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  • Kenny123
    Replied to Adonitology_Wizard

    Tchalla explains in one comic that his cancer is the one regenerating meaning his cancer is the superpower so that wouldn’t be an issue at all. I think he called it a dying factor or something. I‘m also pretty sure I‘ve read a spidy comic where it is insinuated that Wades subconscious is the reason he looks like a humanoid scrotum with burn scars not his powers. When he feels like a hero he gets to look normal.

    "Great!" Gwen said with a small grin, excited for the time in which she'd be allowed to leave and fight some villains or criminals. Fighting villains would be a good way of getting stronger than she already is, as well as potentially getting more quests that can give her some neat abilities. She was hoping for Luke Cage next, as his durability could be really helpful for the future.
    SpiderGwen: I have a system?!
    Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
  • Kenny123
    Replied to Zyanid_Warfare
    Romonus grinned as he did as she ordered and began to craft a gate for her to bring her Mechanical armies over. He hadn't had a date with Latia in a while and this was a good way to do it. 
    The Knight of Ruin(DxD)
    Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
  • Kenny123
    Replied to Typhon15
    Hearing that, her face pulled back into an expression of Desire. She licked her lips at the technological terrors of that universe. Grimaldus The Wolverine was effectively a Titan compressed down. There were other things she wanted. 
    The Knight of Ruin(DxD)
    Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
  • Kenny123
    Replied to Bellaluin

    They should be about equal in terms of power though. That wanda was enraged and battle tested but had no formal training of any kind while the wanda here learned a whole op magic system that gets infused with chaos magic and had opportunities to accumulate more power just by eating mutated meat and plants.

    On the other hand, Wanda and Pietro were having trouble damaging Thanos. His armor and weapon were incredibly resilient, along with Thanos' own physical strength.
    Primogenitor in Marvel
    Movies · Fast_Reader
  • Kenny123
    Replied to Drakath75

    No need to be so surprised it‘s not the first time she doesn’t listen to a word he’s saying.

    "What took you so long?!" Lyra shouted.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • Kenny123
    "So you're telling me the two of you want to start a cult?"
    Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld
    Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Kenny123

    She told batman earlier that her max was around 1000 tons so it should be around 15000 tons with that x 15 multiplier from demon back and without the aura amplification. I know more than 10000 tons is technically correct but lowballing it by atleast a third is a bit much.

    While Yuujirou...was obvious. He was easily the best of the bunch, with his demon back combining with Baki's making hers much stronger than before. Add that multiplier into her physical strength, and her physical strength was (when going all out) more than 10,000 tons, thanks to her aura also boosting her physical capabilities by multiple times. Still not to the level that she wanted, but impressive nonetheless.
    SpiderGwen: I have a system?!
    Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
  • Kenny123

    How do you mend a black hole? Asking for a senile decrepit hypocrite.

    If the boy is indeed a thief, as he assumes, Albus won't have to do anything and will get his wand back. However, if Severus is not the culprit, then this oath will help to somewhat mend the rift between them.
    HP: The Big Bad Wolf
    Book&Literature · Ikaru5
  • Kenny123
    After repeatedly reviewing the same memory sixteen times, he noticed something peculiar: Severus, unlike anyone else at the scene, was grinning a savage smile just moments before the blinding light erupted. His hand moved towards his pocket, a subtle gesture that caught Dumbledore's attention.
    HP: The Big Bad Wolf
    Book&Literature · Ikaru5
  • Kenny123
    "What are you talking about? It looks like you could make ice cream on her face," said Tony, surprised by Laura's response.
    Primogenitor in Marvel
    Movies · Fast_Reader
  • Kenny123
    Replied to luffy1996

    As i said she knows he will so it doesn’t make a difference to her wether he did at this point in time or later just that it was him. The others never did or will. That’s the difference.

    "But that's not all Harry, you see, you yourself are known as the Master of Death... My Master, I've waited for eons for you to finally be born, waited and waited and WAITED."
    Harry's New Game Plus
    Book&Literature · Kurogano
  • Kenny123

    It also shouldn’t exist yet. He only got that way after the ultron debacle.

    Erik also noted to upgrade his suit for more functionalities. He had quite a haul in the battle with Infinity Ultron after all. He wanted a nanotech suit that he could wear anytime, however, Iron Man's nanotech suit would take quite a lot of time to analyze...
    Marvel: I Need A New Body
    Anime & Comics · Marveller
  • Kenny123

    Since he took the shard of the grail that valerie was originally meant to have he could take one from a parallel universe for her, right?

    'Valerie, even now you are single-handedly going to be the most hated being in existence for making me immortal.'
    The Knight of Ruin(DxD)
    Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
  • Kenny123

    Meanwhile the kids are just watching instead of atleast throwing spells at the humans xD

    "That thing has magic resistance too. Use the strongest magic you have!" one of the Death Eaters shouted.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • Kenny123

    Should've thought about that before deciding to leave the safe path hogwarts specifically laid out for you -.-

    Lyra knew that the golem was incredibly strong, but fighting two trolls at the same time might be too much. She glanced at Dobby with worry. Lyra knew that the elf would immediately jump into danger to defend her if necessary, but she didn't want him to get hurt.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • Kenny123
    Absolute silence met his declaration; even Vader's wheezing breaths had halted in the face of Tony Stark's madness. Then at once, many things happened: Vader's lightsaber launched off his belt towards Stark, who, in retaliation, activated his repulsor jets and rocketed into the air. The sudden escalation caused all the children to panic, forcing Natasha, Clint, and Storm to try and contain them before they did anything stupid. Logan ran over to the professor's side while Steve and Sam yelled at Tony to get down. Lastly, Xavier's other psychic student walked over to Vader, ignoring the professor's shout to stay where she was. 
    Darth Vader in Marvel
    Movies · TryingMyBest
  • Kenny123

    Sure, they always „convince“ the parents instead of just using mind tricks on them.

    'This whole mutant situation is interesting and vastly contrasts with what I'm used to. Discovering you possessed a deeper connection with the Force than most had been a cause for celebration (used loosely for certain peoples) on every planet I've ever been to. Sure, there's jealousy from those not blessed and upset parents who took a lot of convincing before they relinquished their children to the Order. But all in all, it was a joyful time.' 
    Darth Vader in Marvel
    Movies · TryingMyBest
  • Kenny123

    That time he practiced the youngling massacre moves

    Vader mechanically carried himself through the hallways, doing his best to ignore the curious and fearful stares from the children as they passed. (Practised ease allowed him to bat away certain memories before he caused a problem.)
    Darth Vader in Marvel
    Movies · TryingMyBest
  • Kenny123
    'Everyone relax our guests mean us no harm. He is only reacting to my unannounced intrusion into his psyche.' The Professor's voice sounded in their heads as the cold slowly began to slip away leaving them all there shivering slightly as they attempted to get their bodies back under control.
    Darth Vader in Marvel
    Movies · TryingMyBest
  • Kenny123
    Replied to cheeki_breeki

    The suit actually makes him stronger not weaker because it is so uncomfortable and painful. In the comics he straight up refused to wear an improved version of the suit because he felt the improved comfort would make him weaker.

    A blast of coldness slammed onto their position as the final person disembarked from the ship. If it could even be called a person. A giant monolith of black slowly stepped down the ramp. Every step brought forward an unbearable cold that dulled the world grey. Jean's breath caught in her throat the moment he set foot on solid ground and the cold intensified a hundred fold.
    Darth Vader in Marvel
    Movies · TryingMyBest