Bruh MCs family is just extremely annoying and with extreme I mean I would spam this Novel with hundreds of 1 star reviews if Inha nothing better to do. The Author makes the MCs family so annoying that I would love to have them all except the only cool dude so far (MCs dad) be killed and feed to dogs. Bruh the Mother just keeps having fantasies about how her son is making moves against Girls especially if they are related by family and then is blaming the Mc to not have those thoughts. While every other Girl in Mcs famil direct ir indirect act like Wh0res literally. His Step Aunt sees Mc half nacked and teases him while smiling weirdly while turning around and her younger sister os literally trying to grab his d***manhood and then we see MCs mother thinking and blaming the Mc to not make moves on his step aunts younger sister. This Novel is filled with brainde@th character I lost many braincells.
Liked by 9 people
LIKEThis is like: everyone hates chris But without comedy, with predators and even less logic for the blame that the Mc gets in his family for every single thing even if he did nothing wrong. So the only things that keept the show running rather then directly cancelled is shown here as ,,How it is like a what if ,everyone hate Chris, it did not have those elements.,, MCs family is so annoying that I just have inhuman thoughts what to do with the Author. And then there is the fact that MCs future toys seem to be all humanoid s?x toys that takes away the creativity of the concept
Nice name😂😂😂😂😂😂
After reading myself I agree with this review and dropped this especially after seeing how the Author keep bringing that Wh0r:e who is his aunt in laws younger sister even sfter hundred chapter (looked at the chapter titels to see if see will me mention again or not and she was that was my last straw to drop this, what most bad Authors don’t learn or are just to stubborn to understand is that after ruining the first few impressions even more so extremely bad impressions of an sidecharacter especially if its not an villain mob character then bringing that character again and again is just an insult that is getting thrown at the reader especially again if that sidecharacter is literally of no relevance and just annoying and sl(uty. And I to did not see any chapter titel that gets rid of his mother [Not to be an edgy person but his mother is an Character that the Author made us at least most readers hate to the point it would have been a masterpiece touch to the story if she just dies and make the Mc have some character development (Normally if MCs family die in most Novel I will just drop that Novel except if the Author makes that Family die after he manages to have them being hated by the Readers so I thought it will happen in this case to) but sadly it did not happen]
Your on Fire or what
I actually enjoyed this part because this could actually happen. Mothers over protective, Dad's that are clueless, family members with something wrong with their brains. You can't tell me we all don't have someone messed up in our family. Maybe not the same in the book but still messed up none the less.