This is a really nice novel, with writing quality that far surpasses that of the average entry on this platform. There are barely any grammatical errors, and the flow of the story is natural. Characters seem like real entities, rather than one-dimensional cardboard cutouts. The pop-culture references evoke quite a few chuckles as well, making the setup more relatable. There are a few complaints that I have as a reader, however. The protagonist's teacher, Divah, is mentioned countless times in the story and many of her quotes are used to depict Willam's thought process. A disconnect is created as we are never given a direct introduction to Divah, only picking up tidbits of information here and there from other characters. It feels like William treats her words as gospel, but to a reader there is no indication as to why her ideology holds so much weight, apart from her supposedly unmatched strength. Some elements of Willam's mentality are also worth studying, like his reaction when his oversight causes Liara to die. He may be slightly more affected by the death of another compared to his own, yet it is but a passing thought in his journey. A short- lived remorse, if I may, since there seem to be no consequences to his actions. When he is back in the past, so is she, so it is glossed over pretty quickly. Does the fact that he was responsible for the death of his companion not affect him more? If he didn't have the power to go back to the day of his death, would he have taken it so lightly? These are questions worth pondering. There are some other minor issues I personally have with this story, but overall, this is an intriguing tale that I would encourage people to read. Hoping that the locked portion of the book does not show a marked decrease in quality. I give the author my best wishes.
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LIKEactually, I think the writing improves more after the locked chapters since I'm more comfortable writing about the characters at this point. Also, you make a fair point about how Will doesn't spend too much time on the deaths he experiences or causes, but that's by design. he's learned to be more jaded about it because otherwise, the guilt would est him up. that's not to say he's never going to break down. it's an arc I plan to explore somewhere doen the road: the breaking of Will Wisdom!as for your comments on Divah, it's true that her words are his gospel. But everyone's got an idol they trust implicitly and for Will that's Divah. you'll get to meet her more and more as the story goes on, and she will eventually show up in the flesh. So I hope you keep reading until that moment arrives. XDAnd thank you for the review. I enjoyed reading all of it!
Reasonable. I look forward to experiencing more of Willam's journey.
I've read up until the establishment of the protagonist's own business. Once I catch up to the present arc (which, admittedly, might take a while because I'm a pauper and only have fast passes to depend upon), I'll write a proper review. One point I would like to commend the author on is that he (or she) did not try to depict the fifteen-year-old William as an all-knowing, mature middle-aged man in a kid's body. Such tropes usually create a disconnect in interactions with people of the same (physical) age group, so it was refreshing to see a character acting his age for once. I especially liked the way he refused to address Liara by name after their spat, childishly insisting on calling her different titles, each as funny as the other. You kept your promise, author, as the writing quality did not decrease in any way.