
How Do Centaurs Sleep Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Sleeping With The CEO

    Emily Molson, PA to Derek Haven, CEO of Haven Group has nightmares every night, that prevent her from getting a good night's rest. Derek Haven, on the other hand is lucky to get any sleep at all. The two of them work close together but have no idea that they have the same problem. Then one night they end up in bed together and a miracle happens.

    cai_hong · Urban
  • ONS: Grávida do Bebê do CEO

    Jeanne tinha apenas 18 anos quando sua madrasta e meia-irmã a incriminaram e fizeram com que ela perdesse tudo. Ela foi expulsa de casa pelo pai por tentar resistir. 7 anos depois, Jeanne voltou em busca de vingança com um filho misterioso ao seu lado - George. As pessoas zombavam dela por ser mãe solteira e chamavam o filho dela de criança sem pai. “Quem você está chamando de criança sem pai? Você não vai gostar de me ver bravo,” ameaçou George. “Abaixe o facho, George! Não estrague a diversão! Eu ainda não me diverti o suficiente,” disse Jeanne, querendo aproveitar sua vingança, deixando o menino sem palavras. Jeanne conheceu mais tarde o famoso Quarto Mestre Swan em um baile de caridade. O homem de boa aparência e temperamento frio a chamou para um canto e disse: “Eu gosto de você.” Todos ficaram chocados, inclusive Jeanne. “Eu sou mãe solteira e tenho um filho. Tem certeza de que gosta de mim?” ela disse. “Eu na verdade... gosto do seu filho!” Todos ficaram chocados quando o Quarto Mestre Swan casou-se com Jeanne, mas apenas ele, astuto, sabia que havia conseguido não apenas um, mas dois, importantes jogadores para esse jogo de xadrez que ele estava jogando.

    En's Cozy Haven · General
  • She's My Sleeping Pill

    15 years ago, his elder brother was killed right in front of him in the middle of the night – killed by their most trusted driver. Since then, Stefan had a hard time sleeping and often got nightmares. He learned not to trust anyone. Cayenne worked almost all day and all night. She only got three hours of sleep every day. She was the breadwinner of their family since her mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis. She thought she would have a great time working as a receptionist in a hotel. Until… “I’ll pay you an additional $3000 a month. Sleep with me.” Stefan placed a signed check on the table in front of her. Her head was spinning at the large sum of money. She can finally buy her mother’s medication and send her brothers to school without worry. But to sleep with him? “I’m sorry if I come off rude but, I can’t sleep with you sir.” She tried to refuse politely, afraid that she will lose her job if he felt displease towards her. Stefan took off his coat and placed on the backrest of his chair. “Think about my offer carefully. It wasn’t so bad sleeping with you after all.” It was a mistake she made on her part when she fell asleep right beside him on his bed, drunk and dizzy. Will he make the mistake of trusting someone again? Will he entrust his life to her by sleeping soundly beside her? How will they face each other when they started to unveil the mystery of their identities? ***cover isn’t mine***edited by a friend***I don’t earn anything from this picture*** Original cover was taken from Mr Love: Queen's Choice Related videos and pictures can be seen in Koi to Producer: EVOL×LOVE

    _frieyaVida · Urban
  • Panda Gets EXP By Sleeping?!

    Blakely Arcas is a socially dense 15-year-old who hates wasting her energy on unnecessary things. "Why make the bed if I will be getting back into it later on?" "Is it really necessary to spend four years with a bunch of loud, obnoxious teens just to get a piece of paper? How about we cut the time in half? Make it two years instead. More time to sleep". When a new VR MMORPG is released, her best friends make her play it. "What do you mean I can be or do whatever I want in the game?! I want.... I want to be a Panda!" *I do not own the cover; please don't sue me. I will take it down, I swear! *

    Ignavia_Ursa · Fantasy
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  • The Devil's Sleeping Beauty

    (Updates on hold) She had always thought that he was a devil in human flesh. She feared him and hated him for the sins he committed but after seeing how much he changed to be a better person for her, it took her a great amount of courage to forgive him since by the time she found out the truth about him, she had already loved him. From being the worst husband and father to the best husband and father one can ever have, He was given a second chance to correct every wrong deed he did. He was the man who destroyed their family and it took death to make him realize his wrongdoings. ------ Author: BerriApplepi IG: @berriapplepi Discord: https://discord.gg/z56kkGG Donate: paypal.me/berriapplepie FB Page: Berriapplepi Modern Fairytale series: The Devil's Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty) Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband(Little Red Riding Hood) Beast Under Her Dress: Princess, Don't Run! (Beauty and the Beast) The Devil Who Devoured Snow White(Snow White) My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife (Cinderella) Ways on How to Confess (Little Mermaid) The chapters are still in the process of being edited.

    BerriApplepi · Urban
  • Wild Young Princess: Mister, let's sleep?

    A princess in a fantasy world, shackled by restrictive rules of the castle, had sought nothing but freedom. She found it in the end. It was death. However, the princess had found herself waking up in a body of Devon Lin. A twenty-five-year-old aspiring author living a double-life struggling to write stories at day and a contracted sleeping buddy at night? Meet Lewis Qin. Fame, looks, wealth, and power. He has it all. However, not known to many, Lewis had a severe sleeping problem. Until he met her… Can the princess finally find the freedom she sought? Or was the contract that binds her with him was just another shackle she must break free? Would he fall asleep? Or fall in love? Watch as these two try to make ends meet, find their place and purpose in this vast world.

    BAJJ · Urban
  • Corações Enredados - A Mama do Bebê do Alfa

    "Você achou que me curar faria com que eu te amasse mais?" Ele zombou, agarrando meu cabelo enquanto me arrastava em direção à porta. "Você está me machucando, Xavier," eu chorei, batendo nele fracamente. Não havia muito que eu pudesse fazer. "Se eu te ver a uma polegada de distância de mim," Ele me jogou contra a parede "Eu desafio as consequências e te mato,". *** Minha companheira e eu estávamos destinados a nos odiar, apenas um ato de amor verdadeiro ou altruísmo do companheiro mais forte poderia colocar nossos destinos no caminho certo, mas durante sete anos, eu tive que suportar o abuso do meu companheiro e seu suposto amor da vida dele até que um dia decidi partir. Parti, determinada a ficar escondida dele para sempre... mas descobri que estava grávida algumas semanas depois.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasy
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  • A Noiva do Diabo

    Um amor condenado desde o início, uma causa perdida, uma batalha em desvantagem - E ainda assim, nenhum dos corações deseja desistir até o final. ----- Arlan Cromwell, o epítome do perfeito Príncipe Herdeiro. Tudo o que ele quer é viver uma vida normal de um humano, mas a vida de um dragão está longe de ser normal. Ele tem apenas um objetivo - encontrar sua prometida fugitiva e decapitá-la. O que acontece quando ele descobre que a mulher que conquistou seu coração é aquela que ele jurou matar? Oriana, a herbalista, se disfarçando de homem, passou a vida inteira fugindo sem saber do que está fugindo. Quando os mistérios de seu passado lentamente começam a alcançá-la, ela não tem a quem recorrer... exceto Arlan. Mas quando ela descobre que o homem a quem entregou seu coração é o mesmo que quer matá-la, como ela pode aceitar as crueldades que a vida lhe impôs? Duas pessoas com segredos para manter, identidades para esconder e respostas para encontrar. Quando a certa escuridão ameaça levar Oriana embora, o Dragão será capaz de proteger sua companheira? ----- Excerto- “Se eu soubesse que você era minha prometida, teria te matado no exato momento em que nos encontramos.” “Se eu soubesse que estava prometida a você, teria me matado antes mesmo que você me matasse!” Ele tirou uma adaga e a ofereceu a ela. “Não é tarde demais. Apenas corte sua garganta com isso e você sangrará sem dor.” Ela aceitou a faca, seus dedos segurando firmemente o cabo. No momento seguinte, ele estava pressionado contra a parede e a faca estava no lado direito de seu pescoço. “Que tal eu tentar em você primeiro, meu prometido?” “Sinta-se à vontade para tentar. Mas quando você falhar, esta faca provará primeiro o sangue do seu avô, depois o seu.” A raiva subiu em seus olhos, e no momento seguinte, sangue corria pelo lado direito de seu pescoço. Ela cortou profundamente o suficiente para romper um vaso sanguíneo importante. “Você não deveria ter me desafiado,” ela zombou e recuou, esperando que ele desabasse. Ele apenas sorriu e passou o dedo ao longo da ferida profunda em seu pescoço. “Parece que você falhou.” Ela observou a ferida em seu pescoço se curando sozinha e sentiu-se chocada até os ossos. “Você.. o que você é?” “Adivinhe?” -----

    Mynovel20 · Fantasy
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  • The Mischievous Maiden & The Sleeping Prince

    A runaway maiden finds herself entangled in a tale of horror when she saves the Bride of a prince from a Haunted Castle. --- WARNING: HEAVY SUPERNATURAL ELEMENTS, GORE, DISTURBING THEMES, SLOW-BURN ROMANCE, RICH-IN-STORY NOVEL! I hope you like this story. If you wish, please support this tale by voting, rating, and commenting. Your feedback on typos or bad grammar is welcomed and appreciated.

    MizA · History
  • This Hero is Sleeping!

    "Chosen Heroes! Scour these worlds as the champions of us, the gods!" When an unsuspecting class of thirty die in a mysterious incident, the benevolent gods take mercy and reincarnate them as Otherworldly Heroes. In a world of magic and swords, the Heroes are forced against hardships as they face off the monsters threatening the world, the evil forces lurking in the shadows, and even themselves and the other heroes. Secrets hidden in their pasts will surface and their skills, trust and love will be put to test as they will tackle their new home. The heroes will... Except this one. This hero is sleeping. ---- Updates 3chaps/day! Extra chapter for every 20 PS!

    Chestnutriceeee · Fantasy
  • The To-Do List

    Who said that the death of a person is akin to the extinguishing of a lamp; that all previous karmic ties would be severed. Raizel, the pinnacle cultivator of Terra made an oath to his dying junior martial brother to complete his To-do list. What was the big deal? It is definitely not as difficult as fighting the Devil King. That is till he saw the list. Plant a fire lotus flower in the Shuya Ice peak, Skinny dip in the Neva river, Save a beautiful poisoned female cultivator in the forest, win the most loved teacher in the school. How could he have forgotten the psycho that is his junior martial brother, Lucas? His journey to complete the To-do list takes him to various places and throws him into unique situations. He meets different characters and he discovers a hidden love so deep that it is almost painful. "I knew from the moment that I set my eyes on you that you were mine. Even if I have to fight Heavens to get you, even if I am sentenced to the 66 Hells; I would never regret loving you." This book is a slow burn romance. Would it be worth it in the end? Yes, I promise there would be enough smexy scenes for a massive nosebleed. Hope you enjoy!! #Book cover not mine.

    Dark_Scholars · LGBT+
  • Sleeping Next to the Pirate King

    After 18-year-old Mila’s cruise sinks she wakes up naked next to a handsome man! But wait the man she woke up next to calls her wife? And he’s known as the vicious pirate who destroys ships and steals their loot? As Mila grows accustomed to living as this man’s wife she finds out that there is a billion dollar reward for his head. As well as a map for navigating through the Bermuda Triangle. Mila’s purpose thus changes as she finds ways to turn him in. Will Mila survive in this new world by handing over the handsome pirate or be taken captive by his love?

    SelaraChan · Fantasy
  • To Sleep In The Sea Of Time

    This is a story of a guy who loses everything, and then gets it back. Same old new world story, just a different kind of story teller. *** They took away our hunter tags. They had us grow our hair. They gave us a new brand, when we were over there. They staged us out of Dragur, East of the Olim Horn. I guess they call us Slaves, but no one calls us much anymore. There is no fun in killing. I don't want to do it anymore. Karn brought Sorrow. Pookie brought Fear. Milk brought the fly boys. They did work in Undia. I worked mostly clandestine. Some Legends I should not say. We played with better wands. I could use the extra pay. Did Mara give the order? Did venom pay the way? They said we were slaying demons, but it was kind of hard to tell. There is no fun in killing. I don't want to do it anymore. This was before HALO, and Codex was king. Hej atop the rider, he never felt a thing. When our rider caught a spell, and both the mages killed. It pitched us over sideways on some cold Sylph hill. My back felt like it was broken, my legs I could not feel. I kept on slaying demons, but it was kind of hard to tell. There is no fun in killing. I don't want to do it anymore. I never did heal up right from injuries sustained Officially in Torin, unofficially we train. I remember all their faces. They dream about me still. I guess I'm slaying demons, but it's kind of hard to tell. There no fun in killing. I don't want to do it anymore. I speak the cold logistic, that old boys speak so well. Veni, Vedi, Vici. I'll see you in Hel. Maybe it's bravado, or an unspeakable guilt. That village, they were demons, but it was kind of hard to tell. There is no fun in killing. I don't wanna to do it anymore. I've done plenty. What is one more? -Corb Lund *** Come guess me this riddle. What beats shire leaves and fiddle? What is hotter than pleasures touch, and whiter than cream? What best wets his whistle? What is clearer than crystal? What is sweeter than honey and stronger than steam? What will make the lame walk? What will make the dumb talk? What is the elixir of life and philosopher's stone? And what helped Pookie-Baba dig up a tunnel, that runs from Shalamanda to West-Torin? When you are digging a crater, It is the best thing in nature, for sinking your sorrows and raising your joys. Sometimes I wonder, if lightning and thunder, is made out of the plunder, of the reddest hiski and oils. *** If you can keep your head when all about you, are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too. If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise. If you can dream, and not make dreams your master. If you can think, and not make thoughts your aim. If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same. If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools. If you can make one heap of all your winnings, and risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss and lose, and start again at your beginnings, and never breathe a word about your loss. If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew, to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you; Except the Will which says to them ‘Hold on!’ If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, nor walk with Kings, nor lose the common touch. If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you. If all men count with you, but none too much. If you can fill the unforgiving minute, with sixty seconds worth of distance, run. Yours is the World and everything that’s in it, and which is more you’ll be a Man, my son. - Rudyard Kipling

    man_of_culture3030 · Fantasy
  • How To Be A Superstar

    Yang Jingshen– first-tier actor and celebrated artist… When he had been convinced that he could finally achieve his dream of becoming a film emperor, he died in an unfortunate accident that happened at the function that was supposed to kickstart his glittering future. And, when he opened his eyes against all odds, Yang Jingshen found himself in the body of Feng Xi; a female cannon fodder character in a trashy web novel he read recently.T_T Pathetic extraordinaire indeed, but then, what was a man to do except grit his teeth while hoping to make the best out of a situation that appeared woefully hopeless? And, Yang Jingshen had been nothing but pragmatic all his life. So, deciding to quietly settle into his new life, he slowly started to assimilate himself into this world. But then, tragedy struck again. Mysterious voice: “You have to take revenge for Feng Xi and help her achieve her dreams.” Yang Jingshen: “...” Mysterious voice: “Or your soul will be obliterated.” (╯^╰) Yang Jingshen: “...” Mysterious voice: “You can buy powerful gadgets at our shop using points you earn to complete this mission!” ^_^ Yang Jingshen: “... Can I just go back?” T T Mysterious voice: “...” But, was everything as simple as it appeared to be? And, what’s with this person, always buzzing around him like a pesky little fly? He only treated him as a good brother, ok? What kind of unfortunate and terrible misunderstanding is this? ##### This book might be a romance genre novel, but it's a slow burn and there would be many other things at play as well. So, if you guys are looking for a quick-paced, romance-only story, this might not be the thing for you.

    TravellerSoul · Fantasy
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  • How do U say, you’re SORRY?

    Perhatian!!! Genre : adult (21+) mengandung unsur kekerasan dan beberapa adegan dewasa Harap bijak dalam memilih bacaan ODELE NAIDA adalah salah satu mahasiswa terbaik dengan IPK tertinggi di fakultas kedokteran di pulau Gothland Sweden. Karena kepintarannya, ia pun mendapatkan recomendasi dari kampusnya untuk menjadi dokter magang di salah satu rumah sakit terbesar di Negara LEICHENSTEIN. Seminggu setelah mendapatkan gelar kedokterannya, ia pun berangkat ke negara Leichenstein, sebuah kota impian yang di bangun oleh seorang anak dari keturunan kerajaan Swedia. Namun sayang.. saat pesawatnya baru saja mendarat, ia malah di culik oleh segerombolan orang ber jas hitam dan bertubuh besar dengan kacamata hitam yang terus melekat pada mata mereka. “Lepaskan aku!! kalian siapa? kalian salah tangkap orang.. aku tidak bersalah.. aku tidak melakukan kejahatan apapun..!!!” pekik Odele berontak. Namun ia tak dapat terlalu banyak bergerak karena cedera pinggang yang ia miliki. Bandara kala itu sedang ramai.. namun tiada 1 orang pun yang menolongnya.. mereka tetap berlalu lalang dan beraktifitas seperti biasa. Seakan penculikan ini bukanlah sesuatu yang salah. ALEXIO D ARNBORN, “SANG RAJA” begitulah julukan yang di berikan oleh masyarakat LEICHENSTEIN padanya. Dialah yang menculik Odele. Seorang Pria tampan, dengan tubuh tinggi semampai dengan tubuh atletis, dan hidung yang mancung dan matanya yang tajam juga mematikan. “MENGAPA KAU BERKHIANAT!!” Itulah kata pertama yang keluar dari bibir Alexio pertama kali ketika menatap wajah Odele. Odele tampak terkesiap ia tidak mengerti dengan apa yang di bicarakan pria yang ada di hadapannya ini. Jantungnya bergemuruh tak menentu.. ia sangat takut benar benar merasa takut.. Mengapa Odele di culik? Apa hubungan antara Odele dan Alexio? Simpan di library dan lanjut baca novelnya yah… mari kita cari tau sama2.. terimakasih..

    Call_me_MI · Urban

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