While the story is good, the more I read the story, the more I feel less motivated to read it. I think the main reason I feel this way is that the MC just dosent seem to have much personality. Yeah he is edgy silent and strong but at the same time I feel like I wish there was more in him. Normally when you have an emotionally impaired mc you need more internal monologues to understand the mc psyche or a system like companion to humanist or explain mc’s opinions, though process, beliefs, etc. Right now the mc does a lot of things but I have deeper connection or appreciation for the mc.
At the same time the supporting cast is utter garbage, half of the time I wished they all died in an accident or just left the mc. Specially Felix and Jack, these two make me lose respect for the mc. Being funny(cringe in this case) or strong is not enough to make a good side character.
Also a lot of things related to mc’s power just stagnated. Like mc didn’t ever try to improve his water affinity, he just used it to make water once and use his one skill.
World Building is lacking as well. Like there are mythical creatures and hybrids in this world. But even then a centaur was mentioned once, mermaid were used in the first part and never again. And the whole story being a novel became less and less relavent. Like if someone asked me where is the mc from, I coudnt answer. Important world questions like which country the mc is from, what is the political situation, how are normal humans treated in this world.
But I have to give creadit where it’s due and say the story and the plot is very good. It is intresting most times to ignore some of these shortcomings. I think it’s a good enough book that many people will like it but I really feel like this is where I will stop.