Mc's name is Will. His father's name is in Japanese.English name in a Japanese themed story doesn't sit well with me. So it's not for me.
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LIKEUm Will was his old name from his previous life. His new name for this life is Kaito. I literally just had to read the first/second paragraph of chapter 1 to find that. Your review is completely off base. I thought he was going around Konoha with others calling him Will by your review. Thankfully I decided I would check for myself. To everyone else just ignore this guy.
the author might have changed it, but hi parents were definitely calling him Will
Kamikaze_Eagle:Um Will was his old name from his previous life. His new name for this life is Kaito. I literally just had to read the first/second paragraph of chapter 1 to find that. Your review is completely off base. I thought he was going around Konoha with others calling him Will by your review. Thankfully I decided I would check for myself. To everyone else just ignore this guy.
killer bee's name in manga made by kishimoto is, Kira Bi, but due to translation they made it "Killer Bee". Pain is just a pseudonym, his real name Nagato. And Might 'GAI' is actually japanese for worth. Lee is prolly the most asian name so no need to explain.
Silkerin:lol... Rock Lee, Maito Gai/ Might Guy (depending from which source you read it), Pain, Killer Bee, plus some smaller side characters...
I think poster's rant is that there are no English names in Naruto. But he probably never heard of Western people Isekai'd on someone else cultures.
Silkerin:I don't see the issue... I am from a japanese family and I have an Western name as well... So long the name is easy to remember (meaning not a compound name to me) its all ok...
just saw this comment and just wanted to say I've seen a naruto fic that had this happen in webnovel and as soon as the Mc introduced himself to a character in naruto as Bob I noped the hell out of there lolol
sangster21:who goes all English in a Japanese focused world that's like saying hey naruto the name's bob