Betrayed by Japanese while they are being invaded by other races hahhah Japanese are the bad guys again.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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LIKEhow is mass murder/rape stupid? the Japanese wiped out complete villages/towns, everything breathing died, man, women,child, it didn't matter. the women they didn't kill fast wished they were dead later. so ya i can understand the hate.
its nationalism not racism. yes, china has reason to hate the Japanese, but the government fans it to keep it alive. authors can't post on the web in China unless they have this k8nd if stuff. they want China portrayed as great and all others as evil, or your story gets removed, and you get notified. and you don't want to get noticed.
well many are still alive from china who witness and experience those kinds of things. Can't blame them to be honest. We're reading a novel that audiences only in china. So it maybe trash novel for you but it's a good novel for them. China had many old people 80 years isn't long for them.
Technically it’s peninsular, but considering that S-Korea (which I assume you’re talking about) is blocked by N-Korea, you’re right that it can be considered an ”island nation”. I don’t know what Korean-targeted racism you’ve seen, but the Japanese get dunked on in almost every racist Chinese novel I’ve read, followed by America.
This is a very dumb statement for many reasons. Also China, particularly due to governmental efforts to maintain oriental teachings/values, is racist. China is one of the most homogeneous countries in the world, and did not support or allow immigration (green cards) until very recently. Black people and other POCs have been exploited by a wealthy, upper-class minority (the majority of which attributed a pale skin tone to a status symbol) for centuries; this still continues to this day. In America and other advanced nations, many have adopted a more “melting-pot” population composition…China (and many Asian counties for that matter) does not. Japan is also in the same boat. This is an example of the racist ideology of racial/ethnic purity, meaning the majority of the people living their are natively and culturally Chinese. In fact, China has been accused of genocide of an ethnic minority called the Uyghurs to maintain this ethnic purity. Don’t get me started on how bad your analogy to slavery was. China is one of the world’s superpowers with the fastest growing economy and GDP (Covid hit them hard, but this was true). Japan does exploit China the same way that other POCs are in most modern countries. Ironically, China grew so large because of globalist, exploitative practices by large companies to save money on labor. China dominates Japan in the economic sphere, yet their government still promotes this type of propaganda, prolonging this hatred that most young Chinese and Japanese have never experienced. Just like America and dictatorial regimes of the past, this hatred of another nation is reinforced to better conteol the people. TL;DR - Reinforcing racist stereotypes and depicting the Japanese as evil in popular media like these novels is 100% racist. The Chinese government is 100% racist and knows what it is doing. Defending such people indicate a lack of morals, possibly even stupidity
Japan does not exploit*
I can agree that Korea gets verbally abused in Chinese novels (more than Java but less than Japan by a good amount), and while it isn't mentioned as frequently—when it is mentioned that rivalry can be even more vicious than that with Japan. Just depends on the author and perhaps the era but as was mentioned already, China tends to censor those stories that people try to put out where there isn't such a rivalry (or god forbid a favorable alliance is made with the 'evil foreigners/invaders.' I completely understand the cultural reasoning (well, I am aware of it, I won't claim to understand because I'm waaaay over here not affected by it) but wish that when intergalactic 'alien races' invade the story wasn't about 'then this country betrayed me' because countries on an INTERGALACTIC SCALE are less than dust.
could not agree moređź‘Ť
then should the native americans hate the rest of the american population for trying to wipe them out?.. and keep blamming them and guilt tripping them, or doing hate campains?.. what I am saying is that hate in it self is not a good thing to keep up!.. and I dont care what race and what country it is.. keeping a hate like that is not good or healthy!
just depends what your goals are If your goals can benefit using the hate then you will love it and fam the flame If your goal is to help the country itself or don’t align with the goals of the people fanning the flame you will try to make it die out