
I Became A Mech Soldier After Waking Up in The Future.

Author: BigMarch
Ongoing · 1M Views
  • 223 Chs
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What is I Became A Mech Soldier After Waking Up in The Future.

Read ‘I Became A Mech Soldier After Waking Up in The Future.’ Online for Free, written by the author BigMarch, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, MYSTERY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "In the face of survival, will you still cling on to your ideal?"Keiko sought desperately an answer for herself and the ...


"In the face of survival, will you still cling on to your ideal?" Keiko sought desperately an answer for herself and the future she vowed to protect. In the end, what would she choose? --- Keiko Lee, a female Special Assault Team (SAT) woke up in the body of the infamous "Death Reaper", the rising star mech soldier of Earth Federation more than 100 years in the future. The Earth had gone through devastating change after a round of nuclear war, natural disaster, and alien invasion while a huge threat was still looming over humanity's future. Having no other option, she has to adapt to her new world fast while unknowingly becoming the center of the storm known as revolution. Meanwhile, Jeanne Armstrong, a prodigious black-bellied female major who is also a senior technical officer, a military research expert, and a female instructor in the highest military academy in the Federation, keeps teasing and seducing her to her heart's content. Keiko who sought survival and perhaps, a way home, and Jeanne who will do anything for her freedom. What will happen to them when their fate entangled with each other? +++ Precept: Jeanne leaned on Keiko’s side and rested her head on her uninjured right shoulder. "If you feel guilty about me, please don't push me away. Just think of it as you act for the sake of your goal, and I am for the sake of my oath. We are comfortable using each other like this and we know each other well, isn't it good? " Keiko's hands trembled, she caressed Jeanne's face gently, while her head was lowered. She said, "You... don't be so nice to me..." "Pfft, I've made it clear that I want to use you, and you still say I'm good to you? Are you stupid?" "If I am really stupid, I probably wouldn't be sitting here talking to you right now," Keiko whispered. "Hmph! You know it in your hear all those words really hurt me very much, you’re terrible." "Do you think I want to say that much? It really makes me suffocate, each and every word. I'm just afraid that you will suffer a lot if you choose me, and I'm afraid that I can't take care of you well." “Heh!” Jeanne snorted, "You? Taking care of me? It would be nice if you didn't bother me to take care of you. You damn block of wood, you want to piss me off, don’t you?" “......” "Don't you have anything to say?" Jeanne looked up at her. Keiko didn't speak but lowered her head and pressed Jeanne’s lips with hers. Jeanne's eyes widened for a moment before the corners of her eyes and lips drew a beautiful arc as she stretched out her arms around Keiko's neck, and pull Keiko’s face to hers. --- cover commissioned by: IG: @vatarison.art

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Una Noche Salvaje

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I Want You Mine

"Master Brei! what are you doing here? the party is not over yet." a middle age woman said. "Just having some fresh air Aunt Lutcia, I'm kinda bit tired." the replied. "Anyway, I saw Mr. Winston daugher, Brithney Winston inside...why don't you talk to her..?" the woman said. "Yeah. sure..when I get back there." the boy said with a grin on his face. "okay." the woman agreed and went back inside. After she went inside the boy took a deep sigh and went out to the garden for a walk. While he was walking he took a deep breath to enhale some fresh air but he blurted out when he smelled something awful. He followed the smell and lead him to the flower of roses. "Is this where that smell came from?" he curiously asked himself. then he smelled the roses but out of his surprises a stray cat jump in to his faces and it's butt went to his slender-like nose. He got very surprised and fall into the ground then the kitty went off of him. "MJ! Are you alright?! Are you hurt??" the girl asked worriedly who came out of nowhere. "Yes! I'm fine. the boy said and stood up and tidied his suits. "And my name is not m-...the boy added but he got frozen out when he saw a beautiful gorgeously looking angel who took the cat and sheltered it onto her arms and had her attention as well. Then the boy felt embarassed when he got her attention and looked at him. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't see you there. the girl said to him politely. The boy lost his senses for a while after hearing her say those words. "N-no! It's alright! I- ahh..Just got here as well when I hear a loud thud. the boy denied. "Oh, yeah! that sound! I wonder where that came from. the replied cluelessly. "Why are you here anyway? The party is not over yet." the boy asked curiously."Oh! I actually don't know where I am right now...but when I got here I saw this little kitten strugling from that statue plant." the girl explained as she pointed out her finger to the direction where the kitten was trapped. The boy got a little confused and looked at the direction to where she was pointing at. The boy burst out of laughter when he saw his Aunt Lutcia's favorite sculpted plant for it was her statue made out of leafy tall tress or topiary in short and sculpted by the Zanderson's top and well talended gardener Mr. Ropert Samson. The nose were loosened then face were full of scrathes from its sharp and pointy nails due to it's struggles in finding a way on getting his self out of it. It's mouth cracked. Everything was messy his aunt's face were like a zombie from the Zombie Apocalypes. As the boy laugh the girl do the same and only stop when he also stoped. he cleared his throat and looked at the girl and their eyes meet, suddenly his soroundings went slow and fuzzy and his full attention was only with her. "Hello...hello...Hey! the girl shouted and snapped in front of him. "You okay" she asked. "Yeah! yeah...the boy replied as he come to his senses."I was just captivated by your beautiful face." he suddenly said it out loud while telling it to himself but it got slipt out. "Oh! n-n-no..the statue captivated me beacause it was beautiful!yeah! that's what I meant." he explained nervously. the girl give him a big smiled and said. "the statue huh?"the boy smiled awkwardly then the cat meowed and got the girl attentions back and watches the time. "God I need to go!" the girl said in a hurry. "wait. what? why? where? but the party's not over yet. he asked but the girl was determine to go so he offered her to escort her himself. but the girl politely refuses him. "Thanks for today. and also...thank you for telling me that I'm beautiful. the girl said and went off. the boy blushed and felt shy. but then he only realizes that the girl was gone when she was out of his sight. The boy run after her for he dosen't have her phone number but the girl was nowhere to be found. He waited for the Girl to come back but many years passed by he didn't get a chance to met her again. "I want to see her again."

DaoistIW2Gil · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :ACT 1: PROLOGUE
Volume 2 :Act 02: Valhalla
Volume 3 :ACT 03: REQUIEM
Volume 4 :ACT 04: INSURGENT


  • Overall Rate
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Another shameless 5-stars review from author-san! Please give it a chance! What can you expect from this book: - detail, vivid, and expansive worldbuilding - thrilling and exciting story plot - dynamic inter-characters interaction and proper character development. - Not-so-slow burn romance, hardworking female soldier vs black-belly genius young miss.


okay! so let's start, uhh..but from where? like everything was in place, the grammar, the writing style...so sophisticated and the world background was written so well. I'm hooked! This is really really an astonishing novel! keep up the great work author... added it to my library, looking forward to more


I have read 100 chapters! In a span of 2 months or so, i manage to come onto the app daily to read the daily chapter updates from the Author. This story is captivating, it touches on all the right places. From strong character development to story climaxes, this novel got me hooked. I am personally not a huge fan of the world the story is set in, but then again I am more isekai fantasy with magic and what nots, whereas this was set in (in my mind) a dystopian movie like Elysium or Mad Max Fury Road. However I am in love with this story so far. I am a sucker for yuri love stories with action and adventure, and writing in decent English works wonders for me. All in all, read it, you wont regret it, it has me on the edge everyday.




I must say that the author did a great impressive work here. I mean I read only about fantasy and contemporary romance not sci-fi. This book really intrigued me especially the synopsis. I had to read it. Highly recommended guys!


This novel is very good, I like how the author builds the world and novel character, the storyline is also good. Recommended to read !! Need more chapter[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


Loved the novel. I don't remember when I read it but I'm sure I did and it left a impression on me, enough to make me see the title and write a comment. but please author, get a better cover, this one looks absolutely awful, get a better artist to draw or get help online? previous one was better.


I am hooked on this novel, ngl. So far I love everything. The world, the setting, the characters... Everything. I cannot stop reading. Thanks for making this!


may I ask if this is a yuu or no? if yeah I would definitely read this one imma leave great review since Im gonna back here to read. he be hehe...


I have to admit that it is very good. from character design to quality , story development its superb. I cant cut a single score so I gave them all 5 star.If you are a fan of yuri and as well as action I definitely recommand it


Wow! I can tell that the author ensures every chapter is thoroughly checked before publishing. Grammar, sentence construction, and punctuation is 110% perfect (if there were errors, it's unnoticeable). I love how detailed each chapter is. Every chapter is interesting so I couldn't get bored. I'm not done reading yet, but I'm loving it so far! Keep up the great work!


Everything about this novel is very good. The writing,grammar,characters,story development are done amazingly well and is a really great sci-fi romance novel. The only small complaint I have is the religion system used in this story makes no sense and is very unrealistic.


Great story...... has me at the edge of my seat the whole time. an the yuri is no joke. I can't wait to see the romance. I wouldn't want to live in tht world personally either. where ppl can go extinct anytime.



Such a nice story and I want to read more and more from this author. I hope you will keep on continuing it like this... waiting for more updates.


I really liked how you as the author make us readers feel disoriented just as the FL does in the first chapter. It's like we are experiencing everything with her. The only danger of this is that there is not enough explanation in the beginning so the reader may get a bit lost as there is just dialogue telling her to get up, and then it's quite chaotic with the vomiting and putting the helmet on and being in pain. You do have a way of compelling readers with your words and it's fast paced and exhilarating with all the action scenes. Keep it up, I'm excited to read more, though this is not a genre I usually read but it seems you have a good grasp of what this genre means and how to craft a good sci-fi romance story.


The world building is really good. It was interesting from chap 1. Overall, a very good job by author. It's a unique story with a unique background. Eager to see where this goes.


I love this novel! it's very well written! I hope the author will have time to finish ......................................................................................


Interesting take on a whole post-zombie/monster world. The MC is mostly calm and collected unless human is at stake than she act kind of reckless to protect them. The love interest (I think she the love interest. to early to tell) is like another calm facade personality ,but is actually hidden fox


New novel by author, the writer of: System Journey to Godhood. The author created a new female MC and very interest to read. The storyline, background, robot and I love romance between to two women. This novel is astonishing and I really recommended reading. Read it, everyone! You are going enjoy it. 👍👍👍


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Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating