This is only my view, but try to be less opinionated when writing reviews; 1* novels are typically COMPLETELY unreadable and have absolutely 0 redeeming qualities. Remember, try not to be an ass.
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Quick question: Why do you keep telling us what characters are about to say before the actual dialogue? It's common enough that I feel a need to ask. Is it just a quirk of your writing style?
Ya, turns out I mistook the mistress for Heldi--I think I skimmed over the remainder of the paragraph. Either way, thanks for the clarification, though, I ended up figuring it out 1-2 chaps past this point either way. Keep up the great writing.
Maybe? Either way, I think the point still stands: the characters at this point lacked all subtle social tells when interacting with each other and the environment.
From one of the author's notes, it seems that romance will be a thing later in the story, though he was asking which character Yuji should date, which leaves me with little confidence in that regard. Oh, and at the time the author was bringing up romance, Yuji was still pretty much a blank slate—something that also makes me feel pretty iffy when it comes to the romance quality.
You have my attention, Mr. Man.
because I've read way worse and the people on webnovel don't care all that much about quality (generally it's quantity over quality on here). I also think rating it lower would do the author a bit of a disservice; once a novel get below 4* overall people will likely skip over it entirely.
quick question: why do you keep telling us it's still the MC's perspective? I'd understand if we just transitioned from someone else's POV, but this isn't the case.
Though, maybe I misunderstood?
Fair enough, I guess. I'm not sure why you were so sarcastic about it, but thanks for the opinion. Tip: Work on comma usage: "Disagree. It only increased my ImMErSiOn." becomes "Disagree, it only increased my ImMErSiOn."
Thanks for the rec; I'm definitely checking this out if this series turns out to be a bust.