You are stealing others' work and making audiobooks out of them, then you are shamelessly posting them on youtube as one of your patreon membership benefits. Bro, don't be so shameless. How could you possibly do that without their permission and earn from their hard work? Such a thief.
Liked by 17 people
LIKEAlmost everyone. He used to post them as audio books on yt and was providing benefits to his pat reons for the work that didn't belong to him. Bro, got copyright strike on his ty channel, then, I guess, he stopped, Fun fact is he never asked for permission from other authors.
ok.... but if you aren't sure of something, you just don't talk about something you don't know. I believe this is common sense. so please, go back to your tik tok's and leave the poor author alone.
??? You should read what I said properly. I said 'given his past history' He did steal others' work without permission, and that's the fact. And I even said that I am not sure about this work of his. So, once again, what are you even talking about?
A thief will always be a thief. Poor author? What a joke. You can always say, he didn't mean or blah, blah, blah, but to me, once you steal something, there is no guarantee you won't do it again. So, once a thief, always a thief.