
Fujiwara Chika Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Reincarnated? Infinite Skills!

    Akira Fujiwara, a 48-year-old corporate worker, felt trapped in the monotony of his daily routine. On his days off, he sought solace in alcohol, losing himself in a fog of forgotten aspirations. One night, while stumbling home drunk, he was struck by a speeding truck. As he lay on the pavement, the vibrant memories of his carefree childhood—filled with laughter and freedom—flashed before him. In that moment of nostalgia, he slipped into unconsciousness, unaware that his journey was far from over. He was about to be reborn, not in any ordinary way, but as a newly minted sperm, embarking on an extraordinary journey to the mystical world of Agarthical. ---- Hey everyone! I'd love to chat with you all about the book. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like to know or discuss about it. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/7WjTkqSRq --- Chapter release schedule: 2 Chapters per day.

    RedPineapple10 · Fantasy
  • The Depraved Hero

    WPC August 2023 Winner novel! [You have finished your duty, John.] "Duty? I should've let this world get destroyed sooner!" Fantasia was destroyed. His novel world crumbling because of him. John, the Depraved Hero, lamented as he looked at the cracking sky. With the end of the world, he was transferred back to Earth as Fujiwara Atsuku. What would happen to him, the author who had returned from his novel? Would he be able to lead a normal life with the Trials and nightmares from Fantasia catching up to him? Follow Atsuku as he survived the catastrophe that followed him to the Earth!

    MarudameOssan · Fantasy
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  • Red Jelly

    Mungkin terdengar klasik seorang kakak kelas yang menyukai adik kelasnya sendiri. Namun, yang membuat Dirga semakin tertarik terhadap Chika adalah fakta sang adik kelas yang sangat menyukai warna merah. Lantas Chika, seorang gadis yang manja terhadap Dirga harus terbiasa tanpa kehadiran lelaki itu yang harus mengejar karirnya sebagai anggota dari grup penyanyi terkenal. Hingga gadis itu mempertanyakan perasaannya terhadap Dirga. Semakin suksesnya Dirga, pun semakin banyak masalah yang menghampiri keduanya. Semakin sulit juga untuk Chika menjalani skenario yang Tuhan berikan padanya. Mungkinkah mereka terbiasa tanpa kehadiran satu sama lain? Atau malah membuat mereka semakin menjauh?

    Zulfania_Nurdiani · Teen
  • Gadis Introvert

    Kegagalan orang tuanya dalam membangun rumah tangga membuat Chika Wira Kusuma menjadi gadis yang sangat tertutup. Gadis dengan bulu mata lentik ini sangat pemilih dalam memilih teman untuk bergaul. Bahkan di Sekolahnya yang berjumlah ratusan siswa ia hanya memiliki satu orang teman. Itu pun karena keduanya hampir memiliki sifat yang sama. Dita Anastasya Putri, adalah satu-satunya gadis yang mau berteman dengan chika. Jika teman-teman yang lain ketika istirahat memilih ke kantin untuk mengisi perutnya yang lapar. Mereka justru memilih ke perpus untuk membaca buku. Berbekal satu botol air mineral dan sebuah roti akan membuat mereka kenyang sampai jam pelajaran berkahir. Namun siapa sangka? Jika keduanya yang sama-sama tertutup justru mencintai satu orang yang sama! Akan kah mereka berebut untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari seorang Gabriel Alexander? Selamat membaca!!

    Doraemon_Cantik · Teen
  • Meet In Paris

    "Di sini ku simpan namamu, semua kisah tentangmu, dan entah sampai kapan waktunya nanti aku berharap semoga semua ini akan segera berlalu" ~ Chika Wira Kusuma ~ Gadis dengan wajah melankonis itu kini berjalan menyusuri jalan. Di sini kehidupan barunya kan dimulai. mengucap janji itu memang sangat mudah, tapi tidak untuk menggenggamnya. karena jika salah satu yang berjanji itu telah mendusta? masih sebuah keharuskan untuk di pertahankan. hanya satu yang aku minta, semoga semuanya lekas berlalu. setelah rasa penasaranku akan kepergianmu itu terjawab.

    Doraemon_Cantik · History
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  • Parallel Cosmos

    Fujiwara Taki is an ex-bully high school boy who was an outcast in his school rejected by everyone. The summer came and it was time for a school trip. Hopping along the school's bus, him and his classmates are headed to another city for a touring trip. But almost as if time itself has skipped forward, he suddenly finds himself in an ambulance, blinded and unable to speak.... He didn't know what happened to him and was dumbfounded when he heard the paramedics besides him saying that all his classmates had died and he is about to as well. Finally succumbing to his injuries, he fell unconscious once again. When he wakes up again, he mysteriously finds himself in the body of a baby girl called "Kyrielle Buffet," with a new set of parents and in an entirely different country... He was japanese, but now he is european, and he is also no longer a boy. But that is not all... He was reincarnated into a world with people that has superhuman feats, monsters that are inherently part of nature just like animals, and sentient monsters called "demons" which are mysterious and unknown to even the humans of this world. Furthermore, he finds out that there is a primordial dragon hidden inside of his body.... Regaining a chance to live out his life again, he who is now a she will try her best shot at having a fulfilling life, doing the utmost she can in everything from magic to studying. How will her life proceeds onwards? How will she deal with the stress of having her gender be swapped? How will she get over the past trauma on earth and how will her knowledge on Earth affect her in this world? Only fate can answer these questions.... _______________ Author's note : This novel is a slow burn, seinen, isekai fantasy that technically fits into these genre : Gender Bender, Coming of Age, Action and Weak to Strong. I don't expect my readers to be underaged, but most of my story is safe enough for every audience. It's targeted for people aged 16 to 30, but it is fine for all age to read so don't be discouraged if you are young. Also, this novel will be FREE, I am writing this project as a hobby, not for income. Expect 2 or 3 chapters a week, I'll try to be as consistent as possible. However I'm a student with a hectic schedule, so please be understanding when I can't keep up with the uploads. YouTube channel : https://youtube.com/@ttchme9816?si=sNRSgOKZt_ZM8-VN Twitter : https://x.com/TATchMeKit?t=BvbkPZbdOS3VmuN3c5GBbQ&s=09

    TATchMe · Fantasy
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  • Buih Cinta di Bangku SMA

    Cerita ini berawal dari persahabatan dua gadis cantik, Chika dan Mayang. Mereka bersahabat sejak masih sekolah dasar, hingga mereka beranjak dewasa. Awal perkenalan Chika dan Mayang terjadi di hari pertama mereka masuk sekolah dasar melalui pertukaran lauk bekal makanan. Sejak saat itu, pertemanan mereka begitu akrab. Semenjak duduk di bangku SMA, keduanya jarang bertemu. Dan, cerita ini dimulai ketika selepas UAS, Nilai mayang yang jeblok di sekolah menyebabkan dia harus ikut bimbingan belajar di sebuah bimbel. Di sana, dia bertemu dengan seorang pemuda berandalan yang tampan, tapi begitu buta terhadap cinta. Raymond nama cowok urakan itu. Pria itu begitu tampan, namun dia seolah tak mengenal cinta. Sejak kehadiran pria itu, Mayang dan Chika mengadakan pertaruhan. Siapa yang bisa membuat Raymond jatuh cinta, mereka akan mendapatkan hadiah. Jika tidak ada yang bisa, maka siapa yang akhirnya mencintai Raymond dinyatakan sebagai orang yang kalah. Chika yang memiliki koleksi topi import akan memberikan beberapa koleksi topi itu pada Mayang jika dia gagal menaklukkan Raymond, sedangkan jika Chika kalah, dia berikan beberapa boneka untuk Chika. Bagaimanakah kisah selanjutnya?” Pada siapa Raymond akan berlabuh? nb : Cerita fiksi ini di adaptasi dari kisah nyata yang pernah dialami penulis. Adapun nama karakter, instansi, serta tempat sengaja dirubah demi menjaga nama baik yang bersangkutan dan juga instansi terkait.

    Akhmad_Fajar · Teen
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  • The Sandbox: Classless

    This fiction is a participant in the RR writathon Chika is an adventurer who completely idolizes and idealizes her profession. In her mind being an adventurer means being capable of anything, and being able to use any and every skill in existence. Art, science, math, every kind of magic imaginable, every weapon imaginable. In other words, she believes an adventurer is someone who lives in a sandbox environment, a place with absolute freedom to be anything and everything you want. Unfortunately for her, those days have long since passed, and in current times adventurers divide themselves into ranks and classes, preferring specialization in order to then form teams. Teams that she is left out of because there is always a supposed better option. This is the story of how the adventurer Chika climbs her way from going without food for over a month to becoming the founder of the 11th great guild and eventually becoming one of the few people to ever live that is wealthy enough to obtain a legendary mithril coin.

    Lions_Quill · Fantasy
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  • Rain Sound

    biar kutanyakan pada mu. apa kau percaya cinta pertama akan terjalin saat kamu hanya memendamnya disudut hatimu tanpa pernah mengungkapkannya, tanpa sekalipun memperlihatkan langsung padanya? kebanyakan orang akan berkata tidak mungkin. ya sangat tidak mungkin. namun suara hujan malam itu seakan menjadi pertanda bagi chika, jawaban yang seharusnya tidak mungkin entah mengapa berubah menjadi mungkin. tapi apa yang terjadi? bagaimana mungkin perasaan yang tulus ini terjalin dalam hubungan yang tak jelas. haruskah chika bahagia atau merasa sedih? ini tentang kisahku dan cinta pertamaku

    Kirei0713 · Teen
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  • Critical Risk (Reboot)

    A sequel from (CR) where Suzuki/Itoh's lineage continues, and another lineage related to them, which is Fujiwara's lineage, which was Kazuma's generation. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

    AntiHero874 · Fantasy
  • Her Sweet Breath

    "Menikahlah denganku! Aku yang akan menjagamu menggantikan kakek" Sebuah janji yang terucap begitu saja disaat melihat gadis dengan aroma nafas manisnya yang sedang menangis karena kehilangan satu-satunya keluarga dekatnya. Sebuah janji yang tidak bisa ia penuhi ketika dia harus pergi secara tiba-tiba dan kehilangan jejaknya. "Be my Chika" TIGA KATA Rayuan yang mampu membuat semua perempuan yang memiliki nama panggilan Chika bertekuk lutut dan dengan suka rela memberikan tubuhnya kepada Leo, pengusaha muda yang sukses dengan senyum seksual, merayu perempuan semata-mata untuk mencari seorang gadis dengan aroma nafas manis yang tidak bisa ia lupakan selama 8 tahun lamanya.

    KeySiswanto · Urban
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  • UNPREDICTABLE: The darkest time of orphans

    The fact that Bianca is an orphan adds an additional layer of complexity to her situation, as she has no immediate family or support network to rely on. Her struggles with her half-sister highlight the difficulties that orphans faces in navigating familial relationships and the potential for exploitation by those who are meant to provide care and protection. The revelation that a hired assassin was assigned to kill Bianca's best friend adds another level of danger and fear to her story, highlighting the realities of violence and crime that many individuals face in their daily lives. Despite these challenges, however, Bianca's resilience and determination to succeed serve as a powerful message of hope and inspiration to readers. Overall, the novel offers a stark portrayal of the harsh realities of life, particularly for vulnerable individuals like orphans. It underscores the need for greater compassion and empathy in society, as well as the importance of building a more just and equitable world where all individuals have access to the resources and support they need to succeed.

    Chika3UD · Teen
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  • I Hate You, Monster [EXO]

    Jo Shinbi benar-benar membenci Oh Sehun yang sok berkuasa, egois, dan pemaksa. Ia pun meyakini sepenuh hati kalau pemuda itu juga membencinya setelah ia berani menentangnya. Namun, yang terjadi justru sebaliknya, Sehun ingin memilikinya. Shinbi tentu saja menolak, tapi Sehun tak gentar. Ia melakukan segala macam cara agar Shinbi mau menerimanya. Sampai suatu ketika sesuatu terjadi diantara mereka dan mengubah hidup Sehun selamanya. Sehun berubah menjadi seorang monster yang tak punya belas kasih. Monster yang bertujuan memiliki Shinbi untuk ia hancurkan.

    Chika_Kim · Urban
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