This book is ONLY a decent beginning of a book. It lays out an interesting fantasy setting and stretches the intro plot on forever. It gives readers the feeling it will become something good, but it never does. If the plot developed, it might be a good novel - That’s a major reason for its success. But as it stands, it’s the nutritionally empty junk food of webnovels. Below is a list of other rambly criticisms: 1. The writing is monotone. This is especially noticeable with characters who share speech mannerisms to an alarming degree. It is acceptable at first when everything is new and local, but as international cultures are introduced its nature as a flaw comes to light. 2. Character worldviews and attitudes are generic. All characters (even leaders, foreign countries, and “gods”) fall into two sets, “generic beast companion” and “generic humanoid.” These sets govern nearly all tones, mannerisms, attitudes, and thoughts. 3. Hundreds of chapters in its still 100% training arc. No real antagonists. Even “wars” against “faceless” giant monsters reads like a training arc. 4. The book is padded out to be a “slice of life.” It sacrifices progress (aside from strength increases) for semi-repetitive good-vibe moments. If you buy into the inside joke-like style these scenes might give you a little dopamine rush. Otherwise, it’s incredibly stale and predictable made worse by the monotone voice everyone has. 5. Other than the initial sudden twists (like a trial jumping out of nowhere), it’s too predictable. 6. Although the world’s mystery was intriguing for a long time, what is revealed over time is less interesting than I had hoped. (This is a common issue with many books where the initial concept the author adopted was obscured by a more interesting concept that never gets fully realized) I’ve rambled enough. I read this a while ago and only reviewed it now because it's been pinned to the top of my library for two days and I’m tired of it. Should you read this book? Maybe. I did once and I don’t anymore. Keep in mind that it’s super junk food and in the end, you will probably be unfulfilled. If you’re fine with that, enjoy the sickly sweet flavor stretching on forever.
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