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You could do some scenes with Grayfia or Miki Hyoundo
You could do some scenes with Grayfia or Miki Hyoundo
Sabes una pregunta que me he estado haciendo es si más adelante revelarás datos del futuro como por ejemplo el estado de las sectas tang y de la de rongrong para que estas empiecen a ver la realidad de si aún deben seguir con sus planes de tener a tang san de aliado o enemigo en el futuro además de usar esta idea para los maestros espirituales de soporte usando los métodos de nasuverse usando el estilo de pelea de rin tosahka usando gemas cargándolas con energía o en este caso elementos similares a la maldición gard otra idea que puedes explotar sería el refuerzo que técnicamente aún se puede implementar con los estilos de combate por no decir otra alternativa que puedes usar para potencial de combate a futuro sería sincronizar el poder espiritual con la semilla de ah yin para que ella entre en tu espacio espiritual y obtener de manera artificial una segunda alma marcial tomando el emperador azul plateado que opinas You know a question that I have been asking myself is if later you will reveal data from the future such as the state of the tang and rongrong sects so that they begin to see the reality of whether they should still continue with their plans to have tang san as an ally or enemy in the future in addition to using this idea for the spiritual masters of support using the methods of nasuverse using the fighting style of rin tosahka using gems loading them with energy or in this case elements similar to the curse gard another idea that you can exploit would be the reinforcement that technically can still be implemented with the combat styles not to say another alternative that you can use for future combat potential would be to synchronize the spiritual power with the seed of ah yin so that it enters your spiritual space and obtains artificially a second martial soul taking the silver blue emperor what do you think
Buenas una pregunta que me he estado haciendo daguva hará su aparición en la historia y cómo crees que debería aparecer tal vez durante la invasión chitauri o tal vez durante el evento de ultron lo digo por que el tema que me da cabeza es el cómo hará ace para controlar la destruccion de golden power o dígase ultimate de por si muchos fanfic hablan de cómo esa forma es difícil de controlar además del poder que esta representa lo cual hace que sea rudo a no ser que lo hagas entrenar con ancestral Good, a question that I have been asking myself, Daguva will make his appearance in the story and how do you think he should appear, maybe during the Chitauri invasion or maybe during the Ultron event, I say it because the theme that gives me head is how Ace will do to control the destruction of golden power or say ultimate in case many fanfic talk about how that form is difficult to control in addition to the power that it represents which makes it tough unless you make him train with ancestral
Hello, a question you will see was to recommend an idea if it's okay with you and it's like that a story making a mc reborn in the world of rwby like Whitley schnne there you would have a stable start with resources that could make him make a personal company separated from his family's company and creating a reputation of his own reputation while he creates equipment and personal weapons either costumes like iron man or experiment with his aura to imitate the nen of hxh or recreate techniques of worlds like yu yu hakusho another idea I had was that you use as propaganda that Whitley seduces Blake that way you keep her away from Adam and if their relationship becomes public you can make an advertisement about the leader's leader of the hunt going out with the son of the shnne creating an alliance for the future of the fauns in addition to that with that you can go making a harem with the
Hello, a question you will see was to recommend an idea if it's okay with you and it's like that a story making a mc reborn in the world of rwby like Whitley schnne there you would have a stable start with resources that could make him make a personal company separated from his family's company and creating a reputation of his own reputation while he creates equipment and personal weapons either costumes like iron man or experiment with his aura to imitate the nen of hxh or recreate techniques of worlds like yu yu hakusho another idea I had was that you use as propaganda that Whitley seduces Blake that way you keep her away from Adam and if their relationship becomes public you can make an advertisement about the leader's leader of the hunt going out with the son of the shnne creating an alliance for the future of the fauns in addition to that with that you can go making a harem with the
Buenas una pregunta esta historia es una traducción o es una historia original por qué de ser la segunda tenía una duda y si en los próximos capítulos haces mención sobre técnicas del mundo de naruto o de fma en si con las técnicas de control de chacra sería útil para crear movimientos personales además de que también podrías sacar métodos de entrenamiento de dragón ball usando el método de roshi o otra opción que puedes sacar seria el manejo de nen que es una energía con mucha versatilidad y lleva a un entrenamiento más personal no sé qué opinas de eso Good question this story is a translation or is it an original story because of being the second I had a doubt and if in the next chapters you mention techniques from the world of Naruto or fma itself with the chakra control techniques it would be useful to create personal movements in addition to the fact that you could also take dragon ball training methods using the roshi method or another option that you can take out would be the handling of nen which is an energy with a lot of versatility and leads to a more personal training I don't know what you think of that
Buenas una pregunta verás me ha gustado mucho tu historia y quería saber si quiero eras hacer una versión de esta pero con la idea de que la diosa en vez de usar un alma reencarnada como heraldo escoja a alguien de remanat para darle entretenimiento por eso recomiendo a Whitley schnne es un personaje al que no le han dado mucho uso en el canon y cuenta con el factor joven y de apariencia delicada por lo que hay puedes usar de punto de partida a willow y winter junto a penny o que este vaya de visita a vale y encante a la familia rose/xiao-long tú decides si te interesa esta idea como un au para ver si te sirve o no Good, a question, you see, I really liked your story and I wanted to know if I wanted to make a version of this one but with the idea that the goddess instead of using a reincarnated soul as a herald chooses someone from remanat to give her entertainment that's why I recommend Whitley Schnne is a character who has not been given much use in the canon and has the young and delicate-looking factor so there is you can use Willow and Winter as a starting point with Penny or that he goes to visit Vale and enchant the Rose/xiao-long family you decide if you are interested in this idea as an au to see if it serves you or not
I just want to say that I liked your story and how you have made a version of ben 10 that in itself is always in control of the situation and dominates both the heroes and the villains very op but I was wondering this and if you make a story of a reincarnated like zack Saturday of the secret Saturdays to change the dynamics a little because of ben 10 I have seen some fanfic but of the secret Saturdays are few and they do not enhance zack's ability to see if you can do what you did with this ben and give him a growth that makes it op too
Question will you still make Raynare stay with the sacred gear of Asia because personally I think you should because she gave it more use than the nun also will you still make the mc have a relationship with Akeno?