I just need a shot of dopamine in life. Also, lazy people are the ones who come up with shortcuts and new easier ways. Be lazy, but also know how to channel that energy.
of reading
Read books
Oh yeah. I remember they used to get along badly.
He certainly is feeling confident
that was fun.
I just thought of a fun renzo. Renzo the Danzo. …….sounded better in my head
I thought he was training. But yeah. That was a somewhat copout.
Why on royal road? the rules/restrictions in webnovel too horrible? Probably that is the reason.
Use up all prana and run. after you get far enough eat elixirs or food to get back prana. Best way to defeat it is to gang up on it and bombard the area with attacks similar to the milinger.
Today's body nature conversion: Empyrion Boar: Adaptive parasite. Description: 100 parasitic tentacles attached to the back of the animal. Each tentacle can attach to the body of a dead beast and hijack its organs that serve as it's nature. As long as prana is provided the foreign body's nature can be controlled and used but soon after the prana is stopped being provided the dead foreign body starts to decompose and is no longer usable.