I will give the bluntest review possible. If you like technology, business, and entrepreneurship/innovation - you may find reading this enjoyable. However, for those who don’t, I do not recommend this novel. The reason? The main character acquires a technology system from an ethereal being (a god) for a reason like “You interest me because you struggle a lot.” This reason is quite absurd to say the least and there are billions of others that are in his exact situation - nothing made him very special or standout. There was also very little character introduction prior to the question of the system. This system also theoretically gives him the knowledge and ability to create inventions decades ahead of when they’re supposed to be introduced. However, the main character claims these inventions are his and through his own volition, even going as far as getting mad when “his” solar panel invention is stolen. It’s quite infuriating because the MC is basically joyriding and overcomes his “struggles” in 5 chapters by proceeding to win 15 million pesos through gambling. An absurd story that you should only read if you’re a tech fanatic, and even then I wouldn’t recommend it.
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LIKEyep. to me the premise of why a Character is "special" or "chosen" is as important as the character's traits. I would be more accepting of a character being reincarnated or reborn in a world for no particular reason than suddenly hitting the jackpot of being chosen by God out of pity or interest. That's really an absurd and unspecial reason. and reading this review makes me no longer want to read it. I even immediately stopped at the end of chapter 1. just nope.
People trying to find every logic in a fantasy world is what is absurd. How about the guy is special because the story is about him. I understand trying to find 'fantasy logic' in world creation, character building, and other things but who complains about why the guy is the MC, that's not a review that's just pointless roasting (for the lack of better word)