At the exact moment he agreed to lose his memories is when he was out of this garbage, but what a piece of idiot would want to lose his memories, which is what makes him no matter how much he retains his knowledge, I still don't understand why there are authors That they do that, I don't understand what the story wins with that, on the contrary. anyway
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LIKEThanks for the review. Yea, its not on principal, it's not a pet peeve but I drop this kind of novels. I tried reading novels with similar plot and always drop them, it's something that gets stuck in your head as a stupid plot. Bad foundation for a novel, that the entire story rests on an unrealistic choice: I will live as a gamer! Finally!..... okay but you won't remember you wanted to live as a gamer, now you just live as another dude that struggles in the world, you will lack the perspective you have right now that would allow you to enjoy certain things other think are normal or appreciate other things. So I end up dropping it eventually, now I just don't try. Its basically a click bait: reincarnation of "this" character, but its not that character and its not reincarnation, come and read!.
exactly .... I can understand if the author takes his knowledge of GOT(for plot convenience) but taking his memory is basically crippling him to be a human.... . idk if he can even use his gamer perk coz he has not developed his gaming instincts/interest ( coz it got lost in memory )🤣
Exacto hermano , yo personalmenter los llamo putos NPC's , y el author quiere copiar y pegar la trama , 0 imaginacion 0 inovacion 0 originalidad, para mi puede elegir ODOOR y decir que es el nMpC sin recuerdos