Now you're in the Spider-Man body. The first mission is to live Happy Life. The second mission is to Get all Spider B*******. The third mission is to kill any goblin on sight.
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LIKEDon't worry, there is a canon solution for that, The Marvel authors thought the same and already wrote a solution, pheromones and DNA, Female Spiderman are extremely attracted to Male Spiderman to the point of becoming nymphomaniacs. So you have a canonical solution, now it's just up to the author if he wants to implement this in the story or not, In the movies they don't implement it but in a fanfic where the readers want hot girls...
LazyReaderAlways:Maybe not the second ones. Harems are really hard to flesh out. unless you want to read hundreds of chapters of just simple flirting and stuff.
Tell me if webnovel deleted my previous comment, webnovel is sensitive to some words I wrote and I don't know if it will appear deleted
LazyReaderAlways:Maybe not the second ones. Harems are really hard to flesh out. unless you want to read hundreds of chapters of just simple flirting and stuff.
That was only because they where bitten by the same spider iirc. Still weird but it kind of makes sense since they can be considered the same species and the only ones at that.
Gabichu_Yeah:Don't worry, there is a canon solution for that, The Marvel authors thought the same and already wrote a solution, pheromones and DNA, Female Spiderman are extremely attracted to Male Spiderman to the point of becoming nymphomaniacs. So you have a canonical solution, now it's just up to the author if he wants to implement this in the story or not, In the movies they don't implement it but in a fanfic where the readers want hot girls...