For me, after chapter 63 everything seems to be going downhill. The plot of the MC getting thrown out to nowhere is just stupid for me. Author-san is prolonging the meeting of MC with his mother just so that we as readers would continue reading until they met. All this will just make us more frustrated. Not only that, but the chapters after chapter 63 are becoming shorter and shorter. Don't get me wrong, the quality of your writing and vocabulary is just outstanding. But does 700 words per chapter sound right to you? if this whole thing is free then i wouldn't care at all. But, you're forcing us to read a chapter less than 1000 words? The plotline until chapter 62 seems fine. Even the whole thing of a young demon overpowering a goddess even if she's in her mortal form sounds dumb to me. Why couldn't she just go to her goddess form, banish the demon and come back? and why would she even fall in love with a mortal, even go so far as abandoning her seat as the empire goddess that creates this whole flippin war. But that is still acceptable for me. This is just me venting my frustrations because i expected a lot from this novel. Wouldn't it be better if the demon MC fought just died, follow his dad, meet his mom,see his mom's reaction of him being able to use runes. see others reaction of a hidden prince. It's not like there's nothing to build up from that. His high affinity with terra might make him be friendly with the elves, or him learning the arts of the dwarves. There's a whole f**k ton of things you could've done. But you chose him to survive alone in the forest? Wow, it's like him surviving in the forest is something new. we need something new other than just him being in a forest. I mean, I don't know how to write a novel. But i sure do read f**k ton of 'em. That's all from me. Thank you for reading my frustrations. This is just my honest feeling. I had no hostile intentions to the author. i just noticed that no one really critiques the author to make the author to improve.
Liked by 4 people
LIKEhes not wrong. pretty after 60s the novel nose dived in quality. author went from one arc of being in the wilderness to another(like bruh, reusing the same trick). the first is interesting, this one is just boring. probably revist once its clear in the chapter title that they are past it again an mc in civilization