I'm sorry but I can't stand it, it really is an incredible FF and it has a lot of potential, the grammar is good and it has a good plot to follow, but I hate, I HATE, that bad things constantly happen to the mc, he literally can't find any happiness, I think the author should distance all these events against him for longer than just the first year and a half. They literally tortured him with Crusiatus in his first half year, that's too much. And not to mention relationships, it seems that he doesn't have a single true friend, even considering the circumstances and his identity, the way others treat him is too much. That's why I can't continue anymore, I was really captivated by the idea and everything, but it just made me angry to read what was happening and I got tired.
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LIKEThat’s why I dropped it at chapter 16, bro got grusomely tortured in the middle of Hogwarts castle and no one seen a single thing, haven’t even heard a peep, not even the omnipresent portraits and house elves seen anything, and these are just regular kids too, not any genius masterminds, Gets semi-permanently crippled, loses very important and sentimental items just like that, not even possible to get them back, and the perpetrators were probably never even found. My blood was already boiling, and I knew he wasn’t going to get any justice anytime soon, if at all, so I just dropped it straight away. I mean I know they say revenge is a dish best served cold, but damn, at this point the dish gonna be so cold, it’s ice!😂