2024-09-04 05:48

My favorite pass time, I have wanted to do a Testmant of a sister new Devil fanfic and a Rosario + Vampire so I will put them in DxD. Time to work my magic as always.

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Try this "Start as a Spiritual Planter: I have a Game panel"


A question in this versión the ideas of becoming a fallen angel and saving Akeno to have her as a companion will still be used? Because now with this new dragon I wonder if you will also use the approach of using senjutsu to bypass future weaknesses per Shirone's comment


Why do you torture me like this I need my dxd Dino fic back


Summoner or Dinosaurs in DxD? Indominous Rex naked Daisy? I wrote that one

dion_cole:Why do you torture me like this I need my dxd Dino fic back

Oh I know and I need it back or a rewrite whichever come first

A_Real_Werewolf234:Summoner or Dinosaurs in DxD? Indominous Rex naked Daisy? I wrote that one

is the mc a reincarnation and does he know about any of the three animes?


Are you going to put this on patreon

A_Real_Werewolf234:Summoner or Dinosaurs in DxD? Indominous Rex naked Daisy? I wrote that one

Yuri in harem??


Same, been waiting for ages

dion_cole:Oh I know and I need it back or a rewrite whichever come first

As always you can cook, havnt made a bad book but havnt finished one either. I ask this every couple months but will you continue the glavenus fic, i felt it had so much potential. Dont worry thats the last time ill ask


Than you for your patience, I believe I am ready to begin writting it again. I got lost on where I wanted to take the story. I am close to finishing my Knight Of Ruin Fic, and I will have more time for my other works once I finish it

The_UnholyFallen:As always you can cook, havnt made a bad book but havnt finished one either. I ask this every couple months but will you continue the glavenus fic, i felt it had so much potential. Dont worry thats the last time ill ask

A_Real_Werewolf234:Than you for your patience, I believe I am ready to begin writting it again. I got lost on where I wanted to take the story. I am close to finishing my Knight Of Ruin Fic, and I will have more time for my other works once I finish it

will their be lemons?


No romance or harem tag..pass

John_2156:Try this "Start as a Spiritual Planter: I have a Game panel"

Not sure if you're taking any additional world recommendations to add to this, but if you are... might I suggest Noragami and Princess Resurrection. I feel both of those would fit in quite well with what you currently have going with this fic.


I have seen Noragami, but not Princess Resurection.

TheSlumberingWolf:Not sure if you're taking any additional world recommendations to add to this, but if you are... might I suggest Noragami and Princess Resurrection. I feel both of those would fit in quite well with what you currently have going with this fic.

You had me at devil sister and Rosario + Vampire. R+S is underrated as heck.


are you going to update this anytime soon?

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