2023-12-09 21:40

The "EM" seems like a neat ability but the main character is inept, he can't do anything, he may as well be a quadriplegic and the story wouldn't change much. Pokemon typings only matter when the moves are super effective against his pokemon or weak against other pokemon, basically the main character's pokemon are f***ed no matter what.The main character has superpowers but doesn't use them to fight, even when it's a life or death situation.

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That is why he is growing as they progress, learning more about EM and how to properly use it to it's fullest.

Other Reviews

As usual, romance and proper characterization leads to a story floundering. The concept is great, the pokemon and their personalities are written well. The battle scenes are very good. However, there are some issues: 1)The author struggles with how to characterize the MC. At one moment he is a rational mature character, but then the next he is a moronic or blushing fool stumbling through life with no control. 2)Side characters feel like they have little to no personality, and this holds true slightly for the MC and unforgivably for the female lead. The female lead has the personality of wet cardboard and within a short amount of chapters the mc (due to his own idiocy m) is locked into being with her. The pokemon, funny enough, feel more human than the humans. But that being said the female lead makes this nearly unreadable to me. 3)Awful romance. I think this ruins the story in its entirety. He reveals one of his most precious secrets. Shares his cheat. Props her up increasingly close to his level, and worst of all lets himself be bound for life to an incredibly mid and boring woman via ignoring the obvious signs. There are countless more interesting, lively, and beautiful chapters in this world yet our mc is now stuck with a trash female lead. If the romance wasn’t so god awful and cringe I would probably rate this at least 1.5 points higher, possibly 2. Overall, if you can tolerate inconsistent MCs and trashy romance then the rest of the story makes this worth at least an attempt to read. 6.8/10, if romance was not such a disaster ~8.2/10.

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