It started really fckin good. Like, too good to not read. Then it starts to get repetitive, but still readable. Author made new arc! The locals are crazy rapist anarchist MF! MC take control! Add more insignificant harem members and characters! Author ruined the series! Really, the first 200 chp was sooooooo good. Then the communist propaganda starts, which is kind of gross but still acceptable. Then, the point where author just start assuming all people other than Chinese are just rapist anarchist shameless crazy people. Being nationalistic is great, author. But being stupidly racist is not. Yes, racist. YOU assumed 90% of the population are just rapist MF. I mean, do you even look at ur own country? Now, count the criminal and there you go. A rough data for apocalypse. Just multiply it by 5 and u get it. And then u realize, that ur own country has a **** ton more than the one u accuse for being full of rapist. Haha. Really tho, i was so disapointed with this. If i only read till c200. I probably would've made this review full of praises and 4 or 5 stars. But u know? Author ruined it. Drop it before c300. Just read till the Vietnam arc and be done. Don't continue and treat it as finished. Author, u ruined a series with huge potential by ****** it repetitive and biased. Read > Vietnam arc > Done Trust me, u would not want go further than that.
Liked by 50 people
LIKEYou see as repetitive as that is through the Vietnam Arc and the other arcs, It is showing humans Bad Side in many ways. Also of course because the Japanese hate the Chinese and vice versa their is much discriminatory. However you have to expect that (most) but not all chinese writers bash the Japanese or have their little bit of "pride" when their Chinese MC kills Japanese or destroys the Japanese territories. None the less this story is still good. it's repetitive now and it's repetitive 500 chapters later. Z2 opens up Yue Zhong dominates it, Z3 opens up Yue Zhong flees and then Z3 portals open up on Z1 (Earth) Yue Zhong later Dominates Z3. Etc etc etc. Story will forever be good however all novels are like this. TMW,ISSTH,WDQK MC'S go to new territories/ascend and dominate such thing. What do you expect the author to spend 1-4 month's ****** a brand new idea while getting the fire from us readers for no new chapters?
Dude, AC did very great with almost (if not completely) no repetitive story.
*Triggered* That's true although i'm not up to date with AC. Then again not all authors can do that, Eventually there'll be a time when AC will run into some repetition here and there all books have it. Some more than others G&DW is one of those that repetition is where it's long chapter count comes from (which i have never denied) But the thing is it's a world of absolute corruption dog eat dog. So it's bound to be repetitive in it's arc with Yue Zhong going out dominating China and other countries. And then later dominating other Zones etc.
It's not that that the author is racist, he's just taken into consideration past events where wars between countries and even within their own brought out the worst in people. Sure he seems biased in a way due to his frequent references of events in chinese history where they were subject to racial discrimation, but the general idea of it is to relate to his market which is the chinese, its a chinese novel after all. He's used human actions throughout history as a tool for characterisation for his fiction story, nothing wrong with that, it even serves as a lesson in some way. It's fucking fiction man, you either enjoy or you pick up something else to read. Don't be so triggered and pick up something else to read :)
I'm still reading this dude. always up to date. This novel is sooo fun. The racist and bias are cons. You said that it's "how apocalypse would be", i know, this one is very realistic. But still, can an ENTIRE RACE be rapist murderer MF? That's the part that i'm mad about, if only, at least the author make it so at leadst there's some good people in the race, then i'm good. But well, still fun, still read. Just telling the pros and cons.
Nah, I never said it's how an apocalypse would be. I said it's how the author chose to depict it using examples in human history and whatever research he did to create the apocalypse theme he has. Yeah its big on racism, but then again, everyone is bound to be biased given the context of wars between nations, survival, and other apocalyptic ****.
Probably the lack of internet and **** turned everyone into rapists
That word is censored? Hmmm... lack of "***** videos"?
Wtf. Why is "ad ult" censored!
I'm pretty sure the author is racist gdw looks a lot like a wish fulillment story to me. And I don't think that he did any research at all the whole apocalypse = asshole+rapist is a hollywood tendency(would likely be different in reality in a developed country at least, even if china can't really be called a santuary of human right I don't think that it will fall that hard) and the rest come from his bias against the world.
I agree the repetitive can be found in the few starting ark, but now everything changed. I think the author saw is own mistakes and changed the plot but wrote too fast his story this his why it's look the same a few time. But for me, near all novels got this problem at least a few time or in the whole story. It is not only in novel, but everything wich is done to fast like manga ( first of all DBZ) , movies etc... So i am sad your rating is this low! Even more when i read you are still reading because "this novel is sooo fun".
It is fun. But the repetitive plot are so frustating. Just like how i hate dragon ball, naruto, one piece, and some other stretched series. If only the author decided to not make a **** ton of filler(yes it is fillers). For couple of chapters i would be enjoying it so hard that i read every details of it. But the majority is only me scrolling down skipping on useless words and character introduction.
I’m going to drop this novel and here’s why- 1. Plot armor is not a plot and the MC gets things done not because the author thought of a clever way for the character to achieve his aims but because the author just said aha he wins again. 2. The supporting cast is absolutely ridiculous there no real attempt made to develop any of the thousands of them and they get brought into play at whim and discarded again. 3. With the game elements leveling system if your going to make a system don’t just make your character a cheat of the system although this could fall partly under plot armor. Even at the start the author broke the ‘rules’ for the number of abilities and it’s not even worth trying to figure out how broken the MC is after the first few hundred chapters. With all that said ironically if you look up the actual start of the story up til about where it gets picked up on this site it actually is an entertaining read.
LoL multiple by 5 and u get it? MF u didn't even know what apocalypse mean Have you watching with your own eyes a racism riots that women getting gang rap3d on road, building set on fire people get killed?? Then you flee to other island, but 3 years later another riots/race war happen and you saw a little kid using human head as soccer ball? The old one eating human heart This is not a story but a history That really happened
repetitive? Are you saying that taking over and unifying a country, dealing with the same types of people, and taking over the same types of cities over and over, and fighting the same enemy over and over isnt supposed to be repetitive? Not mention while the women are in his harem, its not really a harem. Its more like women that he occasionally sleeps with that either work on his territories or dont. You really should catch up.