This is a collection of very short stories, based on randomly generated prompts
The prompt: An astronaut llama, with a cool hairstyle, romancing a black llama in the backyard
"Hey there, cutie" I call out to her over the fence between our backyards. I wait for her to turn around and look at me before I remove my helmet and let my gorgeous hair flow in the wind. She's speechless, looking at me with awe, but who can blame her? Anyone would be stunned by seeing such a handsome llama in front of them, and not just any llama, oh no, but an astronaut.
"Oh, um... Hi there, you must be my new neighbor?" she manages to stutter after a moment.
"Indeed I am." I give her my best smile, the one that always makes the ladies melt, "my name is Lloyd, yes yes, it is me, the Lloyd. Aren't you just a lucky girl to have moved in right next to me?" She must be a shy type, because once again I've left her speechless, but that's just how I like them, sweet and quiet. She's a cute one, a solid 7 out of 10 I'd say, if she got a trim; her thick black wool makes her look almost chubby. Really not a flattering look for any respectable llama.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Lloyd, but I have to get back to my work. See you around, neighbor." She gives me a cute little smile before walking inside her house, it must have been too overwhelming for her to suddenly be face to face with a world class star. But she will soon be back for more Lloyd though, I'm sure of it.
I was in the out in the backyard of my new house, watering my newly planted flowers and shrubs, when I heard someone speaking behind me. I couldn't quite make out the words and when I turned around it became clear why; he was wearing an astronaut helmet. Quite frankly I was surprised and even confused to see a guy in full space gear looking at me over the fence. It was a pleasantly warm summer day and it must have been awfully hot in there, but he didn't seem bothered.
"Oh, um... Hi there, you must be my new neighbor?" I greeted him, but before I even had the chance to introduce myself, he was already speaking again, introducing himself as 'The' Lloyd, whatever that means? Maybe he was some relatively well-known actor or such? That would probably explain the ridiculous suit anyway. Well, whoever he was, he seemed quite full of himself though and I figured he would probably keep on rambling if I didn't get out of there soon. So, I smiled politely and gave him an excuse about having to get back to work before quickly heading back inside.
"How do you always end up with neighbors like this, Llena?" I mumbled to myself, as I started unpacking another one of the many moving boxes that were still filling up my living room.