What would you do if you met a mysterious charming stranger, but could never fully see his face? That was the very predicament Cloud Belmont found himself in. It was unusual to find the spark one had been searching for, for so many years on Palace Grounds, but somehow they had found each other. Although this mysterious man knows everything about Cloud. Cloud has not even seen the face of the person he spends endless amounts of hours with. Follow Cloud’s journey on finding out who the man is and his own journey on finding himself.
Noah, after fighting the seven demon kings, ends up on his knees with his life slowly slipping away and with no energy left to fight; however, due to certain circumstances, he ends up recovering his strength, and with the help of unknown voices, he is given another chance. "I'll have my revenge on every single one of you, I promise!"
They call him The Garbage Man. A name that sounds like a joke—until you realize what it means. He doesn’t clean filth. He doesn’t fix what’s broken. He removes what shouldn’t exist. No hesitation. No morality. If a world spirals beyond reason, if a being grows too absolute—he is sent to erase it. Not by choice. Not by fate. By The Workshop. It watches the multiverse. It does not create. It does not destroy. It decides. In a world where power decides everything, he walks alone. No cause. No loyalty. No chains. Just an unshakable will and the resolve to carve his path—no matter the cost. If you’ve heard his name, it’s already too late.