Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, it is what it is my people. 14321 Jockey Cir, Davie, FL 33330 I feel like going on an upgrade quest soon.
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Where does he get the idea that his one little house is stronger than the whole Yokai faction?😭
That’s 1 and a half hours by car, not really close, and Rhino is running the whole time as well, there’s no way spiderwomen would chase down Rhino for so long without stopping him. Unless he was doing some villiany stuff nearby for some odd reason😂
Always scatter after you splatter👍
“Not gonna lie bro….that kinda looks like Toji”
Just don’t get to the level of Superman where they lose all their danger sense😂
“Nothing serious”
She could’ve closed the portal if that was a real enemy, then their arm would be cut off, good counter for a situation like that
Two girls with purple hair calling themselves his mom