendo com ela? "Está na hora de você cumprir sua parte no contrato, não é?" Ele continuou. "Sim," Nora sussurrou sem fôlego. Por que ela estava sem fôlego? O nível de oxigênio da casa havia diminuído? O ar de repente estava ficando rarefeito? De repente, a mão dele deixou o rosto dela, e ela observou enquanto ele se aproximava ainda mais. Foi então que Nora compreendeu o que estava se desenrolando. Todos aqueles beijos tentadores e que faziam o coração acelerar que ela havia lido sobre em romances estavam prestes a possivelmente se tornar sua realidade. Mas o beijo antecipado não aconteceu. Em vez disso, ele parou perto dela e ordenou, "Beije-me." ```

    har_k · Urban
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  • I Became A Mech Soldier After Waking Up in The Future.

    "In the face of survival, will you still cling on to your ideal?" Keiko sought desperately an answer for herself and the future she vowed to protect. In the end, what would she choose? --- Keiko Lee, a female Special Assault Team (SAT) woke up in the body of the infamous "Death Reaper", the rising star mech soldier of Earth Federation more than 100 years in the future. The Earth had gone through devastating change after a round of nuclear war, natural disaster, and alien invasion while a huge threat was still looming over humanity's future. Having no other option, she has to adapt to her new world fast while unknowingly becoming the center of the storm known as revolution. Meanwhile, Jeanne Armstrong, a prodigious black-bellied female major who is also a senior technical officer, a military research expert, and a female instructor in the highest military academy in the Federation, keeps teasing and seducing her to her heart's content. Keiko who sought survival and perhaps, a way home, and Jeanne who will do anything for her freedom. What will happen to them when their fate entangled with each other? +++ Precept: Jeanne leaned on Keiko’s side and rested her head on her uninjured right shoulder. "If you feel guilty about me, please don't push me away. Just think of it as you act for the sake of your goal, and I am for the sake of my oath. We are comfortable using each other like this and we know each other well, isn't it good? " Keiko's hands trembled, she caressed Jeanne's face gently, while her head was lowered. She said, "You... don't be so nice to me..." "Pfft, I've made it clear that I want to use you, and you still say I'm good to you? Are you stupid?" "If I am really stupid, I probably wouldn't be sitting here talking to you right now," Keiko whispered. "Hmph! You know it in your hear all those words really hurt me very much, you’re terrible." "Do you think I want to say that much? It really makes me suffocate, each and every word. I'm just afraid that you will suffer a lot if you choose me, and I'm afraid that I can't take care of you well." “Heh!” Jeanne snorted, "You? Taking care of me? It would be nice if you didn't bother me to take care of you. You damn block of wood, you want to piss me off, don’t you?" “......” "Don't you have anything to say?" Jeanne looked up at her. Keiko didn't speak but lowered her head and pressed Jeanne’s lips with hers. Jeanne's eyes widened for a moment before the corners of her eyes and lips drew a beautiful arc as she stretched out her arms around Keiko's neck, and pull Keiko’s face to hers. --- cover commissioned by: IG: @vatarison.art

    BigMarch · Sci-fi
  • The Mech Lord

    [WPC #212 Silver Price Winner : Mecha and Interstellar] Caught in a space accident, Leo, a human full of life, is trapped in a scheme designed for Aiden, a Glorian that's tired of life. The two somehow manage to escape, but their evacuation shuttle crashes into an uninhabited planet.  Thanks to Arora Energy, humanity barged into an interstellar era, an age where they fought against aliens for resources. Conspiracies, war, and extinction ran amok for ages when a man emerged, wrecking havoc throughout the universe to the extent every race feared him as a 'Demon King'. 30 years have passed since the Demon King was slain by a group that called themselves 'Heroes', finally bringing an era of peace to the universe. Unfortunately, Aiden and Leo would stumble across something which would change the state of the entire universe ............... TAGs: Action, Adventure, Scifi, Mech, Wars, Military Academy, Races, Interstellar, Comedy, Late Romance, Artificial Intelligence ------------------------------------- Disclamer: All the characters and incidents in this story are imaginary. It doesn't relate to any truthful events. .......................................... Join the Discord : https://discord.gg/WTDaPfU DM me @ ReincarnatedSaint#2904 on Discord Instagram ID: @reincarnatedsaint

    ReincarnatedSaint · Sci-fi
  • Casado com o Filho do Diabo

    【Volume 1 - Casada com o Filho do Diabo】 Um príncipe, rumores dizem ser filho do Diabo. Ele é a própria definição de Perigo. Ele é a própria Escuridão. Uma princesa. Aprisionada em sua própria casa, só pode sair quando se casar. Mas com quem se casará? *** Era uma vez, o Diabo se apaixonou por uma das muitas esposas do Rei. Uma noite, ele foi ao quarto dela disfarçado de marido e a amou. Ela engravidou do filho dele. Sabendo disso, o Rei ordenou a execução dela acreditando que sua esposa o traíra, mas então o Diabo apareceu ao rei fazendo um acordo. Em troca de grande poder para seu Reino, o Rei permitiria que sua esposa gerasse o Filho do Diabo. O Rei, ganancioso por poder, concorda com o acordo e seu Reino se torna um dos mais poderosos Reinos e o Filho do Diabo, o sétimo príncipe do Reino. Ser princesa provavelmente parece agradável. Uma vida cheia de luxo, belos vestidos e sapatos bonitos, mas para Hazel, não há nada de bom em ser uma princesa. Ela nunca pode sair do palácio, nunca pode ter amigos, nunca pode comer ou dizer ou vestir o que quiser e nunca pode escolher a pessoa com quem vai se casar. Em breve, ela se casará com um homem que nunca conheceu, um príncipe que rumores dizem ser Filho do Diabo.

    JasmineJosef · Fantasy
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  • OP Freak In Academy Of Mech

    Cross Milliams, a mysterious young man with a mysterious background, transferred into the Academy of Mech, in which all students were based through mana scores. However being the only manaless student in the academy put him in a pinch. Everyone was looking at him as if he was a freak. The cutest girl in their classroom did not even spare him a glance. He didn’t know that in this academy, mana score is the bases of popularity, which he had none. He was looked down! However, despite being a manaless, it turns out he was secretly OP in handling any Mechs! Cross academy life had just started.

    Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Sci-fi
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  • El Toque del Mech

    Después de obtener el Sistema de Diseñador Mecánico, Ves tiene como objetivo crear los mejores mechas en la galaxia. En un lejano futuro, la civilización humana galáctica ha entrado en la Edad de los Mecas. Las innumerables pequeñas potencias de la humanidad han adoptado los mechas como sus principales armas de guerra. Solo un pequeño número de humanos tienen la aptitud genética adecuada para pilotar estas destructivas máquinas de guerra del tamaño de edificios. Nacido en una familia militar en el borde de la galaxia, Ves Larkinson es una de las muchas personas que carece del talento para ganar gloria en la batalla. En cambio, él se convirtió en diseñador de mechas. Con la ayuda de su desaparecido padre, Ves ha obtenido el misterioso Sistema de Diseñador Mecánico que puede ayudarlo a ascender en la galaxia y más allá. Sus mechas basados en los principios de la vida rápidamente le permiten alcanzar prominencia. Potentes y altamente compatibles con los pilotos de mechs, sus productos tienen el potencial de conquistar el mercado. Sin embargo, el éxito no llega fácilmente, y desafíos innumerables obstaculizan su capacidad para vender sus mechas a un mercado ansioso por innovación. Con los pecados de la raza humana en la arena galáctica alcanzándolos lentamente, Ves debe sortear los peligros del mercado de mechas ultra competitivo y mantener el control sobre su creciente organización de inadaptados. Esta es la edad de oro de los mechas. Esta es la edad de oro de la humanidad. La pregunta es, ¿durará? —¡Cualquier desafío puede superarse siempre y cuando diseñe el mecha adecuado! —Únete al servidor Discord no oficial de The Mech Touch.

    Exlor · Sci-fi
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  • O Toque Mech

    Depois de obter o Sistema de Designer de Mechs, Ves visa criar os melhores mechs da galáxia! No futuro distante, a civilização humana galáctica entrou na Era dos Mechs. Os inúmeros poderes menores da humanidade passaram a adotar mechs como suas principais armas de guerra. Apenas um pequeno número de humanos possui a aptidão genética certa para pilotar essas máquinas de guerra destrutivas do tamanho de prédios. Nascido em uma família militar na periferia da galáxia, Ves Larkinson é uma das muitas pessoas que não possui o talento para ganhar glória na batalha. Em vez disso, ele se tornou um designer de mechs. Ajudado por seu pai desaparecido, Ves obteve o misterioso Sistema de Designer de Mechs que pode ajudá-lo a ascender na galáxia e além. Seus mechs baseados nos princípios da vida rapidamente o permitem ganhar destaque. Poderosos e altamente compatíveis com pilotos de mechas, seus produtos têm o potencial de conquistar o mercado. No entanto, o sucesso não vem facilmente, e inúmeros desafios atrapalham sua capacidade de vender seus mechs para um mercado ávido por inovação! Com os pecados da raça humana na arena galáctica gradualmente chegando, Ves deve navegar pelos perigos do mercado de mechs ultra-competitivo e manter o controle sobre sua crescente organização de desajustados. Esta é a era de ouro dos mechs. Esta é a era de ouro da humanidade. A questão é, isso vai durar? "Qualquer desafio pode ser superado contanto que eu projete o mech certo!" --Participe do servidor Discord extraoficial de The Mech Touch!

    Exlor · Sci-fi
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  • Der Mech-Touch

    Nachdem Ves das Mech-Designer-System erhalten hat, will er die besten Mechs der Galaxie erschaffen! In der fernen Zukunft hat die galaktische menschliche Zivilisation das Zeitalter der Mechs erreicht. Die zahllosen niederen Mächte der Menschheit haben sich Mechs als ihre wichtigsten Kriegswaffen zugelegt. Nur wenige Menschen haben die richtige genetische Veranlagung, um diese zerstörerischen Kriegsmaschinen von der Größe von Gebäuden zu steuern. Ves Larkinson, der aus einer Militärfamilie am Rande der Galaxis stammt, ist einer der vielen Menschen, denen das Talent fehlt, sich in der Schlacht Ruhm zu verdienen. Stattdessen wurde er Mech-Konstrukteur. Mit Hilfe seines verschwundenen Vaters ist Ves in den Besitz des geheimnisvollen Mech-Designer-Systems gelangt, mit dem er in der Galaxie und darüber hinaus aufsteigen kann. Seine Mechs, die auf den Prinzipien des Lebens basieren, ermöglichen ihm einen schnellen Aufstieg. Seine leistungsstarken und mit Mech-Piloten bestens kompatiblen Produkte haben das Potenzial, den Markt im Sturm zu erobern. Doch der Erfolg stellt sich nicht von selbst ein, und unzählige Herausforderungen erschweren es ihm, seine Mechs auf einem Markt zu verkaufen, der nach Innovationen lechzt! Während die Sünden der menschlichen Rasse in der galaktischen Arena langsam aufholen, muss Ves die Gefahren des ultrakompetitiven Mech-Marktes meistern und die Kontrolle über seine wachsende Organisation von Außenseitern behalten. Dies ist das goldene Zeitalter der Mechs. Es ist das goldene Zeitalter der Menschheit. Die Frage ist nur, ob es von Dauer sein wird. "Jede Herausforderung kann überwunden werden, solange ich den richtigen Mech entwerfe!" --https://discord.gg/APB5KCU --Folgt mir auf Instagram und Twitter! https://www.instagram.com/mlduong https://twitter.com/MLDuong --Cover Art von Derek-Paul Carll (carlldpn) --The Mech Touch ist ein origineller Webroman, geschrieben von ML "Exlor" Duong. The Mech Touch wird hauptsächlich auf Webnovel.com und einigen wenigen Plattformen veröffentlicht, die mit der Muttergesellschaft dieser Website verbunden sind.

    Exlor · Sci-fi
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  • Um punhado de palavras

    Um acúmulo de palavras tentando imitar um punhado de sentimentos

    Shithead_10000 · Urban
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  • DateTheCEO.com

    MAIN STORY: COMPLETED SIDE STORY 1, 2, 3 & 4: COMPLETED ONE SHOT COLLECTION: 8/10 COMPLETED A secretary faces a difficult choice: to join or not to join a dating site for the most eligible bachelor alive, Her boss. However, he can't know it's her on the side of the screen. Just when she thinks it's over, more difficult things await—like meeting in real life. ============== "You're not about to carry me out in bridal style again, are you?" "Do you want me to?" He couldn't help but smirk. Her face from their date surfaced in his memories. He found it just as amusing as back then. Revenge never tasted sweeter. Would she make the same reaction right now?  It was tempting but the venue wasn't the best place for it. "No!" Eve protested a little too loudly. She pressed her fingers against her mouth and scanned the premise. As she predicted, hundreds of eyes watched them. A groan escaped her lips. She buried her face on the side of his chest, inhaling his cologne. "Are you sure?" Ambryan asked, genuinely concerned now. He held her chin and raised it. His violet eyes met her hazel ones. The blush on her cheeks had magnified in saturation. He couldn't tell anymore if it came from embarrassment or the alcohol. Either way, it intrigued him on how much redder she could possibly be. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "I'd be gentle this time." ============== As a secretary, Eve knew affiliations between her and her boss were forbidden. She must stay in his shadow where she didn't pose a threat to his lovers and his admirers. She had taken measures to fit the job, even changing her style of appearance. Ambryan Hathaway, CEO of Eros Productions, disliked false information. The only ones he allowed were the ones he initiated himself—mainly about his love life. In order to please his mother, he had participated in the game of love with a string of flings. Unfortunately, his mother had enough. She must find a way for him to open his eyes and his heart to meeting the right girl. That one spark would be enough for her son to consider marriage. And who would be the better candidate than his own secretary? Will the screens pull them closer together or push them further apart? An office romance like no other! ============== Average Words: 1.5k per chapter Disclaimer: Set in modern day of a fictional country, everything in this novel is fictional. Any similarities with real life's event is purely coincidence ============== DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/5V89qkc All Rights for the cover art belongs to webnovel users, CailinMatthews and Meizhen. > Pose & FL inspiration taken from Ikemen Vampire > Text done through online-image-editor. com If you have a very kind soul and want to boost my Cai-ffeine spirit, you can go here: https://ko-fi.com/cailinmatthews

    CailinMatthews · Urban
  • Mech Odyssey

    In a time period when humanity has conquered the stars, Zephyr dreamt of becoming humanity's strongest mech pilot from his father's humble workshop. When the chance arose to pursue his dreams, he found himself facing challenges that would test his very being in the vast space of human and alien territory alike. Against humanity's enemies and humanity itself, he continues to reach for the stars.

    rinzhao101 · Sci-fi
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  • Mech Evolved

    This world is filled with disasters and our future is too gloomy to see ahead...... I am sure to the soul there is no light left but endless blood. Two regions have fought over centuries to decide the fate of what remained of the world. Sky City which is hope to the rich influential and tech geniuses. Veritious also known as the dark lands, home to mutant and dangerous criminals.... Even a kid won't hesitate to slit a man's throat. Drawn between this line is Kronos and Arnah who are raised by Vega Hunt the head of Veritious who soon gets murdered causing the seperation of the siblings. Forced to support opposite sides of the war. In a matter of years, the world they formerly knew has changed very much, the war has heightened from both sides and the end is drawing near, or was it? No one truly knows..... Witness Tech against Mutants. Mech Evolution

    fanon_fiction · Urban
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  • Mech Awakening: I Awakened an Aircraft Carrier!

    Cyber energy leaked, and the mech apocalypse arrived! All the animals on Blue Star evolved into mechanized beasts and launched indiscriminate attacks on humans! In this crisis-ridden world, everyone could awaken their most precious mechanical mechs to fight against the rampaging beasts! In his previous life, Lin Chen was a billionaire boss, but because his awakened mech was his favorite luxury watch, it turned out to be too weak! In this situation, with the first wave of cyber beasts attacking and betrayal from others, he quickly perished in this apocalypse. But by some stroke of luck, he found himself back in the week before the outbreak of the cyber apocalypse! This time, as soon as he started, he chose to sell his company and all his luxury watches. He spent billions to purchase an aircraft carrier from the Russians! With this, he awakened the strongest mech on Blue Star! In this life, he vowed to make those who betrayed him pay the price. But after surviving the first wave of the beast onslaught, he realized that the cyber apocalypse was not as simple as he had imagined...

    Platinum Star S · Urban
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  • Mech Domination

    Official Discord : https://discord.gg/reFWz58 Bryan finds himself transmigrated into 16-year old Theodore. Theodore lost his father eight years ago. His father went MIA during the last war. After shutting himself in his rooms for eight years he buys a "Neural Aptitude Enhancer" from a murky dark underground trader. Naturally, the 'Enhancer' is a fake - a poison that kills the original Theodore. Now Bryan, well, 'new' Theodore needs to fight for his place in the universe. Will he become a rising star or will his star burn out pre-mature. Theodore promises himself he'll explore the galaxy, become an overlord and never regret a thing! This is Theodores Road of Advancement! Follow his adventure and find out if he's just a delusional lunatic or the greatest man the universe has ever seen! 14/01/2020 : Road of Advancement will continue as Mech Domination. This name is less vague about the setting and premise of the book. I hope this helps new readers find and ease into the content of the book.

    AGoodBargain · Sci-fi
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  • Reincarnated As a Mech

    I died a virgin so I gave my last breath wishing to be ridden by women in my next life. God answered my prayers… I guess?! Reincarnated as a mecha, girls will at least ride me right???

    Tiger_Deez · Urban
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