I whould give it's 5 star ,because mc attitude with girls is quite admirable. He doesn't create some useless drama and wants to take girls which he liked. That's whould be already enough for a good reading time. Unfortunately, author is buthurt stupid mongrel. That's dislikes a useless trophy wifes (which I totally agree with) and wants to make things more "logical". Let's look at his closely. 11 years old reincarnator tells his mommy that he takes over her son body - it's great that this stupidity was glosed over soon, but just think about it. Let it sink. How dumb is this? Don't get me started that relationship and interaction between them, is literally one paragraph. What readers supposed to think? Does he start to see her as his actual mother even though he does have family before? No answers, just assume and pretend that this is right thing to do. Okay... Fine. Every girls start to train with weapons and different skills to be useful... Let me tell you, they wasn't intrested in any of this skills. They not coming from martial arts or shounen anime. And author just saying, yeah from now on they all useful. Talented and expirienced in killing and taking care of themselves... Normal,little girls, living an easy life in modern time...just with a bit training talking about claiming others life. They could take anothers route to help out mc, like working on getting money. Actually be housewifes ,whatever feminists talking it's a good way to support husband. Learning different skills in future like alchemy, blacksmitting, anything at all. Living they lives as normal girls. No, because author was hurt by stupid cringe, he create different stupid cringe and claim this stupidity as smart decision. Well f7cking done. Brilliant. Now I am buthurt. Thank you,mongrel.
Liked by 55 people
LIKEI wonder which one novel you are talking about... But yeah, he whould probably .
FinnsRevenge:author reads trashy yuri harem novels as well so this story will probably devolve into that anyway. For those curious who see this later; chapter 9 is when he for some reason spills all his secrets
I just want to tell you that although the Yuri is NTR it is very beautiful to see, I hope we do not have different opinions or I will be forced to sacrifice you, be careful what you answer me boi
Yuri_is_Ntr:I wonder which one novel you are talking about... But yeah, he whould probably .
.... Sigh.
Anide_Oficial:La primera parte de la crítica la entiendo más o menos. Pero la segunda... En pocas palabras; ¿Te quejas de que las chicas con poco entrenamiento ahora son asesinas sin remordimientos o mínimas consideraciones, o que sean personas independientes que puedan valerse por si mismas?
The arrogance of you spanish speakers going into the english section of webnovel, then going to an english story, and then translating the reviews from english to spanish to read and understand whats said before commenting a reply to it in spanish never fails to amuse and disgust
Anide_Oficial:La primera parte de la crítica la entiendo más o menos. Pero la segunda... En pocas palabras; ¿Te quejas de que las chicas con poco entrenamiento ahora son asesinas sin remordimientos o mínimas consideraciones, o que sean personas independientes que puedan valerse por si mismas?
xD Disgust? First time I've encountered that level of xenophobia. And this app translates things into other languages. I warn you that this is the Internet. It is practically present all over the world, if I feel like it I will even write in Arabic. xD أشعر بالاشمئزاز؟ هذه أول مرة أواجه فيها هذا المستوى من كراهية الأجانب. وهذا التطبيق يترجم الأشياء إلى لغات أخرى. أحذرك من أن هذا هو الإنترنت. إنه موجود عمليًا في جميع أنحاء العالم، وإذا شعرت بذلك فسأكتب باللغة العربية. xD ¿Qué asco? Es la primera vez que me encuentro con este nivel de xenofobia. Y esta aplicación traduce las cosas a otros idiomas. Te aviso que esto es Internet. Está presente prácticamente en todo el mundo, si me da la gana hasta escribo en árabe. Ich verabschiede mich auf Deutsch. Einfach weil ich es will.
FinnsRevenge:The arrogance of you spanish speakers going into the english section of webnovel, then going to an english story, and then translating the reviews from english to spanish to read and understand whats said before commenting a reply to it in spanish never fails to amuse and disgust
Yeah, disgust and amusement. You've proven my point with this post perfectly
Anide_Oficial:xD Disgust? First time I've encountered that level of xenophobia. And this app translates things into other languages. I warn you that this is the Internet. It is practically present all over the world, if I feel like it I will even write in Arabic. xD أشعر بالاشمئزاز؟ هذه أول مرة أواجه فيها هذا المستوى من كراهية الأجانب. وهذا التطبيق يترجم الأشياء إلى لغات أخرى. أحذرك من أن هذا هو الإنترنت. إنه موجود عمليًا في جميع أنحاء العالم، وإذا شعرت بذلك فسأكتب باللغة العربية. xD ¿Qué asco? Es la primera vez que me encuentro con este nivel de xenofobia. Y esta aplicación traduce las cosas a otros idiomas. Te aviso que esto es Internet. Está presente prácticamente en todo el mundo, si me da la gana hasta escribo en árabe. Ich verabschiede mich auf Deutsch. Einfach weil ich es will.