
?Keywords=Gen Fic Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Outside Of Time

    # CALM # DECISIVEKILLS After “Renegade Immortal”, “Pursuit of the Truth”, “I Shall Seal the Heavens”, “A Will Eternal”, and “A World Worth Protecting”, this is Ergen’s sixth long-length novel, “Outside of Time”. Xu Qing’s world sank into deathly silence after the descendence of “God”. Master cultivators brought the human race and escaped the continent, and the remaining people struggled to survive. Every place that was met by “God’s” gaze had nearly all life forms wiped out. Young Xu Qing was lucky enough to survive. But in a world where ferocious beasts roamed and infighting was rampant within the human race, it was difficult to survive. “If cultivation doesn’t give me the power to fight against God, then I shall become God myself!” This is a story of how a human teenager became a god, step by step, to survive.

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

    Brave, sly, kind, slippery, generous, greedy, elegant, ferocious, happy, abnormal, honest, hypocritical... In this apocalyptic world, only by winning on the Alien Star battlefield can one obtain resources to ensure the continuity of civilization. Every warrior that enters the Alien Star battlefield receives a randomly assigned keyword that belongs to them. If one's actions align with their keyword, their attributes will rapidly grow, granting abilities akin to Superman. On the contrary, if they fail to comply, they will swiftly weaken; This is a world where performance skills are paramount; Performance skills equate to sustenance, performance skills are glory, performance skills provide privileges, performance skills are life... ... Already concluded with thousands of orders are the works "Dream Fufiller of Ten Thousand Realms", and "Ten Thousand Methods to Remove Players." There is a guarantee of completion, so please feel free to dive in.

    Cotton Jacket Guard · Sci-fi
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    A Will Eternal

    With a thought, the land becomes a vast sea. With another thought, it transforms a field of mulberries. With a thought, a thousand friends are killed. With another thought, ten thousand Immortals are slain. Only I alone… shall be everlasting.

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    I Shall Seal The Heavens

    What I want, the Heavens shall not lack! What I don’t want, had better not exist in the Heavens!” This is a story which originates between the Eighth and Ninth Mountains, the world in which the strong prey upon the weak. “My Name is Meng Hao! The Ninth Generation Demon Sealer, I shall seal the Heavens!“

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    Pursuit of the Truth

    Su Ming grew up dreaming about becoming a Berserker even though he knew that the chances of him becoming one were close to nil. One day, he found a strange piece of debris, and it allowed him to walk the path of becoming a Berserker. But would it be enough for Su Ming to become just another Berserker to protect those he cares about? Would he be satisfied with leaving everything in fate's hands? *This novel was originally named Beseech the Devil, but due to the author's wishes, it was changed to Pursuit of the Truth.

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    Renegade Immortal

    Wang Lin is a very smart boy with loving parents. Although him and his parents are shunned by the rest of their relatives, his parents always held high hopes that he will one day become someone great. One day, Wang Lin suddenly gained the chance to walk the path of an immortal, but found that he only had mediocre talent at best. Watch Wang Lin as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path towards becoming a real immortal!

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    A World Worth Protecting

    By the year 3029 CE, Earth's technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people's lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    Super gen

    En la magnífica era interestelar, el hombre finalmente ha desarrollado la tecnología suficiente para la teletransportación; sin embargo, al intentar teletransportarse, no fueron enviados al futuro, ni al pasado, ni a ninguna tierra conocida. El misterioso lugar es llamado “El Santuario de Dios”, y allí viven numerosas criaturas desconocidas. Los humanos darán el mayor salto en su evolución para crear la época más gloriosa de la historia.

    Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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    Aku Harus Menyegel Langit

    Apa yang aku inginkan, Langit tidak akan kekurangan! Apa yang tidak aku inginkan, lebih baik tidak ada di Langit!” Ini adalah sebuah kisah yang berasal di antara Pegunungan Kedelapan dan Kesembilan, dunia di mana yang kuat memangsa yang lemah. “Namaku Meng Hao! Penyegel Iblis Generasi Kesembilan, aku harus menyegel Langit!"

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    Gen Super

    Dalam era perjalanan antar bintang yang luar biasa, peradaban manusia akhirnya dapat membangun teknologi teleportasi, tetapi saat mencoba teleportasi, mereka tidak dikirim ke masa depan, masa lalu atau wilayah yang dikenal oleh manusia... Wilayah misterius yang bernama Tempat Suci Para Dewa, dimana hidup makhluk-makhluk tak dikenal yang jumlahnya tak terhingga. Disini manusia dapat melakukan lompatan terbesar pada proses evolusinya untuk menciptakan masa keemasan dalam sejarah. "Kumbang hitam, Mahluk berdarah sakral b terbunuh. Mendapatkan jiwa binatang kumbang hitam berdarah sakral. Makan daging kumbang hitam berdarah untuk mendapatkan 0 sampai 10 poin secara acak."

    Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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    The Revered Magus

    A man who once tasted the bitter flavor of betrayal and isolation has been given another chance in life, armed with a system and his wits from his previous life, how would he fare in a foreign world where the only thing that matters is not how right you are but how powerful you are? Rio Casmir is someone outside the scope of human understanding, for his objective, he will cheat, lie, scheme, and kill. He will tolerate no obstruction toward the apex of power Join our protagonist to see how he will venture the arduous path to the pinnacle of power. Keywords: Reincarnation, Action, Adventure, System, Male Protagonist, Anti-hero Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Cautious Protagonist, Cheat, Selfish Protagonist, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Hard-Working Protagonist

    VenerableDio · Fantasy
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    Kehendak Abadi

    Dengan satu pikiran, daratan menjadi lautan luas. Dengan pikiran lain, lautan itu menjadi ladang mulberry. Dengan satu pikiran, seribu iblis terbunuh. Dengan pikiran lain, sepuluh ribu Makhluk Abadi dibantai. Hanya aku sendiri ... yang akan abadi.

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    Three Keywords

    Inspired by Mr. Moon from 'The Great Storyteller'. Writing a story revolving around three keywords.

    BlueKian · Urban
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    Sistema Devorador del Caos

    En una línea temporal futura... El mundo entero experimentó un cambio desafiante del cielo cuando el planeta Tierra fue desplazado forzosamente de la Galaxia Vía Láctea a otra Galaxia por algunas fuerzas desconocidas. Una Nueva Galaxia completamente fuera de su más salvaje imaginación. Un nuevo tipo de energía cósmica conocida como Mana invadió la Tierra, transformando su misma esencia mientras el mundo presenciaba cómo su norma regular se hacía añicos. La energía cósmica entró en el cuerpo humano mientras despertaba a la fuerza nuevos genes en ellos que una vez se pensaron que eran un mito. Las reglas del mundo fueron cambiadas a la fuerza convirtiéndose en un lugar donde sólo importaba volverse más fuerte y sólo aquellos con los genes más poderosos eran dignos de respeto. La fuerza de la humanidad creció y también lo hizo su curiosidad, haciendo que emergieran de la Tierra y exploraran el nuevo universo, pero quedaron impactados por lo que vieron. Poderosas razas alienígenas que estaban mucho más allá de ellos en tecnología y comprensión del Mana, existencias que devoran mundos, mundos inexplorados y cosmos. Este Universo era simplemente ilimitado y la palabra "imposible" no existe. La historia sigue a un joven llamado Zeras Celestria, un descendiente de una de las Nueve Familias que fue considerado basura y vendido a una fuerza oscura que usa humanos para experimentos, debido a su incapacidad para despertar el poderoso Gen Martillo Relámpago de Grado A de la familia Celestria, y en su lugar despertó el degradado gen de cabello de colores múltiples de grado F. Arrojado a un montón de cuerpos muertos que fueron considerados fracasos experimentales y la vida se escapaba lentamente de él. Zeras apretó los dientes con fuerza mientras un loco gusto por la venganza centelleaba en la profundidad de sus ojos, pero también con un matiz de impotencia. Eso fue hasta que... —Felicidades. —Huésped ha sido bendecido por el Caos. —Huésped ha despertado con éxito el Gen Devorador de Caos de grado SSS. Armado con un Gen de grado SSS y una voluntad inquebrantable de venganza. Zeras se embarcó en un camino para convertirse en el más fuerte y dominar el ilimitado universo. Un camino en el que muchos se embarcaron pero ninguno tuvo éxito. -- -- -- Una Escena Futura... —Mira en mis ojos, ¿qué ves...? —Un joven, con cabellos blancos como la nieve más pura, labios más rojos que la sangre y un rostro esculpido por la perfección misma. Pero esos ojos, no, no podrían llamarse así... En lugar de eso, eran un agujero negro sin fin de... —Veo Muerte, Locura, Dolor, Y... —Sí, Soy La Última Encarnación del Caos... -- -- -- Calendario de Actualizaciones: Actualización diaria. Mínimo de tres capítulos por día. -- -- -- [También echa un vistazo a Mi Segunda Novela, Ascenso Del Soldado Hueco de la Muerte.]

    Supreme_IQ · Action
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    Gottes Augen

    Da er schon früh seine Eltern verlor, musste er in einer Welt überleben, die er nicht einmal sehen konnte... Blind und allein gelassen, wurde er von der sozialen Hierarchie der neuen Zeitalter voller Kampfkünste und Seelenbindungen als Parasit betrachtet. Da er gezwungen war, früh zu reifen, unterschied sich seine Denkweise von der seiner Altersgenossen, denn er hatte nichts gegen abfällige Kritiken über ihn. Der Tag, an dem er seine Seele erweckte, war der Tag, an dem er verzweifelt weinte, während Gott ihm einen Streich spielte, denn seine Seelenerweckung war ein Segen in Verkleidung. Niemand hätte je gedacht, dass er weder blind noch ein Parasit war, bis er im letzten Moment seine goldenen Augen öffnete, die hell aufflackerten und darauf warteten, jeden zu verschlingen, der es wagte, ihm den Weg zum Gipfel zu versperren. Begleite Jason auf seiner abenteuerlichen Reise durch das weite Universum voller wundersamer Landschaften und geheimnisvoller Wesen. Manche Leser mögen vielleicht keine Informationen, aber ich schon! ------ Diskord-Server= https://discord.gg/EdsDgFVWwZ *Dies ist mein erster Roman, bitte bedenkt das. Ich freue mich über jede Art von aufrichtigen Ratschlägen und Kommentaren* ------

    HideousGrain · Urban
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    Siêu cấp gen thần

    Tiến vào thời đại vũ trụ, trình độ khoa học kỹ thuật của con người đã phát triển đến mức vô cùng cao, cuối cùng cũng đã nắm được kỹ thuật dịch chuyển không gian. Nhưng sau khi con người thử tiến hành dịch chuyển thì lại hoảng sợ phát hiện, bọn họ hoàn toàn không dịch chuyển đến tương lai, cũng chẳng thể ngược dòng quay về quá khứ. Thậm chí cũng không thể dịch chuyển từ hành tinh này sang hành tinh khác được, vì ở đầu bên kia của trạm dịch chuyển không gian lại là một thế giới khác hẳn. Đó là thế giới mà con người hoàn toàn không thể tưởng tượng được, trong thế giới này, tất cả khoa học kỹ thuật đều thành phế thải. Vùng đất được thần bảo hộ với vô số dị sinh vật khủng bố hoành hành, con người bắt đầu tiến hóa với tốc độ nhanh đến mức khoa học không cách nào lý giải được, mở ra kỷ nguyên mới huy hoàng nhất, sáng chói nhất. Từ một kẻ nhỏ yếu trong thành bảo hộ Cương Giáp, Hàn Sâm dựa vào kỳ ngộ và sự cố gắng không ngừng nghỉ của mình từng bước vươn lên, trở thành cường giả mà người người ngưỡng mộ, viết lên trang sử hào hùng của riêng mình...

    Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Eastern
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    “Cinta memang absurd.” “Itulah sebabnya, Camus berkata bahwa sisifus bahagia karena telah melawan Dewa walau diganjar absurditas.” Kerumitan cinta segi empat antara Rengganis perempuan ambisius yang selalu mengejar keinginannya sampai akhir termasuk idealisnya tentang manusia unggul, Bantar seorang pelukis yang setia dan memiliki pemahaman cinta sejati, Ken seorang penulis yang terjebak pesona istri orang lain serta Sevana gadis sederhana dengan pemikirannya yang sederhana. Akankan cinta akan menang melawan sains yang seringkali harus menyingkirkan perasaan manusiawi?

    Sri_Kanti_Kupu · Sci-fi
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    Apa yang saya ingini, Syurga patut ada! Apa yang saya tidak mahu, sebaik-baiknya tidak wujud di Syurga! Inilah kisah dari Gunung Ke-lapan dan Gunung Ke-sembilan! Inilah dunia di mana yang kuat memburu yang lemah... Nama aku Meng Hao! Pengunci Syaitan Generasi ke- Sembilan, aku akan menguncikan Syurga!"

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    ENG: (PATHOGEN) - JP: (病原体) - CHI: (病原) - KOR: (병원체) Cal was born with a Pathogenic dad, and a human mother, making him half-human and half-pathogen. Pathogens spread their infection when killed and will infect people who get their skin exposed to it or it gets inside the body. Pathogens can change their bone and flesh to create guns and other weapons, and Pathogens look human, with no difference physically, with their only weakness being that they cannot answer any type of riddle or questions correctly. More experienced Pathogens can however fool humans easier. Each Pathogen has a unique ability that is only theirs. Pathogens are known to kill and eat each other and they heal slowly by keeping calm. If they are not calm, the wounds will not heal. The government defends people from the Pathogens, with the full moon being a time when the creatures uncontrollably attack in large hordes. Pathogens look different from their human forms and are highly affected by blades, especially if the blade is covered in a certain powder that melts them. The government uses people to fight, also adding different things in the suits to explode or light on fire when the person inside is infected, as to prevent more Pathogens being created. The lower the power of the Pathogen, the lower their IQ is and the lower their power/ability strength is. The weapons they can create are based on ones they have seen or what they can think of. Pathogens are NOT human and can infect humans, turning them into Pathogens, the infection then uses their human form to walk around and blend in. Each Pathogen is better at using different weapons. Shooters are good with guns and usually have armor all over their monster form. Slashers use claws and swords to fight, they seem to have high amounts of energy. Assassins make daggers/throwing weapons and have high agility and speed. Shadows use silent weapons and are good at dodging attacks. Switchers use all types of weapons but gain no physical buff like defense or agility.

    _Sunk_ · Horror
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    Deep Into Space

    Deep into Space, the galaxy is shining brightly, and there are countless civilizations... When earth's destruction becomes an inescapable reality, the remain humans in Lunar Base have to find their own way to survive! Luckily, they found a huge Alien spaceship! It is the last hope of mankind, and survivors named it... Noah! Author: Ultimate Eternity ======= This is one of the very few Hard Sci Fic novels in Webnovel. Your support is so important to author. Please Vote for this novel, and add it to your collection! The goal is to make it the best Hard Sci Fic novel in Webnovel! With all your helps and supports, we can achieve it together!

    JayZee_007 · Sci-fi